Abdo, Lil. "Female Representation of the Holy Spirit in Bahá'í and Christian Writings" Bahá'í Studies Review Volume 4.1 (1994) |
Abizadeh, Arash "Commentary on Craig Loehle, 'On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 3:1 (1990). |
Abizadeh, A. (1997). "Commentary on "A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God". Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8(1): 69-72. |
Afnan, Ruhi. Mysticism and the Bahá'í Revelation. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1934.Collins 7.33 The author, a brother of Shoghi Effendi, was later expelled from the movement by him. |
Adamson, Hugh Carswell. 'The Concept of Revelation as Found in Islam and the Bahá'í Faith', M.A. thesis, Concordia University, 1975, vii, 191 leaves. |
Amanat, Abbas. Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran, 1844-1850. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1989. An important study based on Amanat's 1980 [?] doctoral dissertation [item XX], this is a crucial demythologizing study by a modern Iranian historian working in the West. Many of Amanat's historical facts are suspect, but his overall interpretation of the socio-political significance of the movement is broadly sound. (See also MacEoin [review]) |
Angus, Jacky. (1991) Shi'i Islam for the West : the Bahá'í package. Thesis (B.A.) Honours -- University of Queensland (Brisbane, Qld.), 1991. |
Association for Bahá'í Studies. First International Symposium on the Bahá'í Faith and Islam: |
Avery, Dorothy Genevieve. 'Bahaism and its Relation to other Mahdi Movements in Islam', M.A., Drew University, 1924 |
Ayman, Iraj, Commentary on Craig Loehle, 'On Human
Origins.'" Journal of Bahá'í
Studies 4:1 (1991). |
Ayman, Iraj, "Response to Commentaries on 'Craig
Loehle, "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective."'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:3 (1991). |
Ayman, Iraj, "Response to Commentary on 'Commentary on "On Human Origin."'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:2 (1992). |
Bach, Marcus. "'Paranormal Basis of Bahá'í'." Fate (Evanston, Ill.) (July 1968): 92-100.11.71. |
Bausani , Alessandro, "Some Aspects of the Bahá'í Expressive Style", World Order, v.13 no.2 (Winter 1978-79), pp. 36-43. |
Bayat, Mangol. Mysticism and Dissent: Socioreligious Thought in Qajar Iran. Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1982. A general study of socioreligious thought in nineteenth-century Iran, this work contains three chapters of direct relevance to Babism: 2. 'The Radicalization of Dissent in Shia Thought: Early Shaikhism'; 3. 'The Socialization of Dissent in Shia Thought: Kirmani Shaikhism'; and 4. 'The Politicization of Dissent in Shia Thought: Babism'. Should be read in conjunction with Amanat [item x] and MacEoin [item xx]. |
Belove, Philip, "Commentary on William S. Hatcher, 'A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:3 (1994). |
Bean, Jack. Bahá'u'lláh: 'The Divine Youth', 'Chief of the Monarchs of Love': A Comparison and Contrast of Theosophy with the Bahá'í Faith. 122 leaves. Brisbane, Qld.: Bean, 1949. Collins 7.540. |
Beckwith, Francis. (1984) Bahá'ísm - a presentation and critique of its theological tenets and apologetic use of Christian scriptures. Thesis (M.A.) - Simon Greenleaf School of Law, 1984. |
Berger, Peter L. (1954) From sect to church : a sociological interpretation of the Bahá'í movement. Thesis (Ph.D.) -- New School for Social Research, 1954. |
Breneman, Bret, "Socrates'/Plato's Use of Rhetoric: A Bahá'í Perspective." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:1 (1991). |
Brill, Susan B. "Commentary on Iraj Ayman, 'Commentary on Craig Loehle, "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective."'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:3 (1991). |
Brown, Keven , "A Brief Discussion of the Primal Will in the Bahá'í Writings", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, Volume 4, No. 2, June, 1990 |
Brown, Keven , "A Bahá'í Perspective on the Origin of Matter." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 2:3 (1990). |
Brown, Keven. "Review of B. Hoff Conow: The Bahá'í Teachings A Resurgent Model of the Universe." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 3:3 (1991). |
Brown, Keven. "Commentary on Craig Loehle, 'Response to Commentary on "On Human Origins."'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:4 (1994). |
Brown, Keven. "Evolution according to 'Abdu'l-Bahá" Bahá'í Studies Review Volume 7 (1997) |
Browne, Edward Granville. A Traveller's Narrative (Makala-i-Shakhsi Sayyah] Written to Illustrate the Episode of the Bab. By Abbas Efendi, Son of Beha'u'llah. Volume 1: Persian Text. Volume II: English Translation and Notes. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1891). |
Browne, E. G., and Moojan Momen (ed.). Selections from the Writings of E. G. Browne on the Babi and Bahá'í Religions. 528. Oxford: George Ronald, (List contents). |
Browne, E.G. "'Babiism'." In Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp.94-95. 11th. ed., Vol. 3. Cambridge: 1910. A brief summary of the Babi-Bahá'í movement by the leading western authority of the period in a particularly influential edition of the encyclopaedia. |
