The following is a list of about 180 items scanned by Dan Povey from the Cambridge University Library. Some are not yet OCR-ed and need to be run through an OCR program. Others have been and are online in GIF format (for proofing) and RTF or DOC (for reading). To help, download them from, then write to me at "jw AT". Please note that the TIF images are very large, since they are both uncompressed and are high resolution.
Date | Author | Title | # of pages | filename |
1870s | Arthur Arnold | Through Persia by Caravan | 7 | arnold |
C.M. MacGregor | Central Asia Part IV: Topography, Ethnography, History | 3 | macgregor | |
Major St. John | Eastern Persian: An Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission 1870-72 | 4 | stjohn | |
1880s | TS Anderson | My Wanderings in Persia | 7 | anderson |
Cesar Canti | Historia Contemporanea: Los Treinta Ultimos Aos | 8 | cantu (Spanish) | |
not listed | Cyprus Guide and Directory | 5 | lang | |
1890s | C.H. Stileman | A Week with the Babis | 4 | church/jul_1893 |
C.H. Stileman | The Followers of Bahá in Persia | 4 | church/sep_1898 | |
1900s | Duncan H. MacDonald | Development of Muslim Theology, Jurisprudence, and Constitutional Theory | 5 | macdonald |
Robert F.Speer | Missionary Principles and Practice | 7 | speer | |
Percy Molesworth Sykes | Ten Thousand Miles in Persia or Eight Years in Iran | 8 | sykes | |
1910s | Victor Berard | Revolutions de la Persa | 6 | berard |
Arthur E. Copping | A Journalist in the Holy Land: Glimpses of Egypt and Palestine | 9 | copping | |
G.E. Franklin | Palestine: Depicted and Described | 5 | franklin | |
A.R. Neligan | Hints for Residents and Travellers in Persia | 3 | neligan | |
E.G. Browne | The Religious Influence of Persia | 5 | browne1 | |
E.G. Browne | The Literature of Persia | 5 | browne2 | |
E.G. Browne | The Persian Press and Persian Journalism | 2 | browne3 | |
G.D. Turner | An Account of the Main Events in Persia during October 1912 to October 1913 | 3 | turner | |
Robert Speer | "The Hakim Sahib": The Foreign Doctor: A Biography of Joseph Plumb Cochran M.D. | 4 | speer | |
Ella C. Sykes | Persia and Its People | 8 | sykes | |
W.M. Thomson | The Land and Its Book | 4 | thomson | |
H.A. Walter | The Ahmadiya Movement | 9 | walter | |
Albert D. Watson | The Sovereignty of Character | 4 | watson | |
1920s | G.F. Barbour | The Life of Alexander Whyte | 12 | barbour |
Millicent Fawcett | Easter in Palestine, 1921-1922 | 9 | fawcett | |
Norah Rowan Hamilton | Both Sides of the Jordan | 6 | hamilton | |
Harry Charles Luke | Anatolica | 7 | luke | |
Ralph Nevill | Unconventional Memories | 6 | nevill | |
George Napier Whittingham | The Home of Fadeless Splendor: The Palestine of Today | 11 | whittingham | |
Alban G. Widgery | The Comparative Study of Religions | 6 | widgery | |
league of nations | Permanent Mandates Commission | Minutes of the Fourteenth Session, 1928 | 17 | v14 |
Permanent Mandates Commission | Minutes of the Sixteenth Session, 1929 | 6 | v16 | |
Permanent Mandates Commission | Minutes of the Nineteenth Session, 1930 | 7 | v19 | |
Permanent Mandates Commission | Minutes of the Twentieth Session, 1931 | 17 | v20 | |
Permanent Mandates Commission | Minutes of the Twenty-first Session, 1931 | 10 | v21 | |
Permanent Mandates Commission | Minutes of the Twenty-second Session, 1932 | 9 | v22 | |
Permanent Mandates Commission | Minutes of the Twenty-fourth Session, 1933 | 15 | v24 | |
1930s | Constance M. Alexander | A Modern Wayfarer in Persia | 6 | alexander |
Margaret Barr | The Great Unity | 16 | barr | |
Norman Bentwich | A Wanderer in the Promised Land | 9 | bentwich | |
Arthur Christensen | L'Iran Sous les Sassanides | 3 | christensen | |
