Read: Unity Triumphant

   LONDON, S.W.4.

[first published London: Kegan Paul, 1923]

 All rights (including those of translation) reserved by 'the Author.
 Printed in Great Britain by KING & JARRETr, LTn., Blackfriars. London. S.R.
 RELimus FmDom


   h EAHA

 2.                         PICTURE OF MAS_muQU'L-AD_HKAR

 "And all Mine are Thine, and Thine are
 Mine, and I am glorified in them.
 4' Holy Father keep through thine own Name
 those whom Thou hast given Me, that they all
 may be One, as we are
 " Yf~ither pray I for these alone, but for them
 also which shall believe on Me through their
 " That they all may be One; as Thou Father,
 art in Me, and I in'Thee, that they also may
 be One in us."
 (John, Chap. xvii., vers. 10, 11, 20.)
  testimony and introduction is vnitten
  under the impelling power of the Spirit,
 77 to bearmitness to the Truth of the Reve
  Of BahA'U'I!Ah.
V~th the desire to spread a knowledge of His
jill-w0hin- i the world, it is published as a thank-
     gs in
Verin i      dance with the directions of
   g, in ace-or
t,-*Abdu I-Bahá', and the kindly help and encourage-
 Mftt -of confirmed believers in, the BahA'i Cause.
 ch as it is an introduction, the Sacred
 of the BahA'i Revelation are quoted with
 iderence to those of previous Revelations,
 in order that readers may search for themselves,
 from those sources, and form their own conclu-
 sions. Those who do not wish to refer to Prophecy
 ire asked, for their own sake, and for the sake of
 the -world, to consider the righteousness of the
 BahA'i Teachings, and decide after just investiga-
 tion, whether they do not meet the extreme need
 of the present day, morally, intellectually, and
 -_.'--'--Whom say Ye that I am? " was the question
 which the Spirit put to the individual, througgh
 Jesus. And some were able to say: " Thou art
 the Spirit of the living God."
Likewise, the Spirit puts that question to us,
 to-day, through Bahá"u'llAh. It is the same ques-

 tion, put by the same Spirit, and it is put to the in-
 dividual. The Spirit cannot be ignored. It comes
 with power to cast out evil spirits, which are not of
 It. It knocks at the door of the heart of every in-
 dividual,- and each one who is. wise will answer his
 own door to the Spirit, and not leave that to -any
 other. It is only the spirit within which can
 -answer the Visitation of the Spirit. For only
 Spirit can recognise Spirit; and only Reality re-
 spond to Reality. " All the ways of man are right
 in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the
 spirits." Spirit sees all and knows all. It does
 not depend on acquired g cumbersome knowledge
 which becomes rusty with age, and which is often
 used as a blind to veil the Truth. That lesser
 knowledge which only serves 'rime, should never
 be allowed to obscure the greatest of all know-
 ledge, which is the Knowledge of God. That is
 the eternal ' Well of everlasting Life. Whatever
 their outward privations-m~y be, those who drink
 from it never thirst. It
         has power to quench the
 fires of animosity"; for the hatred and animosity
 which crucified Jesus are to-day quenched. He is
 to-day honoured in -every language, and in all
 regions of the world. Enthroned in all hearts is
 He. His Teachings are a Standard of Judgment.
 'His Life inspires the resurrection of the individual.
 He reigns in hearts the world over, and will ever
 reign in His own Station, the Well-Beloved Son of
 God. St. Paul says: The first-born among
 many brethren. "
   be- asked: " Then what more is there to
   ? " Well, there are the " other things " to
   I which were not given to Him to say,
   the 'nine had not come for them to be
    God protects the-world against premature
    -Josus was only sufFered by the- elders to teach for
 three years. But -could they, by crucifying His
 body,~ and persecuting His Soul, extinguish the
 Light of the Spirit?
-Apostles, Prophets, Saints and Martyrs answer:
 66 NO! 19
Is it, then, to be believed that the elders in this
 Day can stifle, or ignore, or cover up with their

 own theories the knowledge of " those - other
 things," which the same Spirit has uttered so
 divinely through BahAu']]Ah?
Twenty thousand Martyrs, in our own day, for-
 feiting their lives, have answered: " No!
And some are even yet, in 1923, joyfully making191-5
 the same reply, because some elders think they can
 extol themselves by putting God out of the Courts
 of His own world. If they believe they can, why
 are not all the history books burnt? Nay, they
 cannot, for all that the Spirit saith is confirmed,
 from everlasting to everlasting. And if history
 books do not teach that , what is the use of them?
 Spirit ever stands for ]Reality.

 Many have testified, and are testifying, their
 faith in the Revelation of Bahi'u'llhh.  And it
  ' that no one person, whatever
 will be readily seen
 his or her qualifications or worldly station may be,
 will ever be able to deal exhaustively, or ade
 quately, with so great a subject. That is some~
 thing for which the world may be grateful, and it
 is mentioned in order to convey ihe understanding
 that this present endeavour, inasmuch as it is a
 testimony, is a testimony of faith, that the writer,
 after examining the Teachings of PahAVIIAh, and
 after investigating to some extent, by no means ex-
 haustively, the Prophecies relating to it, and after
 bringing the Teaching to bear upon the problems,
 spititual, moral, intellectual, and social, which to-
 day exercise her own mind and the mind of the,
 world - generally, has come to the joyful conclusion
 that Bahá"u'llAh has brought Divine Light to the
 world, and in This Day is He Whom God hath
 sent, a Personal Manifestation of His Spirit, even
 as Jesus was. The pen fails to define the Signifi-
 cance of His Appearance.In brief, then, this
 testimony acknowledges Him to be what He
 claimed to be; as Jesus to-day ishacknowledged to
 hewhat He claimed to be. Whereas, in the begin-
 ning, His claim was not openly acknowledged, save
 by a few.
It is hoped that this contribution, made by one
 without claim to any special ability, may, perhaps
 for that reason, reach others, who believing, will
 forego their own, lest 11 the very stoUe$ CrY
    atio n to propagate the Teaebings Of
 a on- His disciples, What, we may ask,
 would be the state of the world, if instead Of spread-
   a knowledge of them, they had carefully con-
 hiddeng, and, idolised them? It is not the'
 lack of knowledge concerning His Teachings, but
 the failure to practise them, which has brought
 calamities upon the world.
What its conditions would have been had they
 never been known is unimaginable. Those who
   ractised them have been the salt of the earth.,
 have p
 Thisis undeniable. Jesus revealed the Fatherhood
  d; and throughout His life., which is from all
 of Go

 eternity, has prayed, and has taught men to pray,,
 for the 0 g of the Father's )Cingdom on earth,
  e c. min
 as it is in heaven.
I The subject dealtwith, being of vital importance
 to the happiness of the whole world, should in-
 terest all people, whatever their Religion, - or Race,
 or Nation. And as this becomes evident, readers
 will know, that apology for not presenting it would
 be more in place than any explanation for doing so.
 A Revelation comprehending all
                  previous Reve
 lations is given to the world by Bah u   . The
 quintessence of which is : that all Revelations of
 the Truth, past and present, are in Harmony.
 '9 lllhh

Although many persecutions were heaped upon
 Him by worldly despots, Bahi'u'llih has, during 40
 years of Exile and 'confinement, recorded the ut-
 terance of the Holy Spirit in the rich and melodious
 languages of Persia and Arabia. In face of all
 opposition He has bequeathed to the world the
 Treasury of the Divine Will for this New Age.
 And it is- very necessary that those within and with-
 out the* Churches, of every Religion, should know
 what the Spirit saith unto them To-day.
The Divine Will for To-day is revealed in the
 Sacred Iffritings of BahA'u'llih, and expounded in
 the Tablets of the Greatest Branch. -Those Writ-
 ings are gradually being translated into English
 and other languages, and will be translated into
 -the Universal auxiliary language; and when the
 world becomes fully aware of them, they will be
 as eagerly read as the Holy Books preceding them;
 for they prescribe the Divine Remedy for the Re-
 ligious, Social, and Industrial troubles of our day.
There are many in the world to-day who, while
 perceiving the need of Unity, are frankly confess-
 ing the lack of spiritual power so essential to it.
 To bring about Unity, even in any one Religion
 or Nation, seems to them a stupendous and impos-
 sible task. -Whereas, the reason for their depres-
 sion and failure is that their aim is not great
 enough. It is incomplete. For the Oneness of all
 is the Truth of the matter, and knowledge of that
 Truth, the only Key to Hannony: glimpses of
  have been revealed by theProphets and
                 with the capa-
 ~~ations of God, in accordance
 t ,      -               f the world's
 the Age, at different stages o
   j~.w what Jesus thoughtof those wbo could
 read the "Signs of their own times- .9 9 Of what
 -tberefore, is it for us to read off ',~,,t rulers - and their kingdoms
    o anci re to heed-the Prophets-
 '11iriough their failu
  ~stations of the  if we. heed not the
        zr dayl

e I ssage of God in our own? To-day the test is
     Religion has been giVe-n to the world to
  te Unity; but ffirough the perpetuation of vain
 i1twitions, superstitions, and blind dogmas, which
 .-inthi course of time have obscured the Light
 --luccessive Revelation I s, Religion, through mis
 nding, has often been the cause of divi-
 j ns, persecutions, and strife. Even in this Cause,
stands so clearly for the promotion of Unity
101d Brotherhood, some, as already mentioned, are
sa - crificing their lives, because opposers in their
blind desire to suppress it, instead of proving them-
   - to be temples of the living God. have become
whited sepulchres," even as Jesus found in
    av, when through lack of spiritual insight,
    who should have welcomed, crucified Him.
  The world is largely unconscious of the Divine
Drama which has been witnessed since the appear-
&nee of the BAb and is still being witnessed by

 angels in heaven and on, earth, yet " He that
 watcheth over Israel slumbereth not, nor sleeps',f~
 while to these things, many in the world, and of
 it, - are heedless,, or rushing to and fro after
 ephemeral things.
There are millions of Jews, Christians, and Mu-
 bammadans in the world, and it is not possible,
 either'by argument, persuasion, or the sword,
 to get them to reject one Religion for another.
 But it is possible for them all to arrive at the under-
 standing that the aim of the Founders of all.these
 Religions is One and the same; and that they each
 serve specifically an Age in the progressive order
 of the Divine Plan to create Harmony in the world.
 They are the Supreme Concourse, moved by the
 Spirit, to promote Unity. How pitiful, then, are
 the misunderstandings which have blinded their
 followers to such an extent that they have perse-
 cuted each other most cruelly, believing it to be in
 theirn Names! Since each has given Light in
 accordance with the capacity of the Age, and has
 pointed to further Revelation in the fulness of time
 to come; surely it is the disposition to idolatrV
 which has blinded ihe world to the simple truth of
 the continuity of revelation. When it is seen and
 understood, all will cease to worship the Lamp,
 and abolishing prejudices, be able to walk in the
 Light of Oneness, and glorify God by " consorting
 with each other with fragrance," as to-day BahA'U'
 llAh exhorts them to do.
 U-- So, coming in the power of-the Spirit, BaWL
 4 4-h.-lends, the veils of supemtition aumder, fidEds
 Prophecy of Religion, -and revealing-- its Inner
 ing banishes religious - pre4oses the Harmony of the Divine -Plan.
               throw stones at each
  11is is not a time for us to
 j~4&9 for "God's Mercy is our need, and our aid in
  rld and in the Day of Judgment."' We
        the Day of Judgment, -when
ve iving now in
 J                                      41that which pertains to one I time cannot be extended
-* t
~ m o another. But it is also the Day of Resurrec-

 Vion and Reconciliation, and a " New heaven and
 n ew earth " will appear to the understanding.
   . th Stars of Certainty. For-the heavens of
 ~*a wi
 W--the past are" rolled-up as a scroll,, andtheSpirit
 -th   Lo, I make all things New."
 May the hearts and minds of the children of the
    om be quickened, that they may know of the
in which they live, and knowing it, be enabled
t~ set aside all that would hinder them from enter
-that for which they have now for a long time
prayed : so that they may not stand with those who
    it. but be with those who lift up their voices
 drejoice in:
The Glad Tidings of the coming of the
Father's Kingdom on Earth."

                              CHRIST'S ENTRANCE INTO
 And when He was come nigh even now at the
 Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the dis-
 ciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud
 voice for all the migghty works which they had seen,
 h " Blessed is the King that cometh in the Name
 of the Lord. Peace in heaven, and glory in the
 highest. "
And some of the Pharisces from among the
 multitude said unto Him: "Master, rebuke Thy
And He answered, and said unto them:
 If these should hold their peace, the stones
 would immediately cry out."
 Jesus to Jerusalem:
 0 Jerusalem, JerusalemY which killest the
 Prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto
 thee; how often would I have gathered thy children
 together, as a hen doth gather her chickens, under
 her wings, and Ye would not!
" Behold your house is left desolate: and verily
 .I say unto you, Ye shall not see Me, until the time
 come when Ye shall say,
 Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the
 Lord. "
 (The Gospel according to Luke.)
 '~Proclaim: Surely the Father hath come and
 ih fidfilled that whereunto you were promised in
  Kingdom of God. - -This is the woTd which the
 veiled when He said to those around Him that
  could not bear it; but when the stated tiime
 ended and the Hour arrived, the Word shone
  from the Horizon of the Will-.
  Beware, 0 Concourse of the Son, cast it not
     Ye, but hold thereunto! . . . . This
 -Light hath appeared from the Orient and hath
 -journeyed toward the Occident until it came unto
 .thee in these Latter Days." ,
Verily,He the Son beareth witness to~Me,-and
 I bear witness to- Him
  Then tell Me: Do the, children know the
 Father and confess Him? Or do they contradict

 Him as the people contradicted Him before?
"In this Day it behoveth you to proclaim in
 this Greatest Name among the Nations. Do you
 choose to be silent whilst trees and stones are call-
 ing out in the loudest voice
     Surely the Lord hath come, the Possessor of
 Great Glory !
     Veri7y,. We have opened unto you the Gates of
 the Kingdom;
     Are ye closing the door of your houses before
 MY Face? "
Bahd'u'lld,h's Message to Christians.)

 (Zechariah, Chap. 6, ver. 11)
 (Bahd'u'lldh, Kithbu'l-Aqdas.)
                                              THE GREATEST BRANCH
                                             CENTRE OF THE COVENANT

                                               OF I ABDU'L.BAHA.
                                              THE MOST GREAT PEACE
                                                  SHALL COME.

 (-T,iterary Digest, Aug. 1920.) 1
                                          THE FIRST MASFlRIQU'L-ADHK,~R
                                            TO BE BUILT IN AMERICA,
                                            WILLM-ETTE, CHICAGO, ILL.
                                             FOUNDATION STONE LAID
 BY 'ABDU'L.BAHA, MAY Ist. 1912.

                 TSES) IN THE MOST
     STRUCT HOMES (OR 110t
 : ':!JjW His M
    STS S
   S E S)

 He who inviteth the people in My Name,
 he is of Me."          (BahiVIUh.)
YOU Shan put crowns on their heads: -crowns
 set with brilliant jewels-which shine like stars:
 crowns of everlasting gbrightness that will nat
 fall off."            ( 'Abdu'l-1BahA.)
                                           REVELATION OF BAHAIU'LLAH
                                              IS UNITY TRIUMPHANT
 XYmay be assumed that in the different schools
 of Religious thought through which we
 have passed e hav in them all sought
 spiritual, satisfaction: and in our travels we have
 found at times that we have had to let some things
 go in order to receive the satisfaction which belongs
 to fuller pastures. Probably, in all fields of search
 we have found something we could not let go,
 because, being true, it belongs to them all.
Truth is indivisible: And though our journey
 towards understanding necessitates separation
 from that which is not true, in the end we shall
 perceive it leads to Unity: for the things we have
 to let go are merely our prejudices-or the preju-
 dim of other people-against a further knowledge
 Of it.
Truth is also satisfaction: And the utmost satis-
 factibn is to be found in the Teachings of
 w    e

 BahAVIIAh. They are a Lighthouse of Spiritual
 Guidance to those of all Religions, who are crying
 out for that promised Light, which is the special
 need of this Age: for many know, and confess,
 they have it n6t.. The Revelation' of BahA'u'llih
 is not exclusive. Coming to those who worship
 God under different Names, and to those who
 accept no Religion, it fulfils the Prophecies of God,
 and meets the highest social aspirations of Humani-
 tarianism. Securing all that is of the highest sight,
 Bahk'u'llAh saves Religion from drowning in the
 Sea of Names : and elevates the Host by distin-
 guishing the Light from the lamp which holds it,
 calling upon all to worship God only.
" There is no God, but God," says Muhammad,
 and all the Prophets with one accord have ex-
 claimed: " Glory be-to God!" So the First Com-
 mandment of Moses is confirmed in every New
 Dispensation ofht-he Spirit, to keep mankind in the
 straight Path of accomplishment, away from the
 ruts of fruitless idolatry.
In this Day of the Lord, BahAVIIAh brings
 essential Laws to establish the 'Kingdom of God,
 on Earthl in order that the Glory of God may be-
 come manifest before all eves. The Name of
 BahAVIIAh stands for the Glory of God.
For this Jesus Fived, and He suffered crucifixion,
 because religious men took offence at His claim to
 be the Son of His Heavenly Father.
 7Bahh'i Revelation is the Qiblih* of Salva-
 the whole world, did the world but know it:
    ~vho do know it, be they Christians,
~:-Muslims, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, or those
     at last finding that their preju-
 woi Re
1isap   i the Light gof the Sun of Truth
 rear n
 has again arisen with great brilliance in the
 st Horizon of intelligence, in our own Day,
 bling all to meet in the Spiritual Heavens of
    ding' as friends and lovers, " of one
 nd in a house."'
     We have no great& Scriptural proof than that
   to be found in " Hidden Words " (Balift'u'llih),

   that not merely satisfaction is intended, but that
   Vur Creator bespeaks joy and gladness, for all who
   CO - -operate in the natural and spiritual laws of the
   universe.   's Laws are established in the
   of things, have been expounded by His
   phets, and are written in the Sacred Scriptures
   all Religions, arid all the " free thought " in
   world cannot cha nge those Laws. The Truth
   cannot be 'Overt-hrowiil- and nobody is wise who
   thinks contrary to- it. BahAVIIAh assures each
   individual of God's Love, and of the ecstatic joy
   of life, which enables those who keep His Laws to
 A-1. rise triumphantly glorious, even over death itself.
   For fulness of life in God's Kingdom, on earth,
   and throughout eternity, is the prophecy of the
   Religion of God.
    .*"Qiblih," the Point to which devoted ones turn in
 reverence, as Christians to the East.