Browne, E.G. "'Babiism'." In Religious Systems of the World, pp.333-53. 2nd. ed. ed., Vol. London: 1892. A short, popular article summarizing Browne's early view of Babism. Reprinted in several later eds.; also photomechanic reprint with editorial footnotes in Momen, Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne on the Babi and Bahá'í Religions [item xx]. |
Browne, E.G. "'The Babis of Persia'. I: Sketch of their History, and Personal Experiences amongst them. II: Their Literature and Doctrines." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Vol.21 (pp.485-526, 881-1009 1889): Browne's first venture into the field, incorporating material gleaned by him during his journey to Iran in 1887-88. The section on Babi/Bahá'í literature is the first comprehensive description of such writings in any language and is still of much value. Photomechanic reprint with additional footnotes in Momen (ed.), Selections from the Writings of E.G. Browne on the Babi and Bahá'í Religions [item xxx], pp.144-315. |
Buck' Christopher, Paradise and Paradigm: Key Symbols in 'Persian' Christianity and the Bahá'í Faith |
Cali, Grace. "'Paul Tillich's Concept of Revelation in Relation to the Bahá'í Faith'." The Journal of Faith and Thought 3 (2 Fall 1985): 3-11.Collins 11.245. |
Jean-Christophe. (1984-85) Le Concept
de religion progressive dans la foi mondiale baha'ie et les oeuvres d'Amadou
Hampate Ba. Thesis (Doctorat de 3eme cycle de Lettres Modernes) --
Université de Paris XII (Val de Marne), 1985. |
Chew, Phyllis Ghim Lian, "The Great Tao." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:2 (1991). |
Chew, Phyllis Ghim-Lian. The Chinese Religion and the Bahá'í Faith she explores the development and interrelationship of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, and postulates Bahá'í parallels with them. Perhaps the best comparative study yet written. |
Chew, Phyllis Ghim-Lian. (1997). "Life, Death and Immortality: The Taoist Religion in Singapore and the Bahá'í Faith." The Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review 2(1): 69-90. |
Chouleur Jaques. "The God of Bahá'u'lláh", World Order, v.13 no.1 (Fall 1978). -- pp. 9-19. |
Clarken, R. H. (1997). "Absolute Poverty and Utter Nothingness." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8(1): 29-44. |
Cole, Juan R., "Problems of Chronology in Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of Wisdom" , World Order, v.13 no.3 (Spring 1979), pp.24-39. |
Cole, Juan R. "'Bahau'llah and the Naqshbandi Sufis in Iraq, 1854-1856'." In From Iran East and West, ed. J.R. Cole and Moojan Momen. 1-28. 2. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1984. |
Cole, Juan Ricardo. The Concept of Manifestation in the Bahá'í Writings. Bahá'í Studies, vol. 9, Ottawa, Ont.: [Canadian] Association for Bahá'í Studies, 1982.Collins 7.714 An intelligent presentation of mazhariyya, with extensive reference to original texts. |
Cole, Juan Ricardo. "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought in the 19th Century," International Journal of Middle East Studies 24 (1992): 1-26. |
Cole, Juan Ricardo. "Baháulláhs Commentary on a Verse of Rumi" Research Notes in Shaykhí, Babi and Bahá'í Studies, Vol. 3, no. 1 (January 1999) |
Cole, Juan Ricardo. "Casting Away the Self. The Mysticism of Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'I" in Rainer Brunner and Werner Ende, eds., The Twelver Shia in Modern Times (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2001). |
Conner, Daniel. "Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith," in World Order, 6.2 (Winter 1971-72), is a careful and tentative exploration of points of similarity between the Bahá'í Faith and Buddhism. |
Conow, B. Hoff. The Bahá'í Teachings: a Resurgent Model of the Universe, Oxford, George Ronald, 1990, [184] pp perhaps the longest and broadest examination of Bahá'í theological philosophy |
Cope, Theo ., Landegg University. |
Danesh, Amelia L. "Some Reflections of the Different Meanings of the WordBáb." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 2:3 (1990). |
Danesh, John, and Michael, William, "From Avicenna to the Addams Family", World Order, v.26 no.1 (Fall 1994). pp. 45-48. Review of: Logic and Logos : Essays on Science, Religion and Philosophy / William S. Hatcher. -- Oxford : George Ronald, 1990. |
Dicks, Gordon "Commentary on William S. Hatcher, 'A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:3 (1994). |
Drewek, Paula "Feminine Forms of the Divine in Bahá'í Scripture." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:1 (1992). |
Duncan, Charles. Finding God: Is God But a Supposition? Here Is Scientific Proof of the Existence of God. Kowloon: Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Hongkong, n.d. [196-].Collins 7.826a |
Earl, David M., "The Mystery of the Manifestation", World Order, v.23 no.3 & 4 (Spring/Summer 1989), pp. 21-30. |
Entzminger, Albert P. The Manifestation. Reprinted c. 1937, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee; reissued as Manifestation, Not Incarnation: The Reality of Christ, 1968, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 21 pp; 1974, 19 pp.; reissued as The Reality of Christ, n.d. [1980], Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 19 pp. ed., 32. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1937.Collins 7.847-50. |