Douglas V. Duff | Palestine Unveiled | 10 | duff | |
W.V. Emanuel | The Wild Asses: A Journey through Persia | 6 | emanuel | |
Henry Filmer | The Pageant of Persia: A Record of Travel by Motor in Persia | 16 | filmer | |
John Gibbons | The Road to Nazareth | 7 | gibbons | |
Herbert H. Gowen | A History of Religion | 7 | gowen | |
Harry Luke | An Eastern Chequerboard | 11 | luke | |
Francis J. Mott | Christ the Seed | 10 | mott | |
J.R. Richards | Religion of the Bahá'ís | 132 | richards | |
Dexis Saurat | A History of Religions | 4 | saurat | |
Owen Tweedy | Cairo to Persia and Back | 6 | tweedy | |
1940s | Arthur Christensen | L'Iran Sous les Sassanides | 3 | christensen |
Stanwood Cobb | Security for a Failing World / Abdul-Bahá in London | 113 | cobb_and_abl | |
William Ernest Hocking | Living Religions and a World Faith | 8 | hocking | |
Esco Foundation for Palestine | Palestine: A Study of Jewish, Arab, and British Policies | 7 | palestine | |
Sir Arnold Wilson | SW Persia: A Political Officer's Diary 1907-1914 | 6 | wilson | |
1950s | Jan Karel van Baalen | The Chaos of Cults | 12 | baalen |
Norman Bentwich | Israel | 6 | bentwich | |
D.W. Gundry | Religions: A Preliminary Historical and Theological Study | 8 | gundry | |
Stephen Hemsley Longrigg | 'Iraq, 1900 to 1950: A Political, Social, and Economic History | 5 | longrigg | |
V. Monteil | Iran | 3 | monteil | |
John B. Noss | Man's Religions | 5 | noss | |
Weimar Port | Chicago the Pagan | 6 | port | |
Charles Francis Potter | The Faiths Men Live By | 5 | potter | |
Frederic Spiegelberg | Living Religions of the World | 11 | spiegelberg | |
1960s | A.J. Arberry | Religion in the Middle East: Three Religions in Concord and Conflict: volume 1, Judaism and Christianity | 11 | arberry.vol1 |
A.J. Arberry | Religion in the Middle East: Three Religions in Concord and Conflict: volume 2, Islam | 7 | arberry.vol2 | |
Arthur J. Arberry | Shiraz: Persian City of Saints and Poets | 7 | arberry2 | |
Norman Bentwich | Israel Resurgent | 4 | bentwich | |
A.C. Bouquet | Sacred Books of the World | 7 | bouquet | |
John Cogley | Religion in a Secular Age | 5 | cogley | |
Joan Comay | Introducing Israel | 10 | comay | |
Joan Comay | Introducing Israel | 14 | comay2 | |
Joan Comay | Israel: An Uncommon Guide | 13 | comay3 | |
Richard W. Cottam | Nationalism in Iran | 6 | cottam | |
Paul Ward English | City and Village in Iran: Settlement and Economy in the Kirman Basin | 5 | english | |
Duncan Forbes | The Heart of Iran | 6 | forbes | |
John A. Hardon | Religions of the World | 7 | hardon | |
George L. Harris | Iraq: Its people, its society, its culture | 6 | harris | |
Hendrik Kraemer | World Cultures and World Religions | 5 | kraemer | |
Trevor Ling | A History of Religion East and West | 10 | ling | |
Geoffrey Parrinder | Comparative Religion | 7 | parrinder | |
Geoffrey Parrinder | What World Religions Teach | 9 | parrinder2 | |
Robert Payne | The Splendour of Israel | 10 | payne | |
John Herman Randall | The Meaning of Religion for Man | 9 | randall | |
Edith B. Schnapper | The Inward Odyssey: The Concept of The Way in the Great Religions of the World | 6 | schnapper | |
Percival Spear | India: A Modern History | 3 | spear | |
1970s | Lory Alder and Richard Dalby | The Dervish of Windsor Castle | 3 | alder |
Hossein Amirsadeghi | Twentieth-Century Iran | 8 | amirsadeghi | |
Bohdan R. Bogiurkiw | Religion and Atheism in USSR and Eastern Europe | 5 | bociurkiw | |
Mary Boyce | A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism | 7 | boyce | |
Richard W. Cottam | Nationalism in Iran | 7 | cottam | |
Finley P. Dunne | The World Religions Speak on "The Relevance of Religion in the Modern World" | 8 | dunne | |