In an elementary Persian text book, used in
 schools, it is written, " Justice half Religion is."
 The same little book states as a proof of God's
 Love to individuals, that He gives to each " a
 Mother." This proof none can misunderstand, for
 it is not a mere matter of words. It is written 'in
 many Scriptures that " God is Love," and by the
 power of His Spirit, many have sacrificed their
 lives to prove that Faith.
If then, Justice is half Religion, the other half
 must be Mercy and Generosity: for it is God the
 Merciful, the Generous, the Giver, Who through
 BaWu'llkh addresses each one of His children with
 the utmost Divine Love and Courtesy: -
 0 SON OF SPMrr 1
 Justice is loved above all. Neglect it not if thou
 desirest Me- By 1t thou wilt be strengthened
 to perceive things with thine own eyes and not
 with the eyes of men, to know them by thine
 own knowledge, and ~not by the knowledge of
 any in the world. Meditate on this-how thou
 oughtest to be. Justice is of My Bounty to
 thee, and of My Proavidence over thee; therefore
 keep it ever before thy si ht.
Seeing then, God's Love in the nature of things,
 hearing of it through His Holy Prophets, and each
 experiencing it through a Mother's love, should
 we be irresponsive to the wonderful bounty of
 God? Since Justice enables us to see things with
 our own eyes, it should be clear to the fairminded
 that the satisfaction which we seek in God and in
 each other, is inh all things provided, and should
 be'met -with recognition, responsive generosity,
 and true thankfulness -on our part.
Satisfaction, joy, and gladness will become indi-
 -vidual and universal experience, when all arise from
 the bed of indifference, and by the power of the
 Spirit of God, decide to take and to offer to
 others the overflowing Cup of Generosity which
 Bahi'u'llih offers toh Humanity, to-day.
The Day of Grace' inaugurated by Jesus, has
 had a long spell of centuries and has suffered con-
 siderable abuse. And it will be r,6membered that
 He was aware it would be so ; for when it was

 suggested by His disciples that the goodly disposed
 should be separated from the evil doers, He re-
 -Plied: " Let- both grow together until the
 Harvest. "
This Day is the Harvest of the seed-sowing of
 hMoSeS, Jesus, Muhammad, and of all the Mani-
 festations and Prophets of God before them, when
 the wheat will be gathered into the bam of reality,
 ~and the chaff scattered by the winds of circum-
 stance, or discarded as stubble. All that is not of
 reality will perish in the realms of forgetfulness,
 or God willing, become purified in the fires of
The Call of the Kingdom is Now! Now is the
 accepted tignic 1

 XT is now over fifteen years since the writer
 of this grateful testimony was attracted by
 the Holy Fragrances of Bahh'u'llih,
 through a handful of His followers, who at that
 time, met at the Higher Thought Centre, in
 London. A room had been engaged there for the
 purpose of expounding the Bahk'i Teachings, and
 many were the questions put by earnest students to
 Miss Ethel J. Rosenberg, who had made the pil-
 griniage to Acca, and having sojourned in the
 home of the Master, had many beautiful stories to
 tell of His constant kinaness to all around Him,
 as - well as much important Teaching to impart,
 which she herself had received direct from Him.
 The beautiful and indefinable spirii peculiar to the
 llahA'i Dispensation was always evident in those
 gatherings, and through our persistent questioning
 some of us sought, and found, intellectual satisfac-
 tion, as well.
Most of the Teaching given at the -Higher
 Thought Centre was of the nature of practical
 modern metaphysics, pertaining to healing, and
 individual and general welfare. It was based on
 the hypothesis of Divine Principles as the origin,
 foundation, permanence, and Truth of Being, and
 as aid to individual perception of Truth.
  "Me Bahi'i Teachin
 9, however, related to Pro
 is recognized as coming through a Personal
 .~Westation, a life-giving, -and unifying Spiritual
 or Revealer- of the Divine Will. It was pre-
  as coming through a Personal Revealer, as
  0. ; Christian, Moammadan, and all the great
  ions have come ;-'but with the important, and
     G-Dine,, surprising claim, that'It comes to u~nite
     all! It, therefore, is a manifest spiritual
     ence, which can be known and experienced
 ,l qz-                                  individual participation., So the bountiful
     of its claim to promote Unity may be a
            ience, a ,
     of personal exper's well as'of intel
 tetual reeption; for it is a Divine out
the. Spirit to meet the- needs of Humanity, and
rs its own sacrificial proof to demonstrate its

In. Coming io unite, it cannot proselytise.
briefest aim being to enable all to perceive the
eness of God, of Humanity, and of Religion,
and to ensure to the world the Most great Peace.
-This is not contrary to the clearest perception
of- both ancient and modern Seers.
It was natural that this magnanimous claim
should excite persistent questions, for some were
present who thought they had found Truth in a
Measure delightfully entrancing in one or other
-of' the differ gent presentations of Metaphysical
 teaching. We thought we bad found the " Truth
 of Being,"* and were happy in saying a joyful
 good-bye to the "worm," and "miserable sinner"
 * ("Truth of Being." Grace Western).

 ideas which - had too long hampered our spirit in
 the name of theology. So being set free from all
 that, and believing the Truth had set us freep: w
 rejoiced in a study of Divine Principles, with th:
 understanding that they were for current expres-
 sion-in all personalities.
 There was no mere " divine immanence," or
 44 spark " of divinity within us, not in our concep-
 tion of ourselves, such as is now conceded by
 theology, but potentially, the complete I I image
 and likeness " as stated in Scripture, which is
 natural and common between Father and Son, just
 waiting to be discovered and demonstrated, as bit
 by bit we unwrapped ourselves from the mental
 (4 swaddling clothes " which bound us; so it was
 with                              irth
 right, that we claimed our kinship with the
The study of Divine Principles had setus free
 from the meshes of theology, and given us a deeper
 insight into the Teachings of Jesus. We took Him
 to be the Word, the Light, the Truth, and the
 Way of Life, expressed Personally, to lighten the
 Path of His followgers throughout the Christian
 Era; sufficient, until the further Light which He
 promised in the fulness of Time, should Come.
 For the II Spirit within us " bore testimony to the
 fact, that He had demonstrated His Divine quali-
 ties to the utmost; and since we per-ceived, and
 con-ceived ourselves to be the children of the
                     The Bailder and the Plan." Ursula N. Ge
 a 46 reverent recognition of our Divine 1)    -
 Heavenly Father, we saw no reason why we also
 should -not grow in grace, " to the measure of the
 stature of the fulness of Christ," as Jesus did.
   of course, in His StationP or-in such exalted
   in history. That would be impossible! For
 wi~ ~ each have our own place, as -He said: " In
 Xy Father's House are many mansions: I go, to
 9 prepare a place for you.
    How lovable and tender this assurance concern-
 ng the Heavenly Kingdom, into which, through
 His own mind, Jesus,so graciously permitted His
 disciples to peep! What sweet consideration, to
 4ssure us of rich inheritance in the Father's Name!
 Have we another Friend, who doing for us what
 did., could leave us so tenderly, so nobly, and
 ivith such selfless fortitude to prepare a place for
 - - It would be sin -against the Holy Spirit, if

 did not answer " Yes,," as well as " NO." For
 s- Spirit has bome fruit in many lives. Others
 willingly suffered cruel death and torture for
 our sake, and for the sake of righteousness, because
-the tree of God's planting must bear fruit, and
 the Manifestations of God in each Visitation are
 the growth of centuries, watered and strengthened
 by the Heavenly breezes of eternal Divine utter-
 -alice, and sustained by food some " know not of."
   always bear the fruits of reality, and they
 ,lever mock one by unacceptable propositions.
 So the children of the Kingdom have now a
 0ace 6 9 prepared for them," and may no more be
 ,deceived or kept in ignorance of their Divine birth-

 right. ~ We find that in the heart of God there is
 a place for every one, and Glory be to Him I The
 His Kingdom, is Now!
 Call to
The purpose of this endeavour is that Some
 who may read will become interested in that Call.
 For it is to those 'who know not of it these words
 are written, in the hope that their keen interest
 will be aroused in the Sacred Writings of their
 own Day, and in the Divine Laws revealed through
 the Supreme Pen Of Bahi'u'llhh-
 His Call to the Kingdom, is Now! I-lave we
 heard it? What is our reply? Do we pass it on,
 or remain deaf and dumb? The Kingdom of
 Heaven cannot be controlled by selfish seekers
 after their own glory. The most honourable
 places are filled-by those who can drink the Cup
 of Sacrifice. Let -us take a -time of reverent
 silence, alone, som / etimes, in remembrance of those
 who have drunk that Cup for us, if we cannot do
 so in the fellowship Remembrance, to which their
 Sacred Hearts invited us.
 . We may not abase ourselves before Them.
 That is not what They came for. Such abase-
 ment has been in the past one of the greatest
 religious mistakes, and contrary to the spirit of
 resurrection : for They have ever called us to
 fellowship with the Highest. There has never
 been any discourtesy from Them, to us. Quite
 the contrary. They are blind imitators who feign-
 ing obeisance, teach others to abase themselves;
 but the holy, loving, and devoted reverence which
 understanding, and real cannot be
 sisters in-the Heavenly
tIlviort -walked this earth He was known as the
  Son of God, and men gnashed their
  a claim. It was accounted blas-
P otten
 -at- such
 .Amy in those dark days, but now, it is taken as
 ,!iwatter of course'. For the first word in the
 ~rd's Prayer changed all that, ' and now we know
 to deny the Heavenly Father, is Teal blas-
ftat there should be children of the Spirit, was
:J hard for men to understand. Hence theologi

.gth~i abrications and the interminable discussions
     who affirm, and those who deny,
ivinity of Christ!
    immaculate conception takes place in the
   Wh                               -en we are born of the Spirit, and is the
   tion which we have of ourselves and each
 er. There is a little clarifying verse which run.,;:
 Though Christ in Bethlehem a thousand times
   be born,
 -If Ile's not born in you, your hope is all for-
 a The example of Jesus is naturally and essen-
 tially the judgment, the resurrection, and the life

 of us all. For by His life He brought us into con-
 scious active communion with the Father, proved
 the resurrection of His Spirit, and thus gave us.
 everlasting Life.
Early acquaintance with- the Balia"i Teachings..
 will naturally, in a Christian country, find many-so
 entranced by the beatific vision of Jesus, which
 makes clear such 'possibilities for the children of
 men, that they may hesitate to examine their own
 Scriptures concerning ihe present-day Revelation,
 which in them, is promised, 'Bugt it is hoped, that
 when they remember Jesus promised it, they can-
 not refrain from examining the matter. For
 surely, all must soon become aware that the Light
 of Divine Intelligence illumines the path of
 humanity with resplendent beauty, in our own
To turn aside from it is to court disaster, and to
 become lost in the labyrinths and cross-currents
 of mental confusion; for it is the Be-appearance
 of that Spiritual Light, which lighteth the whole
 world. It awakens the individual consciousness to
 a knowledge of divine origin, and so con-
 firms the claim of Jesus, Plato, and Socrates;
 and is the Divine response in the nature of things--
 to the need of this bewildered world.
    HROUGHOUT the 19th century " Free-
 dom was the -parrot cry of the unthink-
 ing majority, and the constant watchword
 high-minded men : yet this common cry did
 of itself bring about political freedom to
 'women. Women had to claim it.
With many, freedom became little more than a
 fetish, or a licence', a sort of beautiful doll which
 grown-up people liked to play with, and which
 often led them into chains; as idolatry of any kind
 ,always does. We know
 actually gone so far as to say, they would rather
 see England " free " than " sober " I Though
 it -is clear there will not be much freedom worth
 having for any country which does not get free
 from the ravages of strong drink. And good
 patriots of every land who have worked in the face
 of ignominy to set humanity free from it, will re-
 joice to know that it is a BahA'i -Precept that
 " alcoholic liquor shall not be used as a beverage";
 for it has blighted many a brilliant career, and

 -wrecked the happiness of millions of homes.
Notwithstanding the many blessings of freedom,
 which last century has bequeathed to this, the abuse
 of it bas left us with such an undesirable crop of
 conditions, that the special work of this 20th cen-
 tury which is the work of establishing Unity and
 some statesmen have

 Harmony, is exceedingly difficult : so difficult,
 that without clear Spiritual Guidance, such a task
 could not be. accomplished.
There are many organisations on foot to-day,
 which, representing only partial good, gather their
 armies together to attain supremacy and prefer-
 ence over organisations representing other partial
 good. The natural result being that there is chaos
 and unnecessary hardship for many good people in
 their efforts for religious, political, social and in-
 dustrial reform. Though as St. Paul told us, " all
 things work together for good to those that love
 God. " And Bahá"u'llkh looking out on such a
 world of confusion, has declared in the Name of
 God, that Religious, Political, Social, and Indus-
 trial prejudices must be abolished. rhis will
 mean the abolition of much futile slavery on the
 part of those who wish to save the world from
 destruction by inadequate means. For those who
 advocate them have often in the past been known
 to be cynical concerning the efforts of other people,
 not knowino, that all good is One. Temperance
 societies, for instance, have ignored Industrial
 questions. Socialism has scorned Religion as
 fraudulent, and Relilgion repudiated Socialism as
 materialistic. And it cannot be denied that each
 has had a measure of truth in its objections. This
 only proves the impartiality of Truth, which can-
 not be seen with a biassed mind. When belong-
 ing to more than one organisation for reform,
 many a time have the hearts of some been stabbed
  cynicism of personal friends, who showing
 ful prejudice have rendered conversation
  are no child of mine," have fathers been
 o say to their children, " if you do not be-
-ve 9~ this, or that. Or, " out of my house'you
90, if you refuse to fetch my beer." And children
    o would have refused to go for beer, have had to
 h 90 to the tap room for their father, because their
 mother's heart was breaking. Such episodes do
 not help children to keep the Fifth Commandment
 4,   of Moses.
Alas! the hopes of many fathers even to-day are
centred on the turf, and their minds concentrated
on the beer glass; because, as the late Venerable
Dean of Peterborough (one time Vicar of St.
'Matthews, Leicester,*) used then so clearly to ex-

plain with emphasis: "'Gambling is a desireJo
VLoAC_4y_a_nothces loss.
How can anybody keep the Commandments of
God who claims the right of freedom in un-
brotherly indulgences? Those who try can only
supply instances of the folly of making a god of
"Freedom," which like some other things, is
good for good purposes and bad for bad ones.
Many to-day regard the honour of the turf as in-
violate, and dismiss God as fictitious, and Tre there-
   wn t
fore unaware of their duty to their own children
or to the mother of them. It is amazing that self-
respecting persons can turn away from that which
*The Rev. William Clavell ingtami.