Faizi, Abu'l-Qasim. Man and His Creator. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1975b.Collins 7.932 |
Fozdar, Jamshid. Buddha Maitreya Amitabha Has Appeared. 591. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1976. Collins 7.994 A lengthy, quasi-scholarly study in two parts, the first devoted to Gautama Buddha, and the second to his re-appearance in the person of Baha' Allah. The Bab is identified with the Boddhisatva Avalokitesvara. |
Friberg, Stephen R., "Science and Religion : Paradigm Shifts, Silent Springs, and Eastern Wisdom", World Order, v.31 no.3 (Spring 2000), pp.49-52. Review of: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions / Thomas S. Kuhn; Silent Spring / Rachel L. Carson; The Tao of Physics : An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism / Fritjof Capra; Issues in Science and Religion / Ian Barbour. |
Friberg, Stephen R., "Evolution", Bahá'í Studies Review Volume 8 (1998) |
Furutan, 'Ali-Akbar. The Human Soul and Its Immortality. Reissued n.d. [after 1970] ed., 23. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, n.d. [c.1970]. Collins 7.1014-15 Possibly a trans. of the author's Baqa-yi ruh (item x). |
Grossmann, Dr. Hermann. Gotteserkenntnis und Gottesbegriff im Sinne der Bahá'ílehre [The knowledge and concept of God according to the Bahá'í teachings]. Hamburg, Germany: Bahá'í-Bewegung, [before 1925]. |
Grossmann, Hermann. Das Bundnis Gottes in der Offenbarungsreligion [The alliance of God in the religion of revelation]. [Germany]: [befy of the Most Glorious'). The author traces its roots in Islamic mysticism and prophecy. |
Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl. Translation of a Letter of Instruction from Mirza-Abul-Fazl. Twelfth Talk Given by Mrs. Isabella D. Brittingham. Teachings by Mirza Asad'Ullah. Vol. [Cover reads 'Volume 4']. New York: C. E. Sprague, n.d. [1904?].Collins 7.22 |
Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu' l-Fadl. The Brilliant Proof, Burhane Lame. English translation, Chicago, Bahai News Service, 1912, 37, 35 pp.; reprinted Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1949, 12 leaves; Sydney, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia and New Zealand, 1949, 32 pp. German trans. (from English) by F. Schweizer, Zuffenhausen ed., Chicago: Bahá'í News Service, 1912 |
Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl and Foreword by Amin Banani. Miracles and Metaphors. Translated by Juan Ricardo Cole. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1981.An annotated translation of Al-durar al-bahiyya, originally published in 1900 (item x). |
Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu'l-Fadl. Letters and Essays ,1886-1913. Translated by Juan R. I. Cole. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1985.A translation of fifteen pieces, mainly letters, by Gulpaygani, based on Mehrabkhani's collection Rasa'il wa raqa'im (item x). The collection includes the Risala-yi Iskandariyya, written for Tumanskkii on Babi history, an account of Babism written for the Egyptian journal al-Muqtataf, and the Risala Tarablisiyya in response to questions raised by that article. Nine of the pieces may also be found in Majmu'a-yi rasa'il [item x]. |
Gulpaygani, Mirza Abu 'l-Fadl, The Behai Proofs, Hujaj'ul Beheyyeh. 1st. 2nd. ed. as The Bahai Proofs, Hujaj'ul Behayyeh, Chicago, The Grier Press, 1914, 288 pp.; 3rd. ed., New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1929; 3rd. ed. Reprinted as The Bahá'í Proofs (Hujaja'l-Bahiyyih) ; and a Short Sketch of the History of the Lives of the Leaders of This Religion, with an introduction by Juan R. Cole, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1983, xiii, 305 pp. German trans. by Wilhelm Herrigel, Geschichte und Wahrheitsbeweise der Bahá'í-religion, trans. W. H. [Wilhelm Herrigel], 1919, Stuttgart, Verlag des deutschen Bahá'í-Bundes, xxiv, 295 pp. Ed., Translated by Ishteal-ebn-Kalenter ('Ali Quli Khan, Ishti'al ibn Kalantar). New York: J.W. Pratt Co., 1902.A translation of al-Hujaj al-bahiyya [item x]. Originally written for a Western audience, this work was immensely influential in Bahá'í circles in the period before Shoghi Effendi's expositions of doctrine became dominant. For details, see item x. Collins 7.12-14 |
Haddad, Anton. The Station of the Manifestation and the Greatness of the Day. New York: Board of Counsel, 1901.Collins 7.1116 |
Haden, James C., "Concerning God and Being-Itself", World Order, v.3 no.1 (Fall 1968). --
pp. 52-54. Review of: God the Creator : On the Transcendence and Presence of God /Robert
C. Neville. -- Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 1968. |
Haden, James C., "The Ignorance of Socrates", World Order, v.3 no.2, pp. 5-14, Winter 1968-69 |
Hamid, Idris Samawi. (1998) The Metaphysics and cosmology of process according to Shaykh 'A|hmad al-'Ahsa'i : critical edition, translation and analysis of "observations in wisdom". Thesis (Ph.D.) -- State University of New York (Buffalo), 1998. Bahá'í works listed in bibliography: p.568. Contains original text and English translation. |