Robert Graham | Iran: The Illusion of Power | 11 | graham | |
various | Area Handbook for Iran 1971 | 8 | handbook | |
various | Area Handbook for Israel 1970 | 7 | handbook2 | |
C. Jouco Bleeker and Geo Widengren | Historia Religionum: Handbook for the History of Religions, volume II: Religions of the Present | 5 | historia | |
Robert A. McDaniel | The Shuster Mission and the Persian Constitutional Revolution | 24 | mcdaniel | |
Lucy Moorehead | Freya Stark: Letters: Volume 1 | 11 | moorehead | |
The Mother | Questions and Answers 1950-51; Words of Long Ago | 14 | mother | |
G.A.O. van Nieuwenhuijze | Sociology of the Middle East | 6 | nieuwen | |
John B. Noss | Man's Religions | 5 | noss | |
Richard F. Nyrop | Iran: A Country Study | 22 | nyrop | |
Raphael Patai | Israel between East and West | 5 | patai | |
Albert Vail | Transforming Light: The Living Heritage of World Religions | 9 | vail | |
W. Warren Wagar | History and the Idea of Mankind | 5 | wagar | |
W. Warren Wagar | Good Tidings: The Belief in Progress from Darwin to Marcuse | 6 | wagar2 | |
Kobley Edward Whitson | The Coming Convergence of World Religions | 12 | whitson | |
Denis Wright | The English amongst the Persians during the Qajar Period | 16 | wright | |
1980s | Gholam R. Afkhami | The Iranian Revolution: Thanatos on a National Scale | 6 | afkhami |
Haleh Afshar | Iran: A Revolution in Turmail | 5 | afshar | |
Shahrough Akhavi | Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran | 13 | akhavi | |
W. Barthold | An Historical Geography of Iran | 16 | barthold | |
Cheryl Benard | The Government of God: Iran's Islamic Republic | 6 | benard | |
Ali Farazmand | The State, Bureaucracy, and Revolution in Modern Iran | 9 | farazmand | |
Michael M. J. Fischer | Iran: from Religious Dispute to Revolution | 14 | fischer | |
William H. Forbis | Fall of the Peacock Throne: The Story of Iran | 7 | forbis | |
M. Reza Ghods | Iran in the Twentieth Century: A Political History | 20 | ghods | |
Dilip Hiro | Iran under the Ayatollahs | 12 | hiro | |
Clive Irving | Crossroads of Civilization: 3000 Years of Persian History | 6 | irving | |
Homa Katouzian | The Political Economy of Modern Iran: Despotism and Pseudo-Modernism 1926-1979 | 12 | katouzian | |
Nikki R. Keddie | Roots of Revolution: An Interpretive History of Modern Iran | 17 | keddie | |
David Kushner | Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period | 5 | kushner | |
Michael Ledeen | Debacle: The American Failure in Iran | 8 | ledeen | |
Lily Litvak | Viaje al Interior de Persia | 8 | litvak (Spanish) | |
Vanessa Martin | Islam and Modernism: the Iranian Revolution of 1906 | 11 | martin | |
Farrokh Moshiri | The State and Social Revolution in Iran | 6 | moshiri | |
Afsaneh Najmabadi | Land Reform and Social Change in Iran | 7 | najmabadi | |
Misagh Parsa | Social Origins of the Iranian Revolution | 9 | parsa | |
Parviz C. Radji | In the Service of the Peacock Throne: The Diaries of the Shah's Last Ambassador to London | 7 | radji | |
Barry M. Rosen | Iran since the Revolution | 8 | rosen | |
Daryush Shayegan | Cultural Schizophrenia: Islamic Societies Confronting the West | 4 | shayegan | |
Albert M. Shulman | The Religious Heritage of America | 3 | shulman | |
John Simpson | Behind Iranian Lines | 9 | simpson | |
Ronald Sinclair | Adventures in Persia: To India by the Back Door | 4 | sinclair | |
Amir Taheri | The Spirit of Allah: Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution | 27 | taheri | |
Sepehr Zabih | Iran since the Revolution | 9 | zabih | |
Sepehr Zabih | The Left in Contemporary Iran | 10 | zabih2 | |
Nazir Ahmad Zakir | Notes on Iran: Aryamehr to Ayatollahs | 6 | zakir | |