 a I
 is really honourable, and belittle their own intelh-
 gence by gextolling honour which is a fictitious
 affair, and, with the enemies of society, dismiss all
 consideration of their solemn obligations made in
 the presence of witnesses, h to their own chosen
 partners in life. -I It is a pity there areboth men
 and women who so delude themselves. May the
 spirit of understanding open the eyes of any who
 have not seen the truth in such matters.
66 A man's only -bondage is his word," says the
 Prophet Jeremiah, and it is for each to decide to
 whom he gives his word. He can give it to the
 truest and best of Friends, or to the Tempter. His
 Creator is benign, -and it is ordained in theg nature
 of things that Man has, for a test, the freedom of
"HERE has been in times past, and very
properly, a great outcry against the fierce-
ness of industrial competition. * Often it
made many of us ask: " Are we on earth, or
hell? And Kingsley, who was not him-
tortured in the mills of industry, has wondered
ehalf of his fellows, " if there will be any com-
  tition in hea
 9. of course, that heaven is a condition of
  mind, that it is essentially communal
  dividualistic., the reality within should
  nces without, and it would not then
  competition could have any place.
The BahVi doctrine that work done faithfully in
.9 spirit of service is acceptable as an act of worship,
seems to dispose of the spirit of competition, -and
.by giving a benevolent incentive to heavenlier
graces, it suggests not only industrial harmony, but
industrial delight, and the -possibility of bringing
    realisation the blessed benediction:    Peace
   d not in
 , 9k,                            ow evi e
   m that
 n earth, and Goodwill towards men. What-

 er one s religious, social, or political views may
 e, no one would object to that most desirable state
 _-of things. How much stronger, how much more
capable we are, when happy in our work! Surely

 such practicable demonstration of Religion would
 win the adherence of all men, and very soon make
 atheism, anarchy and rebellion obsolete; for -we
 are raised by our ideals, and such thoughts would
 then have no place in the common mind; therefore
 honest lovers of humanity should not scoff at
 idealists, for " High aims overleap the- bounds of
 low' successes." We are brothers and'sistersi and
 if we have not attained perfection, we shall inci-
 dently help each other by aiming at it. There are
 worlds of endeavour to conquer, which would give
 men a rest from conquering each other.
Competition lets loose the wolf spirit, and
 though " all the ways of man are right, in his own
 eyes; the Lord weigheth the spirits." The spirit
 of envy, jealousy, and selfishness is engendered by
 competition; yet these are forbidden and despised,
 and incompatible with peace. Spiritually, em0-
 tionally and psychically, competition is unmerciful,
 unjust, vainglorious and unsound : a satanic de-
 vice to oppress the souls of men. It has resulted
 in riches being heaped up superfluously upon the
 few, and too often left many deprived of the bare
 means of existence. Even the young, in some
 countries, have been known to commit suicide, be-
 cause failure to pass examinations in " the
 clumsy dust of ancient knowledges " has doomed
 them to military service and despair. They have
 preferred not to live, rather than to live under such
 cruel and insane conditions. To do one's utmost
 in the way of service and attainment should satisfy
reasonable beings-but to be always wanting to
    other people is to rob life of its:courtesies
 strial competition savours too much of coni-
 Ision, takes the poetry out of life, and robs in-
 -duals of the right to serve each other peacefully
 their own free-will. It deprives them of their
 in making the very universe ring with joy.
 e joy of satisfaction-to be experienced by all :
 en we shall have no more pins without points,
 ~no matches that will not light, no pencils which
 break away refusing to be sharpened; and no
 boots and shoes which cripple us. Pure food and
 g.ino substitutes; beautiful fruit.' nuts, and other
foods, which will make everybody forget
 ''aleoholic beverages without iegret. For, in seek7
 ina first the Kinadom of God and His righteous-

 ness, we are told by Him in Whom we believe,
   "I that " all things which we need, will be added unto
 US, in measure pressed down and running over, be-
 d anything which we can think, or speak."
 -That, we g know, is the generous promise of ".
 - But alas! The ravages of competition have not
 only been evident in industry. In Science, Art,
 Literature, and even in Religion itself, the desire
 of the false to attain glory, and to dominate the
 true, has also been known. It is unnecessary to
 dwell upon it. But in this time of re-construction
 ive should see to it that the true, in all lines of
 activity, shall prevail.
 God is one. Humanity is One. The Founda-

 tion of the Religion of God is One. - Therefore all
 efforht, whether it be religious, political, social, in-
 dustrial, or humanitarian-should be directed with
 due appreciation and regard to that , Divine
 Economy which has made all things One. Other-
 wise, heavenly zeal is consumed. Competitive
 effort is selfish, separative, unsatisfactory, and is
 not in accord with the Divine Policy which cares
 for all, provides for all, and comprehends all.
For Truth being One and indivisible, spiritual
 values cannot be used in a spirit of rivalry and in-
 dependence under separate banners, through failure
 to appreciate their relation to each other and to
 the Source from which they spring; any more than
 fractions can be used without regard to their rela-.
 tive value to each other and to the Whole Number
 which governs them.
But it is not all, we gratefully remember, who
 would trifle with the Oneness of natural and
 spiritual Law. Some there are who agonise even
 now in conflicting organizations which cry out
 like locusts for sustenance: ~vhile many are broken
 in the endeavour to support them. And this is
 bound to happen when that which is partly true
 does not relate itself with the whole. The wise
 and the honest relate themselves with the whole
 Truth. George Washington must have felt this,
 when he exclaimed: " Let us raise a Standard to
 which the wise and the honest can repair. The
 Event is in the hands of God." If memory serves
 correctly those words are inscribed on the Arch
   which one passes from Washington
 uare, into Fifth Avenue, New York. There
 the -rich have repaired. And it is hoped that the
 iieh -in this world's goods will hasten to become the
 wisest and most honest of people, that they may
    the feat which the Lord Christ said: " is
 more difficult than the passing of a camel through
 a needle's eye.", There are rich in all lands.. even
 the poorest of lands. And when so many are in
 -,extreme need, this requires explanation.
The Call of the Kingdorn is to all, rich and
 poor, to " Put their hands into God's Treasury
Ahat He may lift His head radiantly above all
 their treasures." (Ba hk'u'llih, in " Hidden
When the rich cease to oppress the poor because
 all have inscribed George Washington's standard
 on heart and mind, we shall see the endeavour for

 one Financial standard throughout the world.
 Then, neither the dollar, nor the pound, the
 franc, the mark, or the rupee, will have advan-
 tage or disadvantage. For Life is One, and in
 their relation to each other they all represengt life
 values. The unfortunate will not always be sub-
 ject to further misfortune, by becoming the slaves
 of the money market as they are to-day. - There
 are different sorts of slave which need to be
We know that many men, in other lands, have
 shared Washington's aspirations for honest
 standards in finance, morals, industry, religion,

 and in all human relationships. But it is not
 enough to aspire separately. It is necessary for
 individuals- and nations to aspire together, in order
 to secure the refreshing fairness in these matters,
 which is their heart's desire.
Melodious individual voices have reverberated
 through the centuries~, and are now blended into
 One Voice, which is -calling all to Unity.
Jesus yearned in prayer for Unity. The Bahá"i
 Teachings come in answer to that prayer, calling
 all to gather in thatwhich is the ripe Harvest of
 His seed-sowing.
The Principles of BahA'u'HAh are Pillars of
 Strength, in establishing Unity. They enable us
 to see that to be free, is not enough; because
 Humanity is One Family, and an all-comprehend-
 ifig glance should enlist the practical-help of every
 one, in establishing Unity and Harmony the world
The Human Ideal, should be Harmony and
 Oneness. Then will all see with God's Sight, and
 the effort for Unity, will incidentally set indi-
 viduals free from the greatest of all bondage-the
 bondage of self.
&J:JBDU'L_BAHA said: "You have ques-
     tioned me about strikes. This question
     is and will be the subject of great diffi-
     culties. Strikes are due to two causes. One is
     the extreme sharpness and rapacity of the capi-
     talists and manufacturers : the,other, the excesses,
-the avidities, and ill-will of the workmen and arti-
 san~. It is therefore necessary to remedy these
 -two causes.
 But the principal cause of these difficulties lies
 in the Laws of the present civilization: for they
 lead to a small number accumulating incomparable
-fortunes, beyond their needs, whilst the greater
 number remains destitute, stripped, and in the
 greatest misery. This. is contrary to justice, to
 humanity, to equity; it is the height of iniquity,
 the opposite to what causes divine satisfaction. g

" This contrast is peculiar to the world of man:
 with other creatures, that is to say with nearly all
 animals, there is a kind of justice and equality.
 Thus in a shepherd's flock of sheep, in- a troop of
 deer in the country, among the birds of the prairie,
 of the hill, 'or the orchard, almost every animal

 receives a just share based on equality. With
 them-such difference in the means of existence is
 not to be found: so they live in the most complete
 peace and joy." .
" It is quite othenvise with the human species,
 which persists in the greatest effor, and in absolute
 iniquity. Consider an individual who has amassed
 treasures by colonising a country for his profit. He
 has obtained an incomparable fortune, and has
 secured profits and incomes which flow like a river,
 whilst a hundred thousand unfortunate people,
 weak and powerless, are in need of a mouthful of
 bread. There is neither equality nor brotherhood.
 So you see that general peace and joy are
 destroyed, the welfare of humanity is partly anni-
 hilated, and that collective life is fruitless. In-
 deed, fortune, honours, commerce, industry, are
 in the hands of some individuals, while other people
 are subject to quite a series of difficuffies and to
 limitless troubles; they have neithor advantages,
 nor profits, nor comfort, nor peace."
" Then rules and laws should be established to
 regulate the excessive fortunes of certain private
 individuals and to limit the misery of millions of
 the poor masses; thus a certain moderation would
 be obtained. However, absolute equaliiy is just as
 impossible, for absolute equality in fortunes,
 honours, commerce, agriculture, industry, would
 end in a want of comfort, in discouragement, in
 disorganisation of the means of existence, and in
 universal disappointment : the order of the com-
 munity would be quite destroyed. Thus, there is
 a i great wisdom in the fact that equality is not
by law; it is therefore preferable for
     ion to-do the work. The main point is, by
     f laws and regulations to hinder the con-
 stitution of excessive fortunes of certain indi-
 viduals, and to protect the essential needs of the
 masses. For instance the manufacturers and the
 industrials heap up a treasure each day, and the
 poor artisans do not gain their daily sustenance;
 that is the height o ' f iniquity, and no just man can
 accept it.Therefore laws and regulations should
 be established which would permit the workmen
 to receive from the factory owners their wages and
 a share in the fourth or the fifth part of the profits,
 according to the wants of the factory, and the
 work and labour from the body of the workmen.
 In other words the workmen should receive wages

 Which assure them adequate support, and when
 they cease work, becoming feeble and helpless,
 they should receive from the owner of the factory
 a sufficient pension. The wages should be enough
 to satisfy the workmen with the amount they
 receive, so that they may be able to put a little
 agside for days of want and helplessness."
" When matters are thus fixed, the owner of a
 factory will no longer put aside daily a treasure
 which he has absolutely no need of; and, the work-
 men and artisans will no longer be in the greatest
 misery and want, and will not be subjected to the
 greatest privations at the end of their life."

  Without taking into, consideration -that the
 fortune is disproportionate, the capitalist succumbs
 under formidable burdenst and gets - into the
 greatest diffl6ulties and troubles; the administra-
 tion of an excessive fortune is very difficult and
 exhausts man's strength.")
" It is then clear and evident that the repartition
 of excessive fortunes amongst a small number of
 individuals, while the masses are in misery is an
 iniquity and an injustice. In the same way abso-
 lute equality would be an obstacle to life, to wel-
 fare, to order, and to the peace of humanity. In
 such a question a just medium is preferable. It
 lies in the capitalists being moderate in the ac-
 quisition of their profits, and in their having a
 consideration for the poor and needy; that is to
 say, the workmen and artisans -should receive ag
 fixed and established daily -wage, and have a share
 in the general profits of the factory."
" It would be well,with regard to the social
 rights of manufacturers, workmen and artisans,
 that laws be established, giving moderate profits to
 manufacturers, and to workme n the necessary
 means of existence and security for the future.
 Thus, when they become feeble and cease working,
 get old and helpless, and die leaving children under
 age, these children will not be annihilated by excess
 of poverty. And it is from the income of the
 factory itself, to which they have a right to derive
 the means of existence."
" In the same way, the workmen should no
longer rebel and revolt, nor demand beyond thei
rights              r
     they should no longe go out on strike, the
 should be obedient and submissive, and not ask fo
 impossible wages. But the mutual rights of bot]
 associated parties will be fixed and establishe
 according to custom by just and impartial laws. Ii
 case one Of the two parties should transgress, thE
 courts of justice would have to give judgment and
 by an efficacious fine put an end to the transgres-
 sion; thus order will be re-established, and the diffi-
 culties settled. The interference of courts of justice
 and of the Government in difficulties pending be-
 tween manufacturers and workmen is legal, for the
 reason that current affairs between workmen and
 manufacturers cannot be compared with ' ordinary

 affairs between private persons, which do not con-
 cern the public, and with which the -Government
 should not occupy itself. In reality, although they
 appear to be matters between private persons,
 these difficulties between e ' mployers and workmen
 produce general detriment: for commerce, -in-
 dustry, agriculture and general affairs of the
 country are all intimately linked together. if
 one of these suffers an abuse, the detriment affects
 the mass. Thus the difficulties between workmen
 and manufacturers become a cause of general
 detriment. "
"The Court of Justice and the Government have
 therefore the right of interference. When a diffi-
 culty occurs between two individuals with refer-
 ence to private rights, it is necessary for a third to

 settle the question; this is the part of the Govern-
 ment; then the question of strikes-which causes
 trouble to. the country and is often connected
 with the excessive vexations of -the workmen, as
 well as with the rapacity of manufacturers-how
 could it remain neglected? "
" Good God! Is it possible, that seeing one -of
 his fellow creatures starving, destitute of every-
 thing, a man can rest and Eve comfortably in his
 luxurious mansion? He who meets another in
 the greatest misery, can he enjoy his fortune?
 Therefore, in the Religion of God, it is prescribed
 and established that wealthy men each year give
 a certain part of their fortune for the main-
 tenance of the poor and unfortunate. This is the
 foundation of the Religion of God, and the most
 essential of the Commandments."
 While man is not forced by the Government,
 whenever by the natural tendency of his good
 heart, and with the greatest mirituality, he makes
 provision for the poor, it is most praiseworthy, and
 well pleasing to God and man."
" Such is the meaning of the good works in the
 Divine Books and Tablets."-
The aboave discourse on " Strikes," is taken from
 an " Appendix," to the London 1908 edition of
 " Some Answered Questions," Collected and
 Translated from the Persian of 'Abdu'l-Bahd, by
 Laura Clifford Barney. - It is contained in t4
 American edition of 1918.9 but since industrial
 troubles are world-wide, it ts given here for the
 benefit of those who might not otherwise know of'
 the- Solution portrayed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá', the
 Servant of God.

  HE Friends of God and Handmaidens of
the Merciful must render service to the
Oneness of the Human world, and
show love and aTmity to all the children of men.
They must deal with the utmost devotion, good-
will, love, and kindness, towards all Humanity."
His Highness, BahAVIIAh, addressing the
 World says:
" Ye are all the leaves of One Tree, the fruits of
 One Branch." Therefore the law of relationship,
 brotherhood, kinship, fatherhood and motherhood,
 is established and proven amongst all the families
 of the Human Race.
tndeavour Ye, with all your heart and soul, so
 that you may live and act in accordance with the
 Teachings of Bahh'u'llhh.'
     To become a shelter and an asylum to every
     oppressed one;
 To assist and uplift every vanquished one;
 To be a skilled physician to every sick one;
     To bestow a swift healing antidote to every
     wounded one;
 To inspire with confidence every fearful one;
     To grant tranquillity and composure to every
     agitated one;
 To gladden the heart of every depressed one;
  To'bring mirthfulness to every weeping one;
  To become salubrious water to every thirsty
  To be the cause of glory to every. fallen one;
  And to be charitable to all the poor.
  Beware! Beware! Lest ye offend any heart!
  Beware! Beware! Lest ye hurt any soul!
     Beware! Beware! Lest ye deal unkindly to-
     ward any person!
     Beware! Beware! Lest ye be the cause of
     hopelessness to any creature!
 Should any soul become the cause of grief to any
 one heart.3a or of despondency to any one soul, it
 were better for him to hide himself in the lowest
 strata of the Earth, than to walk upon the Earth.
 Should any so ul desire the abasement of his Kind,
 undoubtedly nonentity were better for him: his
 nonexistence better than his existence, and his
 death better than his life."
" Therefore my advice to you is: Endeavour as
 much as you can to show kindness to all men, to

 deal with perfect love, affection and devotion with
 all the individuals of Humanity. Remove from
 amongst yourselves, racial, patriotic, religious,
 sectional, political, commercial, industrial, and
 agricultural prejudices ; so that ye may become
 the founders of the structures of the Oneness of
 Humanity. All countries are One country; all
 nations are the children of One Father. The
 struggle for existence among the ferocious wolves
 has become the cause of all these differences, and

 strifes; otherwise the expanse of the 'World is
 spacious, and the Table of the Bounties of the
 Almighty is spread'in all regions."
 Upon Ye, be Bahá El Abha!
 (Signed) 'ABDU'L-BAuk ABB.As.
One can scarcely read this Tablet of BahA'u'-
 RAh with concentrated attention without being
 Conscious hthat the Voice of God is calling, or
 without experiencing a baptism of the Holy
 Spirit. Some Bahá'ís have called it 11 The
 Beware Tablet," not only for obvious reasons to
 be found in the Tablet itself, but perhaps also
 with an inner knowledge of the necessity of
 exercising constantly that divine kindness to
 which we have ever been called-by the Messengers
 of God, in every Age.
To-day, that Call is again made clear by
 Bahh'u'llAh, the Nightingale of Significances.
 Divine kindness has been manifested by Him, and
 has been exemplified in the life of 'Abdu'l-BahA,
 the Greatest Branch.
When that kindness which blends the human
 with the divine is manifested the world over,
 from each to all, in accordance with the Divine
 Exhortation, all will become conscious of the
 presence of the living God, for we shall in each
 other, see glimpses of God-likeness, face to face,
* Translated by Mirza Ahmad Soltrab, Washington, D.C.
 Noy. 11, 1910.
 and be assured of it, by evidences in the lives of
 each other.
Then, indeed, will the Glory of God cover
 the earth." Have not the Prophets, of every
 Age proclaimed that " these things shall be ? "
God 's Will is good-will to all mankind, and
 this knowledge should incline all to attune their
 hearts to the countless melodies of the Divine
 Message for To-day, and to recognize that the
 Spirit of
 -has been manifested in accordance with the ful-

 filment of Prophecy, and is calling all men to
 unite under the Banner of Universal Harmony.
Divine kindness has been made manifest to the
 world through Bahá'u'lláh and I Abdu'l-Bahá,
 the Greatest Branch, even as in former Time,
 it has - -been manifested by Jesus, the- Christ,
 Whose teaching and the teaching of the Prophets
 anticipated the appearance of Bahh'u'llah and
 'Abdu'l-BahA in the world.
It remains for each and all -of us to manifest
 good-will to each other by the power of the
 Spirit which gives life to us all, in order that the
 Kingdom of God may be realized on Earth.