Hatcher John S. "Afterlife and the Twin Pillars of Education", World Order, v.13 no.1 (Fall 1978). -- pp. 21-37. |
Hatcher, John S. The Metaphorical Nature of Physical Reality. Bahá'í Studies 3, Thornhill, Ont.: Canadian Association for Studies on the Bahá'í Faith, 1977.Collins 7.1139 |
Hatcher, John S. The Concept of Spirituality, Bahá'í Studies, vol. 11 (1982) |
Hatcher, John S. The Purpose of Physical Reality: The Kingdom of Names. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1987 |
Hatcher, John S. "Commentary on Iraj Ayman, 'Commentary on "On Human Origin."'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:2 (1992). |
Hatcher, John S. The Law of Love Enshrined examines the nature of the Manifestation in "The Doctrine of 'The Most Great Infallibility' in Relation to the 'Station of Distinction,'" |
Hatcher, William S., "The Quest for the Metaphysical Jesus", World Order, v.12 no.4 (Summer 1978), pp.35-42. Review of: The Light Shineth in Darkness: Five Studies in Revelation After Christ, by Udo Schaefer. Oxford: George Ronald, 1977. |
Hatcher, William S. Logic and Logos. Oxford: George Ronald, 1990.Five essays on 'Platonism and Pragmatism', 'Myths, Models and Mysticism', 'From Metaphysics to Logic', 'A Logical Solution to the Problem of Evil' and 'Science and the Bahá'í Faith'. |
Hatcher, William S. "A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:4 (1994). |
Hatcher, William S. "Author's Response to Commentary of Gordon Dicks on 'A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:3 (1994). |
Hatcher, William S. "Author's Response to Commentary of Philip Belove on 'A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:3 (1994). |
Hatcher, William S. "Author's Response to Commentary
of Arash Abizadeh on 'A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8:1 (1997). |
Hatcher, William S. "Author's Response to Commentary of Ross Woodman on 'A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8:1 (1997). |
Hoagg, H. Emogene. Conditions of Existence: Servitude, Prophethood, Deity. New York: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1938.Collins 7.1179 |
Ioannesyan, Youli Arkadyevich "The Concept of 'The End' : A Philological Perspective", World Order, v.30 no.1 (Fall 1998). -- pp. 29-33. |
Jeffords, Raymond, "The Human Soul : A Bahá'í Perspective". World Order, v.17 no.1 (Fall 1982), pp. 37-44. |
Keddie, N. R. "'Religion and Irreligion in Early Iranian Nationalism'." Comparative Studies in Society and History 4 (3 1962): pp.265-95. One of the first modern studies in nineteenth-century Iranian socioreligious trends to examine Babism and, in particular, Azali Babism in some detail. |
Khursheed, Anjam.. "The Hindu
concept of God: Unity in Diversity." The
Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review 2(1): 3-50.
(1997) |
Khursheed, Anjam. "The Spiritual Foundations of Science."
Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology. Los
Angeles, Kalimat Press. 99-126. |
Kitzing, Eberhard von. "Evolution and modern science" Bahá'í Studies Review Volume 7 (1997) |
Lambden, Stephen N., "The Islamo-Bahá'í Interpretation of Deuteronomy 33:2", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, Volume 2, No. 2, June, 1983 |
Lambden, Stephen N. "The Mysteries of the Call of Moses: Translation and Notes on part of a Tablet of Bahá'u'lláh addressed to Jinab-i Khalil", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 4.1, 1983 |
Lambden, Stephen N. "The Sinaitic Mysteries: Notes on the Moses/Sinai Motifs in Babi and Bahá'í Scripture," in Moojan Momen, Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, volume 5. This long article--which is exhaustive in both its etymological and theological scholarshipexamines certain elements of Old Testament symbolism and their treatment in primary Bahá'í writings. |
Lambden, Stephen N. "The Sinaitic Mysteries: Supplement 1", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 4.3-4, 1990 |
Lambden, Stephen N. "An Early Poem of Mirza Husayn 'Ali Bahá'u'lláh: The Sprinkling of the Cloud of Unknowing, Rashh-i 'Ama'". Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, Volume 3, No. 2, June, 1984 |
Lambden, Stephen N,
"The Seven Valleys of Bahá'u'lláh (Haft Vadi): A Provisional
Translation with Occasional Notes - Part 01", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 6.2-3, 1992 |
Lambden, Stephen N. "The Background and Centrality of
Apophatic Theology in Babi and Bahá'í Scriptures." Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology. Los
Angeles, Kalimat Press. 37-78. (1997) |
Land, George " The Evolution of Reality." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 3:1 (1990). |
Lawson, Todd "Interpretation as Revelation: The Qur'an Commentary of the Báb." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 2:4 (1990). |
Lawson, B. Todd. (1987) The Qur'an commentary of Sayyid 'Ali Muhammad the Bab. Thesis (Ph.D.) - McGill University, 1987. |
Lawson, T , "The Structure of Existence in the Bab's Tafsir and the Perfect Man Motif", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 6.2-3, 1992 |
Lawson, T. (1997).