1990s | Ervand Abrahamian | Khomeinism: Essays on the Islamic Republic | 17 | abrahamian |
Jamal S. Al-Suwaidi | Iran and the Gulf: A Search for Stability | 6 | alsuwaidi | |
Jahangir Amuzegar | The Dynamics of the Iranian Revolution: The Pahlevi's Triumph and Tragedy | 5 | amuzegar | |
Bahman Baktiari | Parliamentary Politics in Revolutionary Iran | 16 | baktiari | |
Cosroe Chaqueri | The Soviet Socialist Republic of Iran, 1920-1921 | 19 | chaqueri | |
H.E. Chehabi | Iranian Politics and Religious Modernism: The Liberation Movement of Iran under the Shah and Khomeini | 21 | chehabi | |
Hamid Dabashi | Theology of Discontent: The Ideological Foundations of the Islamic Republic in Iran | 10 | dabashi | |
Parvis Daneshvar | Religion in Iran | 11 | daneshvar | |
Kirsten Ellis | Recommendations for a Short Stay in New Delhi | 3 | ellis | |
John Foran | A Century of Revolution: Social Movements in Iran | 14 | foran | |
Jane Fletcher | Freya Stark: Passionate Nomad | 7 | geniesse | |
Molly Izzard | Freya Stark: A Biography | 5 | izzard | |
Masoud Kamali | Revolutionary Iran: Civil Society and State in the Modernization Process | 11 | kamali | |
Mehran Kamrava | The Political History of Modern Iran: From Tribalism to Theocracy | 5 | kamrava | |
Mohsen M. Milani | The Making of Iran's Islamic Revolution: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic | 8 | milani | |
Malise Ruthven | Freya Stark in the Levant | 4 | ruthven | |
Asghar Schirazi | The Constitution of Iran: Politics and the State in the Islamic Republic | 8 | schirazi | |
2000s | Ali Akbar Dareini | The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty: Memoirs of Former General Hussein Fardust | 10 | dareini |
Lotta Levensohn | Old New Land | 6 | herzl | |
Firoozeh Kashani-Sabet | Frontier Fictions: Shaping the Iranian Nation, 1804-1946 | 15 | kashani | |
Abbas Milani | The Persian Sphinx: Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution | 14 | milani | |
Robin Wright | The Last Great Revolution: Turmoil and Transformation in Iran | 8 | wright | |
French | ||||
1930s | Comte de Gobineau | Correspondance entre le Comte de Gobineau et le Comte de Prokesche-Osten (1854-1876) | 13 | gobineau |
1940s | Clement Huart | L'Iran Antique: Elam et Perse et La Civilisation Iranienne | 6 | huart |
1970s | Jean Boissel | Gobineau, L'Orient et L'Iran: Tome 1 1816-1860 | 14 | boissel |
Jean-Jacques Waardenburg | L'Islam dans le Miroir de L'Occident | 5 | waardenburg | |
German | ||||
1860s | G. Melgunof | Das Sudliche Ufer des Kaspischen Meeres oder Die Nordprovinzen Persiens | 7 | melgunof |
1900s | Walter Schulz | Zustande im Heutigen Persien wie sie das Reisebuch Ibrahim Begs Enthullt | 10 | schulz |
1920s | Alfons Gabriel | Im Weltfernen Orient | 5 | gabriel |
Hermann Norden | Persien wie es ist und war mit Karavane, Auto und Flugzeug durch Rifas Konigreich | 8 | norden | |
1940s | Rudolf Strothmann | Die Mysterien des Christentum | 7 | hundbuch |
1950s | Helmuth von Glasenapp | Die Funf Grossen Religionen | 8 | glasenapp |
various | Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handworterbuch fur Theologie und Religionswissenschaft | 3 | handworterbuch | |
1960s | Fritz Bammel | Die Religionen der Welt und der Friede auf Erden | 8 | bammel |
Alessandra Bausani | Die Perser von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart | 6 | bausani | |
1970s | Alfred Bertholet | Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte | 9 | bertholet |
Ernst Dammann | Grundris der Religionsgeschichte | 6 | dammann | |
1980s | Julius Richter | Allgemeine Evangelische Missionsgeschichte: Mission und Evangelisation im Orient | 7 | richter |
1990s | Gergard Schweizer | Iran: Drehscheibe zwischen Ost und West | 12 | schweizer |