                                 THE UNIVERSALITY
                                OF ETERNAL TRUTH.
C','%w* OWARDS the end of His time on Earthl
     Jesus clearly said there were 6 'other
     things " which He had to say unto His
     disciples, which then, they could hnot bear: but
     that at a time when no man knoweth, " Another
     would come in the Spirit of Truth, and guide them
     into all Truth. " He also said when offering the
     Cup at the Feast of His own Passover, " I will
     not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until
     that dhay when I drink it new with you in My
     Father's Kingdom." (Matt., Chap. 26, ver. 29.)
Nearly 2,000 years have passed since those- words
 were spoken with a meaning which covered the
 Passing of the Son on the cross- of rejection, and
 the coming ofh the Father?s Kingdom to establish
 the Glory of God on Rarth.
Yet, free as we have believed ourselves to be,
 Christians, in common with those of other Reli-
 gions, have confined themselves to the habit of not
 looking beyond the Teaching of the Founder of
 their own Religion-as that Teaching relates to
 individual salvation. This tendency, together
 with the disposition to idolatry and place-seeking
 rather than to obedience, creates a difficulty in
 accepting further Revelation now, when in accord-
 ance with the necessities of the Time it has become
 due, and the inclination to dismiss Prophecy with
 its broader scope as something belonging to the
 realms of uncertainty, has hidden the all-embrac-
 in'g Purpose of Religion from view.
So we may not forget, that Truth is indivisible.
 We must know that it is the Spirit of Truth which
 moves the Prophets and Saviours of the world to
 deliver the IT iversal Messages of God. They
        _1 n
 always invite individual co-operation: therefore
 Prophecy cannot be dismissed, for it is laden with
 just and righteous Purpose for the whole of
The recognition of Divine Universal Principles
 is necessary to the happiness of individuals and
 Nations. This knowledge will incidentally
 bridge that painful difference of opinion between
 Christians of some dienominations concerning

 whether they should take an interest in the right-
 eous government of the world; for application ot
 the principles of Righteousness to national and
 international affairs will naturally make it easier
 for every one to live up to their Religion. Where-
 as unjust social relationship between individuals
 or nations deprives many of hope, either in this
 life or the life to come. Righteous Principles are
 all-comprehending and will put party politics out
 of court.
To-Day, the commanding Voice of God speaks
 through BahA'u'lla, and we know it to be the
 same 'Voice of Righteousness which has spoken

 through all the Manifestations of God Who have
 appeared under different Names: from Moses,
 Abraham, Jesus, or Muhammad, who all saw afore-
 time that Divine Event which has come to pass
 through the travail of their -Soul-the rising of the
 Sun of Righteousness in the world of Humanity
 to make all men One-the establishing of the
 Kingdom of God, on Earth.
Bahh'u'llih comes in the Spirit of the Father,
 therefore aR we hold dear for the individual in the
 Name of Jesus, He gives in overwhelming
 measure. but His Teachings, fulfilling Prophecy,
 contain also further Revelation of God's Will con-
 cerning Universal affairs, and the Divine Will is
 clearly expressed in the Principles given to the
 world by Him. 'They are the Ropes of God given
 for the world's salvation in this time of difficulty
 and transition, and to which all who desire the
 ,protection of God should cling. For they are
 essential to establish on Earth, the Most Great
 Peace. Being PrincipleShof Righteousness, they
 are easy to understand, and should readily find a
 home in every heart.
  HICH are Rays from the Sun of Right-
eousness now penetrating the mind of
Mankind, for they represent important
 Measures of Justice, now over-due, and are essen-
 tial to the establishing on Earth, -of
 3. THE                              ONENESS OF THE FOUNDATION OF ALL


A list of BahA'i publications will be appended
 for those interested in, further study of the Bahi'i
 Faith, and in the Sacred Writings of Bahi'u'l-
 lih and 'Abdii'l-Balik, seekers after Truth may
 find that which is more precious than rubies, be-
 cause it pertains to eternal life.
This is to be found through the Holy Books of
 God's Revelation which have been given in the
 past, is found in the present Revelation of Bahi-
 'u'llAh, and will be found in as many more Revela-
 tions as may be necessary to bring Mankind into
 complete rapport with the Laws of God, which
 pertain to general resurrection from the deadness
 of trespasses and error.
The mines of wealth contained in God's Revela-
 tions to Mankind are now opened up to us afresh,
 and more than- they have ever been, through the
 penetrating Sight of Bahh'u'llhh, who, seeing
 their Inner Meaning to be One Harmonious Whole,
 courteously invites us to investigate and consider
 it for ourselves, that we may participate in His
 Vision of Eternal Truth which the all-compre-
 hending Generosity of our God has provided for
 US. Clearly, He shows, we are the inheritors
 of the Kingdom of Heaven. In Unity, we are
 rich indeed, but by separations and divisions we
 have made ourselves poor.
The InnerMeaning of God's Revelation is the
 Cup of Oneness which BahA'u'llAh offers. And
 those who accept it with understanding are im-
 pelled to offer it to others; for the Friends of God
 and Handmaidens of the Merciful are moved by
 the power of the Spirit coming through
 Bahh'u'llih~, (the same Christ Spirit which filled
 Jesus) to spread the knowledge of the Oneness of
 God and the Oneness of Mankind.
As Jesus, an earnest student of the -Scriptures,
 recognising Himself in them was undoubtedly the
 best exponent of them, in His Day, so Bahi'u'IlAh
 in accepting Him, makes clear that the same Spirit
 is evident in all the Manifestations of God-that
 being one and the same Spirit, It proceeds from
 the only Source of 'Majesty. So He delivers tog
 us His Message , containing the greatest of all
 Knowledge, the Knowledge of God. It is obvious
 therefore, to those who see with the eye of the
 Spirit, that BahA'u'llAh is the very Sunrise of

He expounds God's Laws for to-day, in clear
 and pristine purity, in order that His Covenant
 with God amongst the Nations may be fulfilled-,
 and that Heavenly Kingdom, which Jesus yearned
 for, be established on Earth.
BahA'u'llAh, manifesting the Spirit of the Father,
 left, in accordance with Prophecy, His own Be-
 loved Son, 'Abdu'l-BahA, to be the Centre of His
 Covenant amongst the Nations, to establish the
 Kingdom of God on Earth. And by His hard and
 loving labour of delight, 'Abdu'l-]3ahh has be-
 queathed to the world wisdom and guidance, neces-
 sary to protect the Cause of God from error.

In the lives, and through the Sacred Tablets and
 Holy Writings of BahAVIIAh and 'Abdu'l-Bahk
 the Spirit earnestly'says to all: " Come!" And
 unless the world heeds this Divine Invitation, it
 is inevitable that great calamities will overtake it.
Jesus was the clear exponent of the Sacred
 Writings before Him, and it will be seen that
 Bahh'u'lhih and 'Abdu'l-Bahi are clear exponents
 of the Divine Scriptures given before their appear-
 ance. Their own Sacred Writings are therefore
 as precious as the records concerning- Jesus; for
 they make His sayings perfectly plain-and fulfil
 the promise of further Divine Guidance. Jesus
 gave us a New Commandment. We have not
 kept it very well. He was the Corner Stone,
 which the builders of His Day refused. He
 prayed for the Kingdom of God to come.
 BahAVIIAh brings Laws and Principles of Gu-id-
 ance, of universal importance-which are essential
 to it. He, therefore, coming to proclaim the Glory
 of God, is the Desire of Nations to-day, and God's
 own Answer to the prayer of Jesus-" Thy King-
 dom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth, as it is
 in Heaven."
Statesmen of many lands are assembling, and
 not knowing that He Who is the " Desire of
 Nations " has come to declare Universal Princi-
 ples which are the Will of God, they are acting
 on behalf of the Nations in a way which has not
 yet brought Peace.
 They have made sincere attempts, but-without
 the Guidance which comes from God, Man can ' not
 bring Peace to the world. Ile has been trying
 ever since the world began, and has miserably
It will be seen by all who consider them thatll~
 the Principles of BahA'u'llhh contain the very
 essence of Peace,: individual and universal. They
 are absolutely without prejudice. No selfish in-
 terest can be conserved when they are established.
 And with these Pillars of uprightness and guiding
 lines of construction-with Christ Jesus the magni,
 ficent Corner Stone, the rich giftof our Generous
 God-we can with perfect confidence proceed to
 establish the Kingdom of God on Earth.
 Bahh'u'llAh has Covenanted with God, for this.
 Gathering up the desires and aspirations of the
 -Heavenly Messengers Who have appeared before
 Him, He has made His Covenant with sacrifice,

 in order to establish the Most Great Peace.
Therefore, in this Day, a New Dispensation of
 the Spirit of God has come to us through
 BahAVIIAh, and leaves from the Tree of Life are
 given for the Healing of suffering Nations.
A brief historic note will be given on another
 page, indicative of the outline of this most thrilling
 Event of all Time-the Coming of the Kingdom
 of God on Earth. It will be seen that the BAb,
 blessed be His Name, the Door! through which
 Light came, bears the same relation to Bahh'u'llAh

 as John the Baptist bore to the Coming of Jesus.
 John, suffered martyrdom for that reason, and like-
 wise martyrdom happened to the BAb. But every
 calamity which has occurred in the history of the
 BahA'i Cause, has proved to be a great blessing
 fraught with benign consequence.
What, for instance, could have seemed a greater
 misfortune to the English people, the French, the
 German, the Italian, or those of any country, than
 to have a Divine Revelation coming to the world
 in a t0*11gue unknown to them 1 How much trouble
 has arisen to Christians, because they have been
 unable to read exactly what Jesus said in the langu-
 age in which He spoke, or in which His sayings
 were first recorded! It is not impossible that some
 meanings have crept in which were not exactly
 His. So great is the power of His Spirit however,
 that it would have been-impos-sible for any recorder
 to conceal It. It is recognisable by the simple
 min:ded, and is something we can each know and
 be sure of, in spite of difficulties. Yet, neverthe-
 less, it would have been joyous to have been able
 to read His meanings in the tongue in which He
 spoke to His disciples, or even forh all the Nations
 to be able to read them in one and the same
 language. And indeed, we have the means for
 this at hand. I-low true it is, that " there is
 nothing which we may think or speak, which the
 Spirit has not power to accomplish!"
 T is written of men and nations that  a
   little child shall lead them.-Yes; - and
 whether they manifest the spirit of the wolf,
 or the bear, or the leopard, or the cow, or the young
 lion or the lamb; they shall lie down together.
   They shall n ' ot hurt or destroy in all my Holy
   Forthe Earth shall be filled with the knowledge
   of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
And we know it is the word which the Lord
 hath spoken, for it is coming to pass. Even at the
 time when men repudiate simplicity for leader-
 ship it is significant that this is so, for "although
 the leaders of the people cause them to err, 91-

 " the zeal of the Lord of Hosts doth accomplish
When BahA'u'llAh in the zenith of His Man-
 hood, was confined with His companions in prison,
 by despotic governments, and religious fanaticism,,
 with the heavy chains of persecution around their
 necks-for teaching in God's Name that the
 " bonds of afiFection and Unity between the sons
 of men should be strengthened; that diversity of
 7eligions should cease, and difiFerences of race be
 annulled; and proclaiming that fruitless strife and

 ruinous wars should pass away-that all men should
 live as brothers," and that the " most Great Peace
 shall come," God was preparing a little child (who
 listened at his mother's knee, in another part of
 the world)-to do a mighty work in furthering one
 of the Principles which the Divine Mind through
 Bahh'u'llkh was promulgating as essential to usher
 in, and secure, Universal Peace; That child after-
 wards became Dr. Zamenof, who is now ienowned
 for presenting to the world the International Auxi-
 liary language, known as Esperanto.
 Dr. Zamenof was born in 1859, at -Bielestock,
 in Poland. The inhabitants there consisted of
 four different elements: Russians, Poles, Ger-
 mans, and Jews: all speaking different languages,
 and living at enmity with each other. The young
 boy was strongly impressed with the fact that an
 alien language is a primary cause of international
 hatred, and at an early age he pondered over the
 strange difference between the creed his mother
 taught him, " the brotherhood of man," and the
 actual opposite of this, which he saw on all sides.
 Child as he then was, he acutely sorrowed for the
 world, and gradually became filled with an un-
 faltering ambition to change,all this. From this
 determination he never swerved, although of
 course, he found as he grew up, that the boy's
 idea of unlimited power was exaggerated. Never-
 theless, while at school and at college, he still.
 persevered in his endeavour to unite all men in a
 common tongue . . . .
 ot "In 1879, when he
 was 19 ye 9 ars of age, the language was more or less
 ready, and Zanienof and his colleagues celebrated
 its birth in a college festival; but the author was
 still too young to publish his work, and decided to
 wait five or six years. While attending the univer-
 sity he gave all his spare time in those most precious
 years of youth to the study and perfection of his
 invention. - After many disappointments, he suc-
 ceeded in publishing it at his own cost, in 1887. "
" Thus we see Esperanto is the outcome of years
 Of patient perseverance on the part of a man of
 genius. Now, it can be learned at the cost of a
 few hours pleasant study    ring a period
          . per week, du i
 of six months. Of what national language can
 this be said?"

How good- it is to have, in the face of such
 apparently overwhelming difficulties, this practical
 assurance that there is, as Shakespeare wrote, " A
 Divinity which shapes our ends." And without
 doubt many could point to other events, events
 which have contributed to " The One far-off
 Divine Event," of which Tennyson sang, and to
 which " the whole Creation," has now moved:
 For, even in the darkness of the night which the
 world has, known, it has approached us so nearly as
 to have taken place in our own.Day!
Now He, Bahh'u'llhh, the Desire of Nations, has
 Come, of necessity bringing with Him Divine
 (Margaret L. Jones. Esperanto Manual.")