"Reading Reading Itself: The Bab's 'Sura of the Bees,' A Commentary on
the Qur'an 12:93 from the Sura of Joseph." Occasional Papers Shaykhi,
Babi and Bahá'í Studies 5(November). |
Lepain, Jean Marc. Archeology of the Kingdom, Peter Terry (transl), Kalimat Press, forthcoming |
Lepain, Jean Marc. Tractatus Philosophicus, in www.bahai-library.org |
Life, Death, and Immortality: the Journey of the Soul, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1994., xx, 193 pp. |
Loehle, Craig "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 2:4 (1990). |
Loehle, Craig "Author's Response to Arash Abizadeh, 'Commentary on 'On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 3:2 (1990). |
Loehle, Craig "Author's Response to Commentary on 'On Human Origin.'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:2 (1992). |
Loehle, Craig. On the Shoulders of Giants, 176-90. Discusses a few arguments for the existence of God in |
Ma'sumian Bijan. "The Realms of Divine Existence as Described in the Tablet of All Food," in Deepen, 3.2.2 (Summer 1994) |
Ma'sumian, Farnaz. "Mysticism and the Bahá'í Faith," in Deepen, 6.3 (1995) |
Ma'sumian, Farnaz. Life After Death. A Study of the Afterlife in World Religions. 168. Oxford: Oneworld, c/r other religions. |
MacEoin, Denis, "Some Bahá'í and Shakhi Interpretations of 'the Mystery of Reversal", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, Volume 1, No. 1, June, 1982 |
MacEoin, Denis "Early Shaykhi Reactions to the Bab and his Claims." In M. Momen (ed.), Studies in Babi and Bahá'í History, 1. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1983. An analysis of Shaykhi accounts of Babism, mainly based on works by the Bab's chief rival, Hajj Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani. |
MacEoin, Denis. "'Azali Babism'." In Encyclopaedia Iranica, pp.179-81. 3. London/New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988. |
MacEoin, Denis. "'Bab, Sayyed 'Ali Mu'ammad Shirazi'." In Encyclopaedia Iranica, pp.278-84. 3. London/New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988. |
MacEoin, Denis. "'Babism: i The Babi Movement'." In Encyclopaedia Iranica, pp. 309-15. 3. London/New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988. |
MacEoin, Denis. "'Bayan'." In Encyclopaedia Iranica, pp. 878-82. 3. London/New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988. A general survey of Babi scripture under the technical term bayan. [under scripture?] |
MacEoin, Denis. "'From Shaykhism to Babism: a Study in Charismatic Renewal in Shi'i Islam'." Ph.D., Cambridge, 1979. A study of the emergence of Babism from the Shaykhi school of Shi'ism, with emphasis on the problem of religious authority. The contents include a history of early Shaykhism and an account of Babism to about 1848. (University Microfilms XXXXXXXX) |
MacEoin, Denis. "'Hierarchy, Authority and Eschatology in Early Babi Thought'." In P. Smith (ed.), In Iran, pp.95-155. 2. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1986. The first part of a longer study investigating the doctrinal basis of authority in Babism up to the middle period (1860s). This section examines the earlier period, with extensive reference to the Bab's writings. (For part two, see item XX.) |
MacEoin, Denis. "'Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in Nineteenth-Century Shi'ism: the Cases of Shaykhism and Babism'." Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2 1990): 323-29. |
MacEoin, Denis. "Review of Abbas Amanat, Resurrection and Renewal (item xx)." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1 (3rd. series) (3 1991): 407-410. |
MacEoin, Denis. The Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History: a survey. 274 + 7. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1992.The only comprehensive survey of this material, discussing the writings of the Bab and his leading followers, primary and secondary historical texts. The appendices include lists of manuscripts of the Bab's writings and historical texts and their locations, and indexes of first lines and titles. |
Mahmoudi Jalil, "'Irfan, Gnosis, or Mystical Knowledge" World Order, v.7 no.4 (Summer 1973), pp. 5-15. |
Mash, S. David (1985). An Examination of Bahá'í Christology. M.Th., Dallas Theological Seminary. 100 p. and 'Examines the teachings of the Bahá'í religion with respect to the person and work of Jesus Christ for the purpose of appraising Bahá'í Christology according to the criteria of. 13.40. |