 Laws and Principles which-will make all men One.
 Is not this which all Ages have aspired? -
 Let us read how His -Beloved - Son, 'Abdu'l-
 BahA, being set free from the bonds of oppression,
 laboured throughout the world to promulgate those
 Principles of salvation, and- decide, when we
 have read, what we are going to do, now He has left
 us, toward spreading a knowledge of them, and
 what part we shall take in getting them establishedia
 and what support and encouragement we shall give
 to those who are bent on.this great Purpose?
We know we can do nothing of ourselves. It is,
 as Bahh'u'llAh has taught us, " the gexecutive
 Power of God's Spirit, which enables His servants
 to perform His orders."
    DDRESSING the Paris Esperanto Group,
February 12th, 1913J. at a banquet given
in his honour at the Hotel Modern in that
city, after a brief introduction by M. Bourlet, the
President of the Paris Esperanto Society,
 'Abdu'l-BahA said:
" One Pf the revealed Principles of the Universal
 Religion is the establishing of a Universal
"In the material world of 'existence, human
 undertakings are divided into two kinds~universal
 and specific. The result of every, universal effort
 is infinite, and the outcome of every specific effort
 is finite.
 In this age, those human problems which
 create a general interest are universal; their results
 are likewise universal, for humanity has become
 illiterdependerit. The international laws of to-day
 are of vast importance since international politics
 are bringing nations nearer to one another. It is
 a general axiorn that in the world of human endea-
 vour, every universal affair commands attention
 and its results and benefits are limitless. There-
 fore let wlis say that every universal cause is divine,
 and every specific matter is human. The universal
 light for this planet is from the sun; and the special
 light here to-night, which is electric, illumines

 this banquet hall through thhe invention of man.
 In like manner the, activities which endeavour to
 establish solidarity between nations and to infuse
 the spirit of universalism in the hearts of the chil-
 dren of menare like unto divine rays from the Sun
 of Reality, and the brightest ray is the coming of
 the Universal Language. Its achievement is the
 greatest virtue of the age, for such an instrument
 will remove misunderstandings from amongst the
 peoples of the earth and unite their hearts. This
 medium will enable each individual member of the
 human family to be informed of the scientific
 accomplishments of all his fellow men.
" The basis of knowledge and the excellencies of
 endeavour in this world are to teach and to be
 taught. To acquire sciences and to, teach them in
 turn depends upon language, and when the inter-
 national auxiliary language becomes universal, it
 is easily conceivable that the acquirement of know-
 ledge and instruction will likewise become
" No doubt you are aware that in the past ages
 a common language shared by various nations
 created a spirit of solidarity amongst them. For
 instance 1300 years ago, there were many diver-
 gent nationalities in the Orient. There were
 Copts in Egypt, Syrians in Syria, Assyrians and
 Babylonians in Baghdad and Mesopotamia.
 There existed among these peoples rank
 hatred but as they were gradually brought nearer
 through common protection and common interests,
 the Arabic language grew to be the means of
 inter-commumeation, and they became as one
 nation. They all speak the Arabic language to
 -this day. In Syria if you ask any one of them he
 Will say., ' I am an Arab,' though in reality he-
 is not. Some are Greeks, others Jews, etc. We
 gsay., ' This man is a German, the other an Italian,
 a Frenchman, an Englishman, etc. All. belong
 to the great human family, yet language is a barrier
 between them. The greatest working basis for
 bringing about Unity and Harmony amongst the
 nations is the teaching of a universal tongue.
 Writing on this subject, 50 (now 60) years ago,
 Ms Holiness Bahh'u'llAh said that complete union
 between the various sections of the world would be
 an unrealis-ed dream as long as an international
 language was not established."
11 Misunderstandings keep people from mutual

 association and these misunderstandings will not
 be dispelled except through the medium of a
 common ground of communication. Every intel-
 ligent man will bear testimony to this."
" The people of the Orient are not fully in-
 formed of the events in the West, and the West
 cannot put itself into sympathetic touch with the
 East. Their thoughts are enclosed in a casket.
 The Universal language will be the key to open it.
 Western books will be~ translated into that
 language and the people of the East will be in-
 formed of the contents : likewise Eastern lore will
 become the property of the West. Thus also will
 6 9

 -1-e -
 those misunderstandings which exist between the
 different Religions be, dispersed. Religious preju-
 dices. play havoc among the peoples and bring
 about warfare and strife, and it is impossible to
 remove.them. without a language in common."
"I am an Oriental and on this account I am shut
 out from your thoughts and you likewise from
 mine. A mutual language will become the
 mightiest means of universal progress towards the
 union of East and West. It %viH make the earth
 one home, and become the divine impulse for
 human advancement. It will upraise the Standard
 of Oneness of the world of Humanity and make
 the earth a universal commonwealth. It will be
 the cause of love between the children of men and
 create good fellowship between the various creeds."
 Praise be to God that Dr. Zamenof has con-
 structed the Esperanto language. It has all the
 potential qualities of universal adoption. - All of
 us must be grateful to him that in his noble efforts
 in this matter he has served his fellow men well.
 He has constructed a language which will confer
 divine benefits on all peoples. With untiring
 effort and self-sacrifice on the part of its devotees-
 it gives promise of universal acceptance.
" Therefore every one of us should study this
 language and make every effort to spread it, so,
 that each day it may receive a wider recognition,
 be accepted by all nations and Governments of the
 world, and become a part of the curriculum in all
 the public schools. I hope that the business of
 the future conferences and congresses will be car-
 ried on in Esperanto. In the future two languages
 will be taught in the schools, one the native tongue,
 and . the other the International Auxiliary
"Consider to-day how difficult is human commu.-
 nication. One may study fifty languages and yet
 travel through a country and be at a loss. I
 myself know several of the Oriental languages
 but know no Western tongue. Had this Univer-
 sal language pervaded the globe, I should have
 studied it, and you -would have been directly in-
 formed of my thoughts,g and I of yours, and a
 special friendship would have been established
 between us.
" Please send some Teachers to Persia, if you

 can, so that they may teach Esperanto to the young
 people. I have written asking some of them to
 come here to study it.
"I hope that it will be promulgated very rapidly,
 then the world of humanity will find peace. All
 the nations will associate with each other like
 mothers and sisters, fathers and brothers, and
 each member of the body politic will be fully in-
 formed ofi the thoughts of all.
"I am extremely grateful to you, and thank you
 for these lofty efforts, for you have gathered at
 ithis banquet to further this language. Your hope
 is to render a mighty service to Humanity and for
 this great aim, I congratulate you from the bottom
 of my heart."

     WORLD made up of contending factions
is a world diseased and suffering; because,
it a -house divided against itself cannot
 stand." Physically, this round globe is " One
 Rome " for Mankind; a generous gift of the
 Creator, containing wonder upon wonder, and
 bounty upon bounty, yet to be discovered. All
 the Designs of God are generous above the con-
 ception of men, and His Ideal Man, who reflects
 His, Glory, the most glorious gift of all.
The reader now knows the Principles of BahA'
 U'Uhh, which come as God's gift To-day for the
 Healing of ihe Nations, and we are all aware of
 the unrest in the world, and of the need for re-con-
 struction, even in our own country. But there
 are other countries suffering more, and bearing
 things which have long been too unbearable-
 through religious, political, racial, social, agricul-
 tural, industrial, commercial, and other prejudices.
 Therefore, every Nation would, if aware of it,
 welcome with a "loud voice," and with "glad
 hosannas," Him Who comes, in the Name of God,
 to tell us that in this Day, "Prejudices of all kinds
 must be forgotten."
When we hear that whole nations are from time
 to time well nigh massacred, or occasionally some
150 villacres demolished," because of prejudices
   11 ";ropoo
     V V
 30   AIIPxmd I        qe=Prm 30
 ,H 'Jyla xal Her6lri
 UNIPI%L - Z1%'U%Z;1W41+
 t ILLWq N. ME 8AJ. 028161-
 t"clulla:         RL ba. 1). IWG~.

 Sainte Agn6s
          Lever du Soleil - 5. 11
          Coucher a 6.42
         12 h. d la Turque: 6. 4 9
    npD p,.JA 22 TPI) 5671
 110  6c""s &ZI[Lue" NIL& -QQ4SV"T6Q0VLx @I"=S65

 of one kind or another, we clearly see that nothing
 short of the abolition of prejudices could remedy
 such unhappy conditions; conditions which -were
 more familiar to BahAVIIAh., and others who live
 in the East, than they are to us, to whom they
 only become known through those who have
 travelled and sojourned in those regions. Let us
 take note of some of the differences Which tend
 to perpetuate them, bearing in mind while we do
 so that " Order is Heaven's first law."
" A striking instance of the confusion arising
 from conflicting chronologies and modes of reckon-
 ing time appcars on the previous page. ltgis the
 replica of a leaf taken in 1911 -from an ordinary
tear off " calendar in every-dayguse in business
 houses at Constantinople."
" A glance will suffice to show that it is not the
 simple affair to which we are accustomed at home;
 but a closer examination reveals complexities to
 which the six languages in ~vhich it is printed are
 but the threshold. "
"At the top of the page we are living in the year
 1329 ; half-way down in 1911 ; and at the foot in
 5671. This bewildering anachronism is followed
 by another. In the section printed in French it
 is the 20th of April, and in the Greek section on
 the left it is the 7th, for the Greeks adhere to the
 Old Style. The narrow strip across the middle
 of the leaf is Bulgarian. Turning to the Turkish
 section at the top, the confusion increases, for
 on the left hand we find that the month is Nisan.,
 and the large figure below tells us it is the 7th.
 The right section gives the name of the month as
 Rebi-ul-Akir, and the date as the 21st. These
 indicate respectively the official year and the
 ordinary Moammadan year. We also learn that
 the month of Nisan has 30 days, and Rebi-ul-Akir
 29. The small characters beneath the large 21 tell
 us that it is the 164th day of Kassim. This is the
 reckoning of the Turkish peasant, who knows
 nothing of months. The year for him has two
 divisions, Kassim, which begins on the 8th of
 November, and Hidrelis, on the 8th of May. The
 Hebrew characters at the foot of the page inform
 us that it is Thursday 22 Nisan 5671. Thus our
 indicator has four- dates for the year, four names
 for the month, and six numberings of the day for
 this particular Thursday. But we have not pene-
 trated all its mysteries. In the French section

 we meet with the startling assertion that noon is
 11 minutes past 5 to the Turks, and that 12 o'clock
 Turkish time is 49 minutes past 6 with us. This
 is accounted for by the fact that the Turkish day
 begins at sunset, and is divided, like ours, into
 two periods of 12 hours each. Hence on the 30th
 of June, noon and midnight are 24 minutes past
 4, whilst on the loth of December they are 29
 minutes past 7."
" All this may look like an ingenious puzzle, but
 it is a serious necessity to the man of business. In
 transactions with the Government on this parti-
 cular Thursday, 20th of Apffl, 1911, he has to be

 careful that documents were dated 7th of Nisan-9--_
 1327. In those with a Turkish merchant, a bill
 of --exchange'or cheque had to be dated 21st Rebi-
 ul-Akir, 1329. In buying produce from a farmer
 his receipt or -order was 164th Kassim. In deal-
 ings with-a Greek firm it was important to remem-
 ber that it was the 7th, gnot the 21st, whilst in
 making an appointment with a Turk for I o'clock
 in the afternoon it was necessary to write I I
 minutes past 6. As the time of sunset varies every
 day, clocks and watches must be altered constantly.
 Some people carry two watches, one marking
 European, the other Turkish time; but many use
 one watch with two dials.
" We have not exhausted the information con-
 tained in the leaflet. For the Greeks the day is
 Great Thursday (Megale' Pempte'), for the
 Armeniansg it is the Annunciation of the Holy
 Mother of Jesus (Avedis Soorp Asvadzazin), and
 the Washing of the disciples' feet (Vadnaluvacen).
 Therefore, the man of business must remember
 that Greek and Armenian establishments are
 closed. "
" There are newspapers at Constantinople in
 Turkish, Greek, Armenian, Arabic, and Persian.
 One constantly hears in the streets Skipetar and
 Vlach, the former the speech of the Albanians, the
 latter of the Wailachians. The babel is increased
 by various European tongues, with an occasional
 dash of Kurdish or Georgian. Among the news-
 papers is one in Hebrew characters, not in Hebrew,
 i -
 '-t' udveo-Spanish. This is, perhaps, the acme of
  al confusion."
if we who know and speak only one tongue do
 not always understand each other, we may well
 believe that the suspicions Pnd hatreds and mur-
 derous outbreaks we read of from time to time
 must, in a- great measure, be due to misunderstand-
 ings consequent on such confusion; and not alto-
 gether because the hearts of those who live in those
 regions are less human than our own, as we have
 been prone to believe.
What, then, is the Divine Remedy? We have
 seen, from a perusal of the Principles of Bahi'u'-
 IlAh, that a Universal Auxiliary Language is part

 .of it. And a mere glance; at the leaf of this
 calendar would make it impossible for anyone to
 i nore such merciful remedy. How could- a
 Universal Teacher be under-stood without it? Only
 with great difficulty. Some would die before they
 knew Him, for it takes devoted men of learning
 and enthusiasm to translate a Message into every
 tongue. The Message of Bahh'u'llAh inspires
 many to undertake this difficult service. Other-
 wise we should not be able to read of it in English.
The conditions of the world and the Time in
 which we live undoubtedly require a Universal
 Auxiliary Language. And, equally, the appli-
 cation of a77 the Principles of BahA'u'llhh is essen-
 tial for the Healing of the Nations.
As already remarked, there could be no
    (See " Turkey and the Turks," by Z. Duckett Ferriman. 1911
 Mills & Boon).

 greater trial to those who are earnestly waiting for
 a Divine Message whatever language they speak,.
 or to whatever country they belong, than for it to
 be given in a tongue unknown to them. Yet so it
 is; for the Heavenly Fragrances from the Ridva'n
 (Garden of Paradise) find Utterance in this Day,
 in the rich and melodious languages of Persia and
This seems strange at first, yet the Wisdom
 -of it clearly coincides with the Divine Purpose. It
 will test the- sincerity of seekers after Truth, serve
 to abolish prejudice, and incline all to a Universal
 tongue more quickly and more easily learned, and
 remain a Sacred Treasury for all time, which em-
 brawees and is complementary to earlier Sacred
*The BahA'i Teachings advocate the adoption of
 a -universal calendar- in which the--year is divided
 into 19 months of 19 days each, with 4 or 5 " inter-
 calary " days between the 18th and 19th months,
 the New Year commencing at the Vernal Equinox,
 and the years being numbered from the, date of the
 Proclamation of the BAb in A.D. 1844.
'Abdu'l-BahA interpreted the 1,335 days
 spoken of at the end of the Book of Daniel as
 meaning 1,335 solar years after the Hegira, i.e.,
 A.D. 1957. And said:
" By that time the BahA'i Teachings will be
 Universally spread; a Universal Language
And the MOST GREAT PEACE inaugurated."
 Given through Dr. Rsslernont on his visit to Acca,
 Jan.-Feb., 1920.
                              'ABDU'L.BAHA IN LONDON
                               AT THE CITY TEMPLE.
After enduring, in company with His Father
 Bahá"u'llhh, persecution, confinement, and Exile,
 under the Persian and Turkish Governments for a
 period of forty years, when the Turkish Constitu-
 tion was formed-'Abdu'l-Bahh,, being regarded as
 a political prisoner-was set free.
In 1911 He visited England, coming first to
 London, where He addressed large audiences of
 different denominations through His interpreters.
 He afterwards visited Paris, Stuttgart, Switzer-
 land, and Buda-Pest.
" On September I ith, the first Sunday after His

 arrival in - England, He spoke from the City
 Temple pulpit to the evening congregation -at the
 special desire of the Pastor, the Rev. R. J.
 Though 'Abdu'l-BahA's coming had not been
 advertised, the Church was filled ~to its utmost
 capacity. Few who were there will ever forget
 the sight of that venerable figure clad in His
 Eastern garb, ascending the pulpit stairs to address
 a public gathering for the first time in His life.
 T'hat this should be a Christian place of worship
 in the West has its deep significance.
 I " Mr. Campbell introduced the visitor with a
 few simple words, in the course of which he said:
" We as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ,

 Who is to us, and will always be, the Light of the
 World, view with sympathy and respect every
 movement of the Spirit of God in the experience
 of mankind,- and therefore we give greeting to
 'Abdu'l-BahA in the name of all who share the
 Spirit of our Master and are trying to live their
 lives in that Spirit.
" The Bahi'i Movement is very closely akin to,
 I think I might say identical with, the spirituat
 purpose of Christianity."
" 'Abdu'I'BahA said:
" 0 Noble Friends, seekers after God! Praise
 be to God! To-day the Light of Truth is shining
 upon the world in its abundance. The breezes of
 the Heavenly Garden are blowing throughout all
 regions. The Call of the Kingdom is heard in all
 lands, and the breath of the Holy Spirit is felt in
 all hearts that are faithful. The Spirit of God is
 giving Eternal Life. In this wonderful Age, the
 East is enlightened, the West is fragrant, and
 everywhere the soul inhales the holy perfume.
" The Sea of the Unity of Mankind is lifting up
 its waves with joy, for there is real communication
 between the hearts and ininds of men. The
 Banner of the Holy Spirit is uplifted, and men
 see it, and are assured with the knowledge that
 this is a New Day. . . .
" In the days of old an instinct for warfare was
 developed in the struggle with wild animals. This
 is no longer necessary. Nay, rather co-operation
 and mutual understanding are seen to produce the
 greatest welfare of Mankind. Enmity is nogw the
 result of prejudice only.
 " In the 'Hidden Words,' BahA'u'llhh --says:
 Justice is- to be loved above all.' Praise be to
 God, in this country the Standard of Justice 'has
 been raised. A great effort is being made to give
 all souls a true place. This is the desire of all
 noble natures. This is to-day the Teaching for
 the East and for the West. Therefore the East
 and the West will understand and reverence each
 other, and embrace like long parted friends who
 have found each other.
 There is One God. Mankind is One. Let us
 worship Him, and give praise for all His great
 Prophets and Messengers, who -have manifested
 His brightness and glory."