May, Dann J. "A Preliminary Survey of Hermeneutical Principles Found within the Bahá'í Writings." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 1:3 (1989). |
May, D. J. (1997). The Bahá'í Principle of Religious Unity: A Dynamic Perspectivism. Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology. Los Angeles, Kalimat Press. 1-36. |
McGlinn, Sen (ed.), ed. Soundings, Essays in Bahá'í Theology. Essays and Reviews 1. Christchurch, New Zealand: Open Circle Publishing, 1989.Contents: Karen Austin, 'Writing History', Bronwyn Elsmore, 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Christianity, Islam and the Bahá'í Faith', Sen McGlinn, 'Introduction to the Bible in Modern Research', Alison Marshall, 'Anti-positivism, teaching and the Bahá'í Faith', William Michael, 'Religious Belief and the Mutability of Scientific Theory', Moojan Momen, 'Is the Bahá'í Faith a World Religion?' |
McGlinn, Sen, "Understanding the Gospels", World Order, v.26 no.4 (Summer 1995), pp. 47-48. Review of: The Gospels and the Christs / Eric Bowes: Bahá'í Publications Australia, 1988. |
McLean, Jack A.,"The Knowledge of God : An Essay in Bahá'í Epistemology", World Order, v.12 no.3 (Spring 1978), pp. 38-55. |
McLean, Jack A. "The Deification of Jesus", World Order, v.14 no.3 & 4 (Spring/Summer 1980). -- pp. 23-45. |
McLean, Jack A. "Prolegomena to a Bahá'í Theology." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:1 (1992). |
McLean, J., Dimensions of Spirituality |
McLean, J. (ed.). Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology. Los Angeles, Kalimat Press 1997. |
McLean, J. (1997). Promises to Keep: Thoughts on an Emerging Bahá'í Theology. Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology. Los Angeles, Kalimat Press. |
Mathews, Loulie A., et al. Studies in Jewish Mysticism. 41. n.p. [USA]: n.d. [1952]. Collins 7.1527. |
Milani, K. S. and L. R. Milani (1997). "The Proof Based on Establishment (Dalil-i-taqrir) and the Proof Based on Verses (Hujjiyyat-i-ayat): An Introduction to Bahá'í-Muslim Apologetics." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 7(4): 17-42.? |
Milani, K. and N. Fananapazir (1999). "A Study of the Pen Motif in the Baháí Writings." Journal of Baháí Studies 9(1): 27-49. |
Moezzi, Mohammad Ali Amir. "An Absence Filled with Presences. Shaykhiyya Hermeneutics of the Occultation", in Rainer Brunner and Werner Ende, eds., The Twelver Shia in Modern Times (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2001). |
Momen Moojan. "The Psychology of Mysticism and its Relationship to the Bahá'í Faith," in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 2.4 (1984). Presents some findings of medicine and psychology on the mystic state and their relation to Bahá'u'lláh's mysticism in his |
Momen Moojan, "'Abdu'l-Bahá's Commentary on the Islamic Tradition: "I was a Hidden Treasure.........."(Kanz-i Makhfi)" Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 3.4 (1985) |
Momen Moojan. An Introduction to Shi'i Islam, . |
Momen, Moojan. "Relativism: A Basis for Bahá'í Metaphysics," in Moojan Momen, ed., Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi: Studies in the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, volume 5, 185-218 |
Momen, Moojan. "Bahá'u'lláh's Prophetology: archetypal patterns in the lives of the founders of the World Religions", Bahá'í Studies Review, Volume 5.1 (1995) |
Momen, Moojan. Hinduism and the Bahá'í Faith. Oxford: George Ronald, The author is by no means an authority on Hinduism, and the book seems to be aimed more at explaining Bahá'ísm to Hindus than anything. |
Morris, Bruce B. 'A Comparative Study of Certain Doctrinal
Beliefs of the Bahá'í Faith and Lutheran Christianity', M. Div. Thesis, 1981,
Concordia Theological Seminary, 76 leaves. |
"Unfinished Visions", World Order, v.12 no.2 (Winter 1977-78), pp. 41-49. Review of: Unfinished Animal: The Aquarian Frontier and the Evolution of Consciousness / Theodore Roszak. The Promise of the Coming Dark Age / L. S. Stavrianos. |
Morrison, Gary L., "Illuminating the Second Century A.D.", World Order, v.15 no.3 & 4, pp. 47-52 (Spring/Summer 1981). Review of: The Gnostic Gospels / Elaine Pagels. New York: Random House, 1979. |
Needham Wesley A., "Buddha and the Absolute Reality", World Order, v.9 no.1 (Fall 1974). -- pp. 51-52. Review of: The God of Buddha / Jamshed Fozdar. -- New York : Asia Publishing House, 1973. |
Needham Wesley A., "Tibetan Buddhism : The Fully Developed Form of Indian Buddhism", World Order, v.11 no.4 (Summer 1977), pp.17-29. |
Parry, Robert, "Philosophical Theology in Bahá'í Studies, Methods and Foundations: A Note Towards an Orientation of Bahá'í Theology", Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 7.1-2 (1992) |
Perker, L.E. "'Bahá'u'lláh and Ramakrishna: A
Comparative Study'." The Aryan
Path 8 ( |
Purpose and Meaning of the Bahá'í Ringstone Symbol. n.p.: n.d. [1983?].Collins 7.2162 |
Ra'fatí, Va|híd. (1979) The Development of Shaykhi thought in Shi`i Islam. Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of California, Los Angeles. Babis mentioned in several chapters, especially 6 and 7 |
Rafati, Vahid "The Development of Shaykhí Thought in Shi'i Islam." In The Bahá'í Faith and Islam. |
Rajah, K. God Is the All-Knowing Power of the Universe. Seremban, Malaysia: K. Rajah, n.d. [196-?].Collins 7.2203 |
Rajah, K. The Creative Power Behind All Existence. Seremban, Malaysia: K. Rajah, 1976.Collins 7.2202 |
Rassekh Nossratollah, "Of Time, Space, and Man : Reflections on Progressive Revelation", World Order, v.8 no.4 (Summer 1974), pp. 37-49. |
Rawlings, Felicity "Maharishi Ayurveda: A Bahá'í Exploration." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:3 (1991). |
Rohani, M. K. "Commentary on Iraj Ayman, 'Commentary on Craig Loehle, "On Human Origins: A Bahá'í Perspective."'" Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:3 (1991). |
Rose, Mary Carman, "The Pilgrims of the Way", World Order, v.12 no.4 (Summer 1978).
-- pp. 9-15. |
Sabet, Huschmand. The Heavens Are Cleft Asunder. Oxford: George Ronald, 1975. English trans. of Der gespaltene Himmel [item x] |
Saiedi, N. "Faith, Reason, and Society in Bahá'í Perspective", World Order, v.21 no.3 & 4 (Spring/Summer 1987). -- pp. 9-22. |
Saiedi, Nader. Logos and Civilization: Spirit, History, and Order in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, University Press of Maryland, 2000 |
Sargent, Malcolm "Review of William Hatcher: Logic and Logos." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 3:2 (1990). |
Savi, Julio, "Religious Pluralism : A Bahá'í Perspective", World Order, v.31 no.2 (Winter 1999-2000), pp.25-41 |
Savi, Julio. The Eternal Quest for God. An Introduction to the Divine Philosophy of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, 1989, Oxford, George Ronald, xvii, 260 pp. Originally published as Nell'universo sulle tracce di Dio (Through the universe in search of God). Rome: Casa Editrice Bahá'í. The most complete exposition of Bahá'í theology to date. |
Savi, Julio "Review of J.A. McLean: Dimensions in Spirituality." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 7:1 (1995). |
Savi, Julio "Will, Knowledge, and Love as Explained in Bahá'u'lláh's Four Valleys." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:1 (1994). |
Schaefer, Udo. Bahá'íReligion nach Mass? Stuttgart: Verum-Verlag, 1970.[Eng. trans. in Light Shineth in Darkness -- check which article] |
Schaefer, Udo. Die missverstandene Religion. Frankfurt: Bahá'í-Verlag, 1968. [Eng. trans. in Light Shineth in Darkness -- check which article] |
Schaefer, Udo. The Light Shineth in Darkness: Five Studies in Revelation after Christ. Translated by Hele`ne Momtaz Neri and Oliver Coburn. Oxford: George Ronald, 1977.A compilation of four pieces which originally appeared in German, preceded by a short article on 'belief and unbelief today'. The original articles are: Was es heisst, Bahá'í zu sein ('What it means to be a Bahá'í') [item x]; Die missverstandene Religion ('????') [item xx; 'Muhammad -- ein Lugenprophet' ('????) [item xxx]; and Bahá'í -- Religion nach Mass? ('????) [item xxxx]. For details see under originals.7.2347 |
Schaefer, Udo. The Imperishable Dominion, |
Schaefer, Udo. "Infallible Institutions?" ,Bahá'í Studies Review Volume 9 (1999) |
Scholl, Steven D. (1980). Imami Shi 'ism and the Bahá'í Faith: A Preliminary Study. B.A., University of Oregon. 76, 25 p. The author suggests that Bahá'ís uncritically accept the theological and historical assertions of Shi'ism with regard to the twelve Imams, whereas the Bahá'í writings may suggest a more critical stance. :13.56. |
Shook, Glenn A. Mysticism, Science and Revelation. Reissued Wheatley, U.K. and Oxford, 1954, 1974, 1976; 1st. U.S. ed., Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1967 ed., London: George Ronald, 1953.Collins 7.2404-7 Deals with God and His creation, varieties of mysticism, prophetic religion, science, revelation, and prayer. |