 This is the Holy -Book of God, of Celestial in-
 spiration. It is the Bible of Salvation, the noble
 Gospel. It is the mystery of the Kingdom and
 its Light. It is the Divine Bounty. The sign
 of the Guidance of God."
         'ABDU'L-B.A,HA ABBAS.
C' 'Abdu'l-Bahá in London," pp. 3-5.)

                           AT ST. JOHN'S, WESTMINSTER.
" On September the 17th,, 'Abdu'l-Bahk at the
 request of the Venerable Archdeacon of West-
 minster addressed the congregation of . St. John
 the Divine after the evening Service.
it With a few warm words characteristic of his
 whole attitude Archdeacon Wilberforce intro-
 duced the revered Messenger from the East, who
 had crossed seas and,countries on His Mission of
 Peaceg and Unity for which He had suffered forty
 years of captivity and persecution.
" The Archdeacon had the Bishop's chair placed
 for his Guest on the Chancel steps, and standing
 beside Him read the translation of 'Abdu'l-BahA's
 address himself.
" 'AbduTBahA said:
" 0 Noble Friends! -0 Seekers after the King-
 dom of God! Man all over the world is seeking
 for God. All that exists is God: bui the Reality
 of Divinity is Holy above all understanding.
" The pictures of divinity which come to our
 mind are the product of our fancy; they exist in
 the realm of our imagination. 71ey are not ade-
 quate to the Truth. Truth in its essence cannot
 be put into words.
" Divinity cannot be comprehended because it is
" Man, who has also a real existence, is compre-
 hended by God: therefore the Divinity which man
 can understand is partial. It is -not complete.
 Divinity is actual Truth and Real existence, and
 not any representation of it. Divinity it-sOf con-
 tains all, and is not contained.
 Although the mineral, vegetable- animal and
 man all have actual being, yet the mineral has no
 knowledge of the vegetable. It cannot apprehend
 it. It cannot imagine or understand it.
" It is the same with the vegetable. Any pro-
 gress it may make, however highly it may become
 developed,5 it will never apprehend the animal nor
 understand it.
" It is the same with the animal. However
 much it may progress in its own kingdom, how-
 ever refined its feelings may become, it will have
 no real notion of the world of man or of his special

 intellectual faculties.
" The animal cannot understand the roundness
 of the earth, nor its motion in space, nor the cen-
 tral position of the sun, nor the power of electri-
 city; nor can it imagine such a thing as the all-
 pervading ether."
" Although the mineral, vegetable, animal, and
 man himself are actual beings, the difference be-
 tween -their Kingdoms prevents members of the
 lower degree from comprehending the essence and
 nature of those of superior degree. This being so,
 how can the temporal and phenomenal compre-
 hend the Lord of Hosts ?
" It is clear that this is impossible!
" But the essence of Divinity, the Sun of Truth-,

 shines forth upon all horizons and is spreading its
 rays upon all things. Each creature is the re-
 cipient of some pokionof that power, and man,
 who contains the perfection of the n-tineral, the
 vegetable, and the animal, as well as his own dis-
 tinctive qualities, has become the noblest of created
 beings. It stands written that he is made in the
 image of God. Mysteries that were hidden he
 discovers. And secrets that-were concealed he
 brings into the light. By Science and by Art he
 brings hidden powers into the region of tiie visible
 world. Man perceives the hidden law in created
 things and co-operates 'With it.
 1 4; 4; Lastly, the perfect man, the Prophet, is one
 who is transflgured, one who has the purity and
 clearness -of a perfect mirror-one who reflects the
 Sun of Truth. Of such a one-of such a Prophet
 and Messenger-we can say that the Light of
 Divinity with the heavenly perfections dwells in
" If we claim that the Sun is seen in the mirror,
 we do not mean that the Sun itself has descended
 from the holy heights of his heaven and entered
 into the mirror! This is impossible.
" The Divine, Nature is seen in the -Manifesta-
 tions and its Light and Splendour are visible in
 extreme glory.
" Therefore men have always been taught by
 the Prophets of God. The Prophets of God are
 the Mediators of God. All the Holy Prophets
 and Messengers have come from one Holy Spirit
 and bear the Message of God, fitted to the Age in
 which they appear. The One Light is in them
 all, and they are One with each other. I But the
 Eternal does not become phenomenal: neither can
 the phenomenal become Eternal.
" Saint Paul, the great Apostle, said: 'We all
 with open face, beholding as in a mirror the glory
 of God, are changed into the same image from
 glory to glory, as by the spirit of the Lord.' "
 0 God the Forgiver! 0 Heavenly Educa-
 tor! This assembly is adomed with the mention
 of Thy Holy Name. Thy children turn their face
 towards Thy Heavenly Kingdom, hearts are made
 happy, and -souls are comforted.
 Merciful God! Cause us to repent of our

 shortcomings! Accept us in Thy Heavenly King-
 dom and give unto us an abode where there shall
 be no error. Give us Peace. Give us Know-
 ledge. And open unto us the gates of Thy
" Thou art the Giver of all! Thou art the
 Forgiver! Thou art the Merciful. Amen."
"'The congregation was profoundly moved, and
 fbllowing the Archdeacon's example knelt to re-
 ceive the Blessing of the Servant of God-Who
 stood with extended arms-His wonderful voice
 rising and falling in the silence with the power of
 His invocation.

  As the Archdeacon said: 'Truly the Bast
 and the West have met in this sacred place to-
 night., The li~mn '0 God our help in-Ages
 past I was sung by the g entire, congregation stand-
 ing, as 'Abdu'l-Bahh and the Archdeacon pa I ssed
 down the aisle to the vestry hand in hand. - -
" Outside the Church, Salvationists were hold-
 ing their Meeting and 'Abdu'l-Bahk was deeply
 impressed and touched at the sight of the menia
 women and children, gathered together in the
 night, at the street comer praying and singing."
         ('Abdu'1-Bahd in London.)
                the United States
In 1912 'Abdull-Bahi toured
 of America, addressing assemblies Of every Reli-
 gious denomination, Ethical Societies, Socialists,
 and Agnostics. And after that most successful
 tour, meeting with welcome everywhere, on amv-
 ing in Liverpool, found also, in that city, assem-
 blies awaiting Him, eager to give ear to the mes-
 sage of Peace He had to deliver to the world.
 Engagements in London, Edinburgh, Bristol, and
 elsewhere, made it impossible for Him to stay long
 in Liverpool. He addressed the Theosophists
 there, and also the Baptists at Pembroke Chapel.
 On Sunday evening,, December i5th, 1912, after
 being introduced by the Minister, Rev.
 Donald B. Fraser, he made courteous reply,
 saying how delighted he was to meet such
 a large congregation,, in a Church so re-
 Downed for its high social endeavour, and faith
 in God. Many had arrived from surrounding dis-
 tricts and Manchester, long before the gates were
 .opened. On that happy occasion, speaking in
 Persian, Ahmad Sohrab interpreting,
 'Abdu'l-Bahh said -
" The greatest prize this world holds is the con-
 sumination of the Oneness of Humanity. All are
 the children of God. God is the Creator, the Pro-

 vider, the Protector of all. He educates all of us,
 and is compassionate towards men. His grace en-
 compasses all Mankinid. The Sun of God, shines
 upon all Mankind. The rain of God falis for all.
 The gentle breeze of God wafts for all. Hum anity
 at large is- sitting around the Divine Table of the
 Almighty. Why should we engage in strife?
 Why should we ever engage on the battlefield to
 kill each other? God is kind is He not? Why
 should we be unkind? What is the reason? How
 ,are we benefited by being unkind? To-day, the
 chief means of dissension amongst the Nations is
 Religion; while in Reality, the Religion of God,
 is One. Differences lie in 'blind imitations which
 have crept into Religion after its foundation. Reli-
 gion is Reality, and Reality is One. It does not
 permit of multiplicity. His Holiness Abraham
 was the Herald of Reality. His Holiness Moses
 was the Spreader of Reality. His Holiness Jesus
 was the Founder of Reality. His Holiness
 Muhammad was the Spreader and Promulgator of
 Reality. The Reality of Religion, is One. Funda-
 mentally there is no difference. The Reality of
 Religion consists in the Love of God, in the Faith
 of God, in the virtue of Humanity, and in the
 means of communication between the hearts of
 men. The Reality of Religion is the Oneness of
 the Whole of Humanity.
" What is the Wisdom of Religion may we ask?
 There is no doubt whatever that the Wisdom of
 Religion is love and amity amongst the people;
 that it establishes fellowship between the various
 organizations of man. The Religion of God is for
 Peace not for War. Why should we ever make it
 a cause of separation and alienation?'It is a remedy
 to bestow health and recovery. Why should we
                     nd sickness
 ever make it a cause of disease a
 We are all the children of God, all are His--ser-
 vants. The glances of His Mercy, encircle us all.
 He has bestowed Religion that it may be the
 means of bringing together the various members
 of His Family. Yet in the Orient such a means
 of illumination has become the cause of rancour
 between the people of various Religions. They
 -shed the blood of one- another. They pillaged each
 other's property, they sacrificed each other's chil-
 dren. There was great commotion and constant

 warfare going on. Darkness had encircled the
 Radiance of Religion. The Horizon of- Reality was
 bidden by clouds of imitations and dogmas, and no
 rays of the Sun could penetrate these clouds."
" At such a time His Holiness BahA'u'llhh
 appeared in Persia. He summoned the people of
 various Religions to love and friendship. At this
 time in Persia, the Jews, the Christians, the Mus-
 lims, the Zoroastrians, the Buddhists, all of con-
 tending Religions, were ever fighting each othei.
 Having heard the words of Bahh'u'llhh, many are
 now living in the utmost unitv. What harm can
 accrue if such amity becomes permanent through-
 out the eivilised and uncivilised world?
 " Bahh'u'llAh declared International Peace. In

 Persia, many years ago, He declared Internationa.
 Peace, amongst Religions and Nations, and be-
 tween the Races of every clime. With -the greatest
 power and penetration did He arise to spread prin-
 ciples of Peace. For this, He was thrown into
 prison, and suffered great hardships. His proper-
 ties were pillaged. His friends were martyred.
 More than, 20,000 souls sacrificed their lives, so that
 the Oneness -of the World of Humanity might be
 All His life Bahh'u'llih endured great calami-
 ties and hardships. Often He was in chains.
 Sometimes He was living in Exile. Often He was
 incarcerated in barracks. Notwithstanding these
 stumbling blocks, ever He strove, ever He worked,
 so that He became able to establish amity among
 the people of contending Religions. Religion
 must become the cause of Love. If it becomes
 the cause of enmity, what use is there for it?
 Religion must become the cause of prosperity.
 Alas 1 A thousand times -alas! that it should have
 become the cause of rancour! Consider, ignorance
 has reached such a degree of folly, that it is the
 duty of Humanity to investigate Reality. No one
 must be satisfied -with mere traditions. Traditions
 differ, and cause misunderstandings to~ remain.
 These misunderstandings have created direful
 eonditions. "
 ONTINUING, at Pembroke Chapel,
     'Abdu'l-Bahh said:
I I While in America I spoke in a Taber-
 nacle of the Jews, 1. sai d in that Synagogue, that
 the misunderstandings which exist between the.
 Jews and Christians have been the cause of their
 separation and their hatred of each other. If the
 Israelite investigates Reality there is no doubt that
 he will come to the conclusion that he must associ-
 ate with, and love his brother Christian. Hatred
 must not linger any longer because the Jews to-day
 imagine, and in former times imagined, that Christ
 was the opposer, or enemy of Moses, that His Holi-
 ness Christ was against Moses. To the Jews,
 I further said: You think Chhrist destroyed the
 foundation of Moses; but let us be fair, let us be
 just, and investigate Reality. The Cause of Moses,
 the Religion of Moses, for 1,500 years was circum-

 scribed within the boundary of Jerusalem. The
 Bible was only found in that small locality. Other
 parts of the world never heard the name of Moses.
 Even the people of Persia never heard the name of
 Moses. They had never seen the Book of Moses
 until His Holiness Christ appeared. He raised
 the Name of Moses. His Holiness Christ Pro-
 mulgated the Old Testament throughout the
 Orient and the Occident. During the Mosaic Dis-

 pensation, the Bible was only translated in to one
 language. h'. But through'the blessing of Christian-
 ity,- the Bible was trhnslated into many languages
 -and 'spread throughout the world. Consider what
 love - Christ had for Moses. His Holiness Christ
 promulg a-ted the fundamental Principles of Moses.
 The h, Ten Commandments He spread throughout
 the -world. He made famous all the Israelitish-
 Prophets. Were it not for the appearance of
 Christ, -how -could the people of America ever have
 heard the name of Moses? How could the Bible
 have become a household Book? All these ser-
 vices were rendered by Jesus Christ. Now let us
 fin&out, after these statements, whether Christ
 wa's the enemy of intoses,g or His best Friend? Be
 just. His Holiness Christ was the spreader of the
 Mosaic Movement. He spread the Old Testa-
 ment. Notwithstanding this, you are thinking He
 was the enemy of Moses. Why not abandon these
 prejudices? The Christians believe that Moses
 was the Prophet of God, that the Bible is the Book
 of God, and that all the israelitish Prophets were
 the mouthpieces of God. What harm would there
 be, if you came out and said : ' Christ is the -Word
 of God,' so that this dissension may cease? And
 so that fellowship may be established eternally be-
 tween the Jews and the Christians? If you just
 say these words: ' Christ is the Word,' it will show
 that you have investigated Reality, and dissension
 will be left behind.
" When we are not investigating Reality there
 is dissension between Religions. For instance, in
 the Book of the Quran, His Holiness Mubammad
 mentions the Name of His Holiness the Christ.
 It is from the itext of the Quran, that Christ is
 called the Word of God, the Spirit of God. It is
 theg record of the Quran that Mary the mother of
 Christ was living in the Holy of Holies, that she
 had the fellowship of the Almighty, and that food
 descended from Heaven for her. It is written in
 the Quran that the Holy Spirit, addressing Mary,
 said: ' Oh, Mary! be faithful to God, for He hath
 created thee pure and sanctified, and hath made
 thee superior over all the women of the world.
 And again, it is written in the Quran that ' Christ
 ascended into Heaven, and that He will again
 return from Heaven.' Again, that ' Christ is

 Pure, and Unique.' So most of the praises and
 Commands of Christ are recorded in the Book
 which is considered Sacred by 300 millions of
 Muslims. Just think of the present misunder-
 standing between these two Religions! The pre-
 sence of misunderstanding has caused the warfare
 of the last 1,300 years between Christians and Mus-
 lims. Think of one Crusade which lasted 200
 years! Yet Religious warfare continues!, There
 are more than 260 million Muhammadans through-
 out the world. You cannot destroy this colossal
 number. Therefore if there is love and fellowship
 among the Jews, the Christians, and the Muham-
 madans, the Orient and the Occident will find the
 greatest composure and Peace."

Referring to the Balkan War, 'Abdu'l-Bahi
" God is- not pleased with.the horrible events
 which have been transpiring in the Balkans. - They
 are hated by Him. Every lover of Humanity is
 dis pleased with them. g There, people are killing.
 each other like so many wolves. They tear each
 other to pieces. They shed each other's blood.
 They kill each other's innocent children. Just
 consider, the ferocious beasts do not treat their
 kith- and kin like this. The wolf may tear to
 pieces one animal, for food, which it does. But
 wolves never tear each other in thousands! Are
 men more ferocious than wolves? Are they not
 more umjust than birds of prey? What are the
 causes of all this strife? The Foundation of the
 World of God, is Love. But Nations say, 'we
 want to increase our dominions.'
" I will make one more statement, and close,
 and I want your careful attention. What is this
 land, this earth? Is it not this : That for a short
 time we live on this earth; then it becomes our
 grave, our cemetery? Now is it beneficial to en-
 gage in War, and in strife? Many generations
 have come, have lived for a short time on this
 Earth, and have gone under it. It is the Universal
 Graveyard of Humanity. Is it praiseworthy that
 we engage in warfare, shedding blood, destroying
 houses, pillaging the wealth of Nations and killing
 little children beneath the boofs of horses? Is it
 worthy that we sacrifice eternal hfe, and the ever-
 lasting soul of man, for the sake of a. little dust?
 Justice. and Equity do n got permit it. g I hope that
 you will strive with all Your might to ~ raise - the
 Standard of the OnenE-~s of Humanity, and unfurl
 the flag of International Peace, over all regions of
 the earth.
Alas! since those words were spoken, we have
 been engaged in the fiercest Warfare the world
 has ever known-. Is Mankind to be subject to such,
 folly for ever? Divine Wisdom has decreed
 Ahrough BahA'u'llhh, that Religion must be -in
 accord with Science and Reason. Therefore, since
 individuals,, by Divine Wisdom, as we have seen,
 can do great things, without Divine Guidanewe

 they can go astray into actions of diabolical fool-
 ishness and insanity.- It is necessary that merciful
 guidance should protect humanity against insane
 onslaughts. ' BahA'u'llAh brings to the World that
 Merciful Guidance..

 0 %mPHERE is no opposition between Religion
  and Science. They are the two wings
  upon which man's Intelligence can soar
 into the heights; with which 'the Human Soul can
 progress. It is impossible to fly with one wing
 If Religion were contraryg to logical h Reason
 then it would cease to be a Religion and be merely
 a tradition. "
 . " There is no- contradiction between True Reli-
 gion and Science. When Religion is opposed to
 Science it becomes mere Superstition; that which
 is contrargy to Knowledgeg is Ignorance." -
" How can a man believe to be a fact, that which
 Science has proved to be impossible? If he be-
 lieves in spite of his reason, it is rather superstition
 than faith. The True Principles of all Religions
 are in conformity with the teachings of Science."
" The Unity of God is logical, and this is not
 antagonistic to the conclusions arrived at by scien-
 tific study."
 Religion has two main parts. The Spiritiz-a-1
 and the Practical. The Spiritual - part never
 changes. All the Manifestations of God and His
 Prophets have taught the sdme Truth-andgiven
 the same Spiritual Law. There is no division in
 the Truth. The Sun of Truth-has sent forth many
 rays to illumine Human Intelligence., The Light
 is always the same."
 We are familiar with the phrases - Light anl
 Darkness', 'Religion and Science.' But the Reli-
 gion which does not walk hand in hand with Science
 is itself in the Darkness of Superstition and ignor-
 ance. " ('Abdu'l-BahA in " Paris Talks.")
One of ihe charms of Creation is individuality.
 Without it there could be no freedom, no unity,
 and no life. Whatever theories, from time to-

 time have been prevalent, concerning the origin.-
 nature, shape, size, duration, or position of thii
 planet, both -Religion- and Science have been
 responsible for error concerning it: error due to
 partial knowledge, sometimes, and sometimes to
 an unkindly and dominating disposition.
It is, however, obvious to all of us, that the
 World of Humanity is- made up of individuals.
 Therefore individuals must have been in the Mind
 of the Creator before they became visible to each
 other. The fact that we are visible to each other,
 should incline us to revere the Intelligence
 of our Creator; the All-Wise, Bountiful, and
 Supreme Intelligence.

it 'we do I not think A beautiful picture an acci-
 dent, or -a consequence of blind nature, why
 slid uld anyone presume to slippose, we ourselves,
 are created without any special purpose or design?
 Ile highest - ambition of artists, is to portray
 truthfully what is visible'already-with such power,
 that not only the outer view is portrayed-but the
 inner meaning revealed. To whom the Glory?
 From whence do they derive their capacity? - They
 inherit it htruly, but do they, inherit it from flesh,
 or from Spirit? Suppose we say both. It is even
 then Spirit which gives the capacity to perse-
 vere. The capacity for what the world calls genius
 is inherited from the One Supreme Spiritual Power
 we name God because the Manifestations of that
 Power are Good.
We are assured by the Founder of Christianity,
 Who is supported in that assurance by all the
 Prophets and Messengers of God who heralded
 Him, that the care of Our Heavenly Father is such,
 that not one sparrow falls to the ground without
 11is knowledge, and that His care for us is such,
that even the hairs of our head are numbered."
If He, Whom we all love and honour, could give
 such assurance, we may reasonably question by
 what authority, and at what point in the 'History
 of Religion, did Christianity get so into the hands
 of a dominating power, that in the past, indi-
 viduals have been put to death and cruelly tor-
 tured fWr exercising their reasoning faculties? Or,
 because their exploring nature prompted them to
 face the greatest dangers, and endure unspeakable
 sufferings (even rejoicing in them when they have
 been testimony to the Truth)-in order to dis-
 cover more about this fascinating planet'- which a
 bountiful Creator -has designed to. -be g a
 Paradise for Mankind! Even atheists want
 Paradise. Science and Reason bespeak -it.
 Humanitarianism demands it. And we may be
 sure the Creator likes to hear that demand. It is
 in harmony with the assurance, and the Loving
 Kindness of Jesus. And, before any branch of
 human knbh%vledge bad become sufficiently mature
 to echo the Truth of such possibility-the opening
 Chapters of Genesis stated it. Truth is echoed
 to-day, from all branches and fields of knowledge
 to be One, to be reasonable, to be scientific, and
 satisfaetory. Abraham called Mankind to recog-
 nise, and worship the One True God. The first

 point of view is the last. For the last was first.
 It is the Eternal; the Divine; the Revealed Truth,
   Y Eternity is My Creation. I have created
 It for thee. illy Oneness is illy Design, I have
 Designed It for thee" says our Creator, through
 His Messenger, BahA'u'llAh. (" Hidden Words.")
 h One does not point to past errors and limitations
 for the purpose of condemnation. We have all
 erred; yet the Spirit of God beckons, and gives
 us wings, beyond our human limitations. 46 1
 came not into the world to condemn the world,

 but that ye might have life, and have it more
 a.bundantly; and to the end that he that believeth
 on Me, (the Christ Spirit in Jesus) might have
 life everlasting."
  The Primal Word of the Almighty is some-
 times called the water of Life, for it quickens the
 dea h d souls in the desert of -ignorance with the
 spring of intelligence." . . . " The seen and
 the unseen fail to attam the measure of His Under-
 standing. The world of being and whatever has
 issued from it bears witness to this utterance. 9'
 To-day, the best fruit of Science and Know-
 ledge is that which benefits mankind and improveg
 his condition."
" The pulse of the universe is in the hands of the
 skilful Physician. He diagnoses the illness and
 wisely prescribes the remedy. Every day has its
 own secret and every tongue a melody. The ill-
 ness of to-day has one cure and that of to-morrow
 another. Look ye, upon This Day. Consider,
 and discuss its needs. One sees that existence is
 afflicted with innumerable diseases compelling it to
 lie upon the bed of suffering. Men who are in-
 toxicated -with the wine of self-contemplation pre
 vent the wise Physician from reaching it. Thus
 have they made the world and themselves to suffer.
 They know not the ailment nor recognise the cure.
 They take the wrong for the right, the crooked for
 the straight, the enemy for the Friend."
",The Heavenly Wise One proclaimeth:
"A harsh word is like a sword, but gentle speech
 is like unto 'Milk. - The children'of the world attain-
 to betterment through this."
 The Tongue of Wisdom says:
 Whosoever possesses Me not, has nothing.h
 Pass by whatever exists in this world and find Me.
 I -am the Sun of Perception and the Ocean of
 Science. I revive the withered ones and quicken
 the dead. I am that Light which illumines the
 Path of In-sight. I am the Falcon of the Al-
 mighty. I bear healing in My wings and teach
 the Knowledge of soaring to the Heaven of
 How often has proven the weakness of
 human strength -and the -feebleness and impotence

 ,Df the material' and phenomenal against the
 Heavenly power of His Prophets, a manifest sign
 of His Chosen Ones, a clear standing light of His
 Road and Pathway and an accurate standard
 for recognising the proof and argument of His
 Truth. The people of the world long resisted
 it; but were finally dismayed; nations both of the
 East and West wrestled with it, but were
 This power was opposed, at the appearance of
 Moses, by the Pharaohs; at the manifestation of
 Christ, by the Jews and emperors; at the rise of
 Muhammad by the Persian kings and Arabs. It
 has also been opposed by false prophets, who have
     * See "Tablet of BahA'VUah.- p. 161

 attempted to found a religion without the permis-
 sion of God; falsely and presumptuously, laying
 claim to prophethood, as is'testified and recorded
 in history. The histories of Mazdak, in the days
 of King Ko'bad; of the Jew, 'Sad Dawlah; of Ar-
 goon-Khan, the Mongol, in Persia; 'Ala'adin El
 Khaledge, in India; and the French Philosophers
 during the revolution of 1792, are all warnings and
 admonitions to the prudent. These'philosophers,
 -wise men, kings and g statesmen attempted,
 through their great ingenuity and the abundance
 of their science and learning, to institute a religion
 -of simpler laws, regulations, doctrines and princi-
 ples - within the range of average capacities and
 minds, suitable to all tastes and conformable to
 the time and circumstances. Conditions proved
 favourable to their desires, and the g civil and mili-
 tarv leaders submitted to their opinions and plans.
" But God frustrated their ideas, disappointed
 their hopes, dispersed their congregations, and
 showed the foHy of their imaginations, until their
 ,histories remain as warnings to men of honour and
 as admonitions to people of discernment and
" For what reason have the doctors of Darwin-
 ism taken the resemblance of some human bones
 to those of ourang-outangs as a decisive proof of
 the fact that mankind has descended from
 apes? Why have they considered this evidence,
 notwithstanding its shallowness and invalidity, as
 being a final certificate that man has gained his
 0- ,
                          ce of
 growth, existence and heredity from the ra
 ourang-outangs? They have regarded apes as their
 ancestors-, but have not considered the Power,
 which alone has conquered the world -and subdued
 nations3a as being a proof of the fact that the Mani-
 festations and Dawning-places of this Power have
 been - Divine and heavenly personages. Could
 the,habit of smoking, evinced by a single ourang-
 outang, and its likeness in body to - some of the
 African savages, prove its homogeneity with man-
 kind? Apes differ widely from savages in numer-
 ous thing , such as intelligencel comprehension Of
 general subjects., capacity of attaining perfection.
 etc. Shall all this be admitted as -proof. while
 the subjugation of Pharaohs, domination of kings_

 and tyrants by the rise of a single individuala With-
 out assistance or encouragement of angy ruler, is
 not considered evidence -that a man is assisted by
 an Invisible, Divine Power?
    -" Indeed, this is strange philosophy-amaz-
 ing wisdom and discernment 1 I-low true is the
 warning of the great Apostle Paul - ' B--ware,
 lest any man spoil you through philosophy and
 vain deceit.' ' The stability of the Word and con--
 tinuance of a religion is the strongest end firmest
 evidence as to the truth of a mission and the
 founder of a Faith. . . .' This proof is named the
 proof of continuance or stability; because the con-
 tinuance of a religion and the stlability of the Word
 establishes the truth of God, and is a testimony to
 its reality. It is absurd to think of God as being

 incapable -of annulling falsehood. He has not for-
 gotten His promises to suppress false claimants.
 . . . This is 'confirmed by Sacred Writings,
 and preserved in the utterances of the Prophets."
In the light of history we may Judge,'though
 it is not ours to condemn, because all are judged
 by their deeds. So inasmuch as time has thrown
 light upon past error-we may judge any matter,
 with profit.
There is not the danger to-day, as in the past,
 of inventive power, or the spirit of exploration,
 being suppressed by Religion, or Science. Pre-
 sent-day dangers are of a different kind. For-
 such is the result of making a god of Freedom, that
 what Mankind to-day requires at the hand of
 Science and Religion is: that -all branches
 of knowledge, and manifestations of inventiveh
 power-shall be arrested from destructive, and
 turned to. constructive uses. Humanity, whatever
 its colour, whatever its theories concerning the
 Government of the World,'should agree in this.
 And not only agree passively, and record its vote
 for it, but, since wrong direction ' is initiated by
 individuals, so all individuals should accept the
 -Divine invitation issued through Bahá"u'llAh to
 become " stars of God's Omnipresence," and
 watch, and pray, and act unitedly, with all their
 might, in accordance with Divine Guidance-to
 capture the scientific and inventive power on foot
 * (See " Bahá"i Proofs." Abul Faz]. pp. 188, 189.)
 to-day, to destroy Humanity-and demand I its ser-
 vice : not in the interest of a few individuals who
 claim large portions of this earth, and the natural,
 wealth it contains, for their own special benefit-
 and who try to silence complaint by doles of
 charity; for that which God gave and designed for
 all,-must be for the benefit of all. And Lo !
 The means of obtaining it for all, God has also
 provided in This,, Our Day! It is to be obtained
 in an orderly way, through the friendliness ot
 Nations, by means of an International Tribunal,
 and the Parliament of Man. This was a Divine
 Decree, issued through Bahá"u'llAh on behalf of
 Humanity, before some of us were born. And
 if the- Nations would turn to God for His Clear
 Guidance given through His Messenger, instead
 of arguing about which should have the biggest
 Navy, or the chief right to heap a,.ip destructive

 armaments (which competitive spirit itself in-
 clines them to doubt the possibility of an effective
 " League of Nations ")-they would find all argu-
 ments silenced,, and come face to face with the
 Divine Command, given to the World of
 Humanity through BahAVIIAh over 60 years ago!
 Why will the people turn aside from such protec-
 tive care, and turn to mortal leaders, the blind
 leaders of the blind!
In past days, when disputes concerning the
 shape of the Earth were silenced, the whole world
 was thrilled with wonder. It is good to
 recount the fact that the matter was set-

 tled beyond the realms of dispute, " by
 the - circumnavigatipg spirit of three sailors,
 Columbus, -Da Gama, and finally Magellan,
 the latter being aided by an Expedition sent out
 in -the commercial interests of Spain. After a
 voyage of over a year, Magellan arrived at the
 strait now bearing his name, and, it is related by
 Pigafetti, an Italian who was with him, Magellan
 wept for joy., when he found -it had pleased God
 to bring him where he might grapple with the un-
 known-dangeriof the South Sea, " The Great and
 Pacific Ocean. "
44 Magellan was murdered, either by savages, or
 by his own men, but, taking command of his ship,
 his lieutenant, Sebastian d'Elanco, brought it, the
 ~gan Vittoria, after a voyage of over three years, to
 anchor in the port of St. Lucar, near Seville, on
 September 7th, 1522."* -
Since those days, and in our own lifetime, we
 have had wonder upon wonder to thrill us. We
 can now fly across the Atlantic. By touching a
 switch we can light up a room, or a large hall, or
 a city. We can speak, and recognise each other's
 voice, at long distances; make- our meanings
 clear through Telegraphy, and the Marconi
 System, without speaking. From a small coastal
 town we can pick up a wireless message sent from
 a vessel a hundred miles out at sea; listen to a dis-
History of the Conflict between Religion and Science."
     J W. Draper, M.D., LL.D.
 course proceeding in Manchester at a distance of
 200 miles; or sit at home in London and enjoy a
 concert beingg given in America! We can travel
 under or over the earth or the ocean quite comfort-
 ably, while eating a meal, reading a book, or writ-
 ing a letter, or settling matters concerning the
 League of Nations! Are these a few of the
 6 6 greater things " referred to by Jesus, which He
 said we should do? Even so, a still greater thing
 than all these, is to put into operation through an
 International Tribunal and Parliament of Man,
 the International and Divine Law-that all
 things, and all Powers, and the means of exercising
 them-shall be for pacific and bountiful purposes;
 not for the special benefit of those who want to

 ride over, rule, and deprive others of their heri--
 tage, and this, in order that they themselves may
 be glorified!- Glorifled for robbing their fellows,
 they would also rob God of the Glory which be-
 longs to Him alone! Great honour is due to all
 who exercise their capacity to enrich, and serve
 Mankind. None are deprived by God of the joy
 of service. Nay, He gives to all-the capacity to
 serve. All honour to those who serve faithfully.
 But Glory is to God, the Divine Protector,: the
 Generous Giver of all things.
 When the French occupied Offenburg re-
 cently they cannot fail to have been attracted by
 a monument-the only one in the town-s-tanding
 conspicuously in the market place. It is a statue,
 a gallant figure of the 16th century, with peaked

 beard, and doublet and hose of that. period. The
 anchor and coil of ca ' ble on which the figure leans'
 the globe at his feet, and the unrolled chart in his
 left hand, bespeak a mariner; and the stranger
 wonders what connection he can have with a town
 so far away from the sea. His astonishment in-
 creases when, on closer inspection, he perceives
 the very singular trophy in the right hand-an up-
 rooted potato plant! Round the pedestal runs a
 border, in high relief, consisting of the flowers,
 foliage and tubers of the potato, worked into a
 graceful design. Seeking in the inscription for
 an explanation of the mystery, the stranger, if he
 is an Englishman, learns to his amazement, that
 the statue is that of his great countryman Sir
 Francis Drake. He learns moreover that it was
 erected in 1853, thirty years before Drake was
 similarly honoured at Tavistock and Plymouth, in
 his native land.
" But what can this population of farmers and
 vine-growers have had in common with the
 Admiral whose exploits on the other side of the
 globe brought him-fame? What can have induced
 them to commemorate'this foreign sailor?
. " The reason is carved in deep letters in the red
 stone out of which the monument is hewn: 'The
 bringer of the potato to Europe.' .
" It is not the navigator, not the warrior, which
 appealed to the inhabitants of the old Black Forest
 town. It is the act by which he provided a ' re-
 fuge for the poor from bitter want,' and ' whose
 fame rests in the -blessings of millions of men who
 till the- earth.'
" For seventy years the children of Offenburg
 who play round the monument have known the
 name of Drake, not as the bold sea rover,. the
 destroyer of Spanish might, but as ' the man who-
 brought-us the potato! '
" Production, gnot destruction, is honoured by
 the statue of this EDglishman. What a lesson to
 militants of later days, comes from these humble
 folk, to their own, and to all nations! It is, we
 see, in accordance with True Religion, and,there.-
 fore in accord with Science and Reason." (By
 the courtesy of Mr. Z. Duckett Ferriman, those
 of us who have not seen this interesting statue,

 enjoy the benefit of his visit to Offenburg, July,_
  Surely, it is reasonable that Science
 should become the Hand-Maid of Religion; in
 order that Humanity may be saved from the fears
 which oppress it To-Day: that Peace and Plenty,
 praise and thanksgiving, may take the place of
 lamentation the world over, and all Creation burst -
 into a " New Song," Psahn xcviii., as found in the
 Book of Common Prayer. It calls upon all
 Creation to join in a Chorus of Praise, in a true
 and reasonable spirit of thanksgiving: For a " new
 heaven, and a new earth," appear.
 0 sing unto the Lord a New Song: for He hath
done marvellous things.