Shook, Glenn A. "Philosophy and Revelation : I. Our Philosophical Background", World Order, v.3 no.10 (Jan. 1938), pp. 372-378. |
Shook, Glenn A., "Philosophy and Revelation :
II. The Real Conflict Between Science and Religion", World Order, v.3 no.11 (Feb. 1938),
pp. 427-433. |
Shook, Glenn A., "Philosophy and Revelation : III. Science and Religious Experience", World Order, v.3 no.12 (Mar. 1938), pp. 465-471. |
Shook, Glenn A., "Philosophy and Revelation : IV", World Order, v.4 no.1 (Apr. 1938), pp. 23-29. |
Sours Michael. "Seeing with the Eye of God: Relationships between Theology and Interpretation" Bahá'í Studies Review, Volume 1.1 (1991) |
Sours, Michael W. "The Maid of Heaven, the Image of Sophia, and the Logos Personification of the Spirit of God in Scripture and Sacred Literature." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:1 (1991). |
Sours, Michael W. "Immanence and Transcendence in Divine Scripture." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 5:2 (1992). |
Sours, Michael W. "Bahá'í Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 7:1 (1995). |
Staley, William Converse, 1923-. (1985) The Intellectual development of A|hmad Kasraví. Thesis (Ph.D.) Princeton University, 1966. Bahá'í: pp. 149-162. |
Stokes, Jim, "The Past as Prologue : Humanity's Family Album", World Order, v.31 no.3 (Spring 2000), pp. 29-36. Review of: The Great Chain of Being: A Study of the History of an Idea, F.O. Lovejoy; Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, Erich.Auerbach; The Allegory of Love: A Study in Medieval Tradition, C. S. Lewis. |
Taherzadeh, Adib. Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, 4 vols., George Ronald |
Tomlin, Viva B. M. Sadratu'l-Muntaha, the Tree Beyond Which There Is No Passing. Oxford: Stephen Tomlin, 1982.Collins 7.2566 The term 'Sidrat al-muntaha' refers to a phrase in the Qur'an (53:14), in a passage taken to refer to Muhammad's Night Journey to heaven. It is generally used in Bahá'í writing to refer to the Manifestation of God. |
Towfigh, Nicola. Schopfung und Offenbarung aus der Sicht der Bahai-Religion: anhand ausgewahlter Texte (Creation and revelation according to the Bahá'í religion, on the basis of selected texts), Hildesheim, Germany; New York, G. Olms, 1989, 219 pp. Vol. 3 of Religionswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien. German and Arabic text, including selected scriptural materials. Originally doctoral thesis, Ruhr-Univesitat Bochum. |
Townshend, George. The Heart of the Gospel: Being a Restatement of the Teaching of the Bible in Terms of Modern Thought and Modern Needs. 1940, New York, Bahá'í Publishing Committee, vii, 184 pp.; rev. ed. as The Heart of the Gospel: or, The Bible and the Bahá'í Faith, 1951, Oxford, George Ronald, 164 pp; 1955, London/Cardiff, George Ronald; 1960, London, George Ronald (Talisman Books 2), 158 pp.; 1972, Oxford, George Ronald, [ix], 150 pp.; 1972, Wilmette, Ill., Bahá'í Publishing Trust ed., 188. London: Lindsay Drummond, 1939. Collins 7.2579-85 An intelligent and literate approach to the issue of how modern Christians ought to understand the role of Christ, based on Bahá'í doctrine, but making little direct reference to Bahá'ísm. |
Walbridge, John. Sacred Acts, Sacred Space, Sacred Time |
White, Christopher. "Searching for God in time and memory: an examination of Bahá'í prayer as "remembrance"", Bahá'í Studies Review, Volume 7 (1997) |
Winters, Jonah "Review of Moojan Momen: Buddhism and the Bahá'í Faith" (draft version submitted by author). Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:4 (1995). |
Winters, Jonah. (1997) Dying for God : Martyrdom in the Shii and Babi religions. Thesis (M.A.) -- University of Toronto (Ont.), 1997. Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths: Chapter 3 & 4. |
Woodman, Ross "Bahá'u'lláh's Influence on the New York School of Painting: The "Unapprehended Inspiration" of Newman and Rothko." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 4:1 (1991). |
Woodman, Ross "Review of John S. Hatcher: The Arc of Ascent: The Purpose of Physical Reality." Journal of Bahá'í Studies 6:2 (1994). |
Woodman, Ross (1997). "Commentary on "A Scientific Proof of the Existence of God". Journal of Bahá'í Studies 8(1): 81-84. |
Yancy Trey, and Ricklefs Randy. "Astrology: A romantic view of science," in Deepen, 2.1 (Spring 1994). an introductory look at astrology and the Bahá'í Faith |