    With His own right hand, and with His Holy
arm - hath He gotten Himself the victory.
    The Lord h ath declared His Salvation: His
righgteousness hath He openly shewed in --the
sight of the heathen.
    He hath remembered His Mercy and Truth
toward the house of Israel: and all the ends of
the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
    Shew yourselves joyful unto the Lord, all ye
lands : sing, rejoice, and give thanks.
    Praise the Lord upon the harp : sing to the
harp with a psalm of thanksgiving.
    With trumpets also and psalms: 0 shew your-
selves joyful before the Lord the King.
    Let the sea make a noise, and all that therein
is: the round world and thev that dwell therein.
    Let gthe floods clap their hands, and let the
hills rejoice together before the Lord - for He
cometh to judge the earth.
    With righteous ness shall Ile judge the world:
and the people with equity.
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son., and to
the Holy Spirit. As it was in the Beginning, is
.1\Tow, and ever shall be: World without end.
For God has not only shown Mer - cy and Truth
 towards the House of Isracl-but to the whole
 World of Humanity.
                             CHRISTMAS IN LONDON WITH
64; 6Abdu'l-Bahá', in 1912, spent Christmas amid
 the holly and chimes of old England-the Christ-
 mas of cheer, gift-giving, and mutual well-wishing.
"To have seen the world's greatest prisoner amid
 these surroundings was a never-to-be-forgotten
 picture, but one hard to reproduce in words. Many
 beautiful and touching incidents could be related
 of that Christmas had we the records of the hun-

 Areds- that thronged to see him. Some he met in
 little groups in the dining room of his flat in
 Chelsea,, and on request he would, at intervals,
 address a larger gathering in the drawing room,
 as people kept coming and going all day. Anon,
 some distressed soul wished for a conference alone,
 or a peace advocate sought his advice,on an im--
 portant issue.
" Many came bearing gifts-the mighty and the
 lowly, the rich and the poor in this world's goods.
 A detailed account of the mere happenings of the
 day -would mean nothing. The trivial details of
 life, even on a Christmas day, are seldom regarded
 in the light of a spiritual unfoldment, but it is
 through these seemingly small incidents that this
 Master spirit brings out into the court of objec-
 tivity those principles which he teaches. Thus the

 very essence of his existence is vested with the
 penetration of the spirit-so much so, that, save as
 his fife manifests gthose principles for which he
 stands, he wishesg to be forgotten as a personality.
" To each who came to him on that Christmas
 Day, he gave a spiritual present-compatible with
 the capacity of each; for 'Abdu'l-Bahh's method
 of teaching the people so that they become moved
 with conviction, is through the heart.
Cc Someone brought him an expensive gift. He
 accepted it graciously. Holding it lovingly for a
 moment, he told the wealthy giver of his own
 simple life. " And now," he said, smilingly,
you see I have accepted your beautiful present,
 and it has made me very happy. I thank you for
 it. And now I am going to give it back to you.
 Sell it, and give the money to the poor. The rich
 in England are too rich, and the poor are too.
" The man was at first astonished, but when,
 after further conversation, he arose and took his de7
 parture, one felt from his attitude toward the great
 master, that a new impulse or seed had been
"'Often 'Abdu'l-BahA would laugh outright at
 some little gift that showed ingenuity, and many a
 compliment he wafted back to America, -the land
 of his then recent sojourns.
'6 One American girl was much amused at his re-
 hearsal of American experience. He concluded
 by saying, " I learned much from my travels and
 hardships. Among other things, I learned to
 wash my handkerchiefs when occasion demanded,
 and to sew."
 On an impulse, she ran out to a shop near by
 and bought the tiniest leather sewing box, and on
 her return, laughingly presented it, saying that it
 was impossible for her to imagine a prophet sewing
 on his buttons.
 I will accept the sewing case with gratitude,
 and will keep it," he said, as he put it among his
 things, and then added, " I am not a prophet. I
 am a man-like yourself.", He laughed, and we
 all laughed, for she was a well-known suffragette.
" He accepted it!" she exclaimed at the door,
 and so extremely overjoyed was she, that one felt
 that some deeper message or awakening beyond
 that which we had witnessed had been accom-
 plished through the simple transaction.

"From laughter,_ 'Abdu'l-BahA's face Would
 become stern or expressive of a great weight of
 impersonal sorrow, the suffering induced by the
 realisation of the hunger of humanity for spiritual
                                  The Real Meaning of the Advent of Christ on
                                                  This Earth.
 I I Christ's birthday is a glorious day," He said.
 It is necessary that these anniversary celebra-
 tions be observed, else man in his negligence would

 forget all about his Creator; but we should seek to
 penetrate the g dark veils of custom and imitation
 of ancestors, perchance we may discover the reality
 of the meaning.
 The advent of Christ on this -earth was a
 blessed day, for it was the day on which the Sun
 of Reality dawned; the day on which all beings
 were revivified. In the world's calendar, it was
 the beginning of a Heavenly Spring.
 To-day the mention of Christ is on a thousand
 tongues, but when He was on earth, He was not
 thought much of, - notwithstanding they . were
 awaiting his coming with great impatience. They
 thought that they would be his intimate friends.
 Some there were who used to cry day and, night,
 saying, ' 0 God, hasten the day when the Promised
 One will manifest himself on this earth.' When
 He came,- they knew Him not; they persecuted
 Him and finally killed Him, h for they said : ' This is
 not the true Messiah whose coming is to be under
 special conditions. How is it that He claims to be
 from Nazareth, the son of Mary? He was to come
 with a sword; this man does not possess even a
 staff. He was to sit on the throne of David; this
 man does not possess a mat to sit on. He must
 conquer the East and the West;, this man does
 not possess a shelter. He was to teach the law of
 Moses; this man is abolishing it. In His day,
 justice was to encircle the world, the wolf and the
 -Rheep drink from one fotintain; the lion and the
 deer to graze in one pasture; the vulture and part-
 ridge live in one nest.'
 The people could not see that these things
 were -taking place. The Reality of Christ was
 from heaven-- though His physical body was from
 Mary. The.sword was the tongue of Christ,
 which cut right from wrong,, Many had swords,
 but his sword conquered the world. .
"'The Kingdom of Christ ' was Heavenly and
 not like the kingdom of Bonaparte; it was the
 reality of the ancient law Christ spread, not the
 words. He conquered East and West by the
 Holy Spirit, not by force. Sects which were in
 the utmost animosity drank from the one fountain
 -that is, the Fountain of Love." -
    'A bdu'l-Ba'hd Visits the Poor on Christmas Night.

On Christmas nigl it 'Abdu'l-Bahh visited the
poor of the Salvation Ahrmy Shelter, Westminster;
where each year a Christmas dinner is provided for
those who have no homes and no friends, and, but
for the shelter, would have no lodgings. There
were about 1,000 present on this occasion.
A supreme test of attention transpired when
 many of the hungry men forgot to eat and listened
 intently. In conformity with the wonderful tact
 'Abdu"l'-BahA displayed on all occasions, his mes-
 sage to the homeless was simple, direct and short.
" I feel to-night," Ile said., C4 great joy and hap-
 piness to be in this place, because hitherto my
 meetings and visits have been mostly -with the

 poor, and I think as one of them. My lot has
 ever been with those who have not the goods of
 this world. The world consists of brothers. The
 poor have ever been the cause of the freedom of
 the world of humanity; have ever been the cause
 of the up-building of the country, and have ever
 laboured for the world's production. The morals
 of the poor have ever been above those of thhe rich;
 the poor are ever nearer to the threshold of God;
 the humanitarianism of the poor has ever been
 more acceptable to God.
" Consider His Holiness Christ. He appeared
 in the world as one of the poor. He was born of
 a lowly family; all the apostles of Christ were of
 humble origin and his followers were of the very
 ,poorest of the community. This is what Christ
 states in the gospels, ' It is easier for a camel to
 go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man
 to enter the kingdom of God.' This testimony of
 Christ to. the exalted state of the poor ones is suffi-
 cient. It is easy, very easy, for the poor to enter
 into -the kingdom of the Almighty.
" The poor have capacity, and are favoured at
 the threshold of God. If wealth was a necessity,
 Christ would have wished it for Himself. He lived
 a simple life, and one of the titles of BahAVIIA,
 was ' the poor one.' In Persian His title was
 ' darvish,' and that means one who has not a slave.
 All the prophets of God were poor. His Holiness
 Moses was a mere shepherd. This will show you
 that in the estimation of God poverty is greater
 than the accumulation of wealth-that the poor
 am more acceptable than the lazy rich. A rich,
 man who spends his wealth,for the poor is praise-
 worthy. Consider that the poor are not born in
 a state of solvency; they are not naturally tyran-
 nous. All the tyranny and injustice inthis world
 comes f=om accumulation. The poor have ever
 been humble and lowly. Their hearts are tender.
 The rich are not so! Sorrow not ' grieve not! Be
 not unhappy! You are brothers of Jesus Christ.
 Christ was one of you. Bahi'u'llAh was poor.
 For forty years he was imprisoned and in dire
 poverty. The great ones of the world have come
 from a lowly station. Be ever happy on account
 of your kinglyg associates, and if in this world you

 undergo dire vicissitudes, I hope that in the king-
 dom of God you will have the utmost happiness,"
" In generous conformity with BahAlu'IlAh's
 teachings that " our words should not exceed our
 deedW' 'Abdu'l-BahA left twenty sovereigns and
 many handfuls of silver with Colonel Spencer, of
 the Salvation Army Shelter, so that the poor
 might enjoy a similar dinner on New Year's night.
" Rapping for silence, Colonel Spencer mounted
 the rostrum and informed the men that they were
 to have this New Year's dinner in 'Abdu'l-BahA's
 honour. He was just leavin ig the hall when this
 announcement was made. With one accord the
 men jumped up and, waving their knives and forks,
 gave a rousing farewell cheer, after which there

 was a moment of deep silence, before 'Abdu'l-
 Bahá', in answer to Colonel Spencer, said: " May
 God prosper you!" and then to the men: " May
 you -all be under the protection of the Almighty!" -
 (Isabel Fraser, in Everywoman,
            Dec.-Jan., 1915-16.)
 T the Westminster Meeting of the Society of
     Friends, January 12th, igis, 'Abdul-
     BahA said:
 About 6L.000 years ago a Society was formed
 in Persia called the ' Society of Friends,' who
 gathered together for Silent Communion with the
 ~ " They divided Divine Philosophy into two
 parts. That which can be acquired through lec-
 tures and study in schools and colleges : and the
 philosophy of the Illuminati, or Followers of the
 inner Light. The schools of this philosophy are
 held in Silence -and meditation, and by turning
 to the Source of Light. From that Cen-
 tral Light the mysteries of the Kingdom were re-
 flected in their hearts. All the Divine problems
 were solved by this power of illuminatiom
 Among the great questions unfolding through
 the rays of Divine Reality upon the mind of manl-
 is the question of the reality of the g spirit of man;
 of the birth of the Spirit; of his birth from this
 world into the world of God; the question of the
 inner life of the Spinit; and of the fate of the Spirit
 after its ascension from the body.
" They likewise meditate upon the scientific
 questions of the day, and these also are solved.

 ' Followers of the Inner Light,' they attain to a
 superlative degree of power, and are entirely freed
 from blind dogmas and imitations. Men rely on
 their statements., By themselves, within them-
 selves, they solve all mysteries.
" If they find a solution by the assistance of
 the Inner Light, they accept it, and afterwards de-
 clare it; otherwise they would consider it a matter
 of blind imitation.
" They go so far as to reflect upon the essential
 nature of Divinity, Divine Revelation, and the
 Manifestation of God in this world. All
 philosophical, divine, and scientific questions are
 solved by them through the power of the Spirit.
 " BahAVIIAh says there is a sign from God in
 ever       The sign f the intellect is
 y phenomenon. The
 contemplation, and the sign of contemplation is
 silence -;because it is iml2ossible for man to -do -two
 !h:ings at the same U e. He cannot
        im           -both Meak
 and medFt_at_e._-'
 " It is a7a-xiomatic fact that while you medi
 tate -you a7e sDeakiynpr own Spirit. _In
 that state ot mind you put certain questions to
         -answers, the Light breaks
 forth and Realitv is revealed.
"You cannot apply the name of 'man' to
 any being devoid of the faculty of meditation.
 Without it, he would be a mere animal.
      "'Through the faculty of USQLawo , man at-
 tains to eternal life; througT7 it he receives the
 Breath of the Holy Spirit. The bestowal of the
 Spirit is given , in . reflection and meditation.
 Through it, the Spirit of man is informed and
 sIxengthened. Through it, affairs of which man
 knows nothing are unfolded before his view.
 Through it, one receives Divine inspiration;
 through it, one partakes of Heavenly Food.
 Meditation is the key for opening the doors of
 mysten7es. ~n that subjective mood, withdrawing
 himself from all outside objects, man can unfold
 the secrets of things within himself ; because he is
 immersed in the ocean of spiritual life.
" Through the power of meditation man frees
 himself from the animal nature, discerns the real-
 ity of things, and is put in touch with God. This

 faculty brings forth from the invisible plane the
 sciences and arts. Through the meditative faculty
 inventions are made possible, and colossal under-
 takings ~ -are carried out. -Through it governments
 can be run smoothly- Through this faculty man
 enters into the very Kingdom of God.
" Nevertheless, some thoughts are useless to
 man. They are like waves ebbing to and fro in the
 sea without result.
" But if the faculty of meditation is bathed in
 the Inner Light, and ch'aracterised with Divine
 attributes, then the results will be wonderful.
" The meditative faculty is akin to the mirror.
 If you put before it earthly objects it will reflect
 them. Therefore, if the spirit of man is contempla-
 ting earthly subjects, he will be informed of these.
 But if the mirror of the Spirit be turned heaven-

 4al-ds, the heavenly constellations and the rays of
 the Sun of Reality will be reflected in the heart,
 and the virtues of the Kingdom will be attained.
    "'Let us,, therefore, keep this faculty rightly
 directed, turning it to the Heavenly Sun and not to
 -earthly objects, so -that we may discover the secrets
 of the Kingdom, comprehend the allegories of
 the Bible, and the mysteries of the Spirit. May we
 indeed become mirrors reflecting Heavenly Reali-
 ties, and may we become so pure as to reflect the
 Constellations of Heaven."
   PEAKING in London, at the Studio of
     Mr. Felix Moschelesihon Sunday afterw-
    -noonl Jan. igth,, 1913, 'Abdu'l-Bahk was
 asked by him t o make allusion to the 1-1ague -Con-
 fere-nce and to the beneficence of a Universal
 Language. He said:
 For every Age there is destined a great Move-
 ment, which is the sum total or Expression of that
in the 19th Century, Freedom, and Liberty, and
 Human Brotherhood was proclaimed.
 : But the Radiance of the 20th Century, into
 which- we have entered, is Unity and Harmony.
 The Light we declare is:
 The Oneness of Humanity:
 That the Foundation of the Religions of God is
 And - the Fellowship of all Races.
In this Century Human progress and perfections
 will ever be advanced from the Table of the One-
 ness of Humanity.
 i All the Prophets of God have been sent for this:
 That they may usher in the Era of Peace.
 His Holiness Christ embraced the Cross.
 His Holiness John gave up his head.
 BahAVIIA endured the pillory.

" He suffered 50 years' exile and imprisonment.
 All through His Life He was exiled, imprisoned in
 dark dungeons, or incarcerated in a barrack-. All
 these renunciations and sacrifices were for the sake
 of Humanity and the fundamental Unity of all
"At a time when the Orient was wrapped in con-
 tention, and encompassed in foul cloudsi and dark-
 ness: Lo, and behold! The Sun of Reality shone
 hforth and flooded these regions with its rays. The
 first effulgent ray from this illumined sun emanat-
 ing from the fact that God is the One Shepherd,
 Who ever provides for, cares for, and proteets all
 Humanity, and is ever kind to all.
" The, second ray appears through the investiga-
 tion of Reality. We have to abandon all hearsays,
 and investigate realities. Everything must be
 seen with our own eyes,'heard with our own ears,
 and demonstrated with our own minds-so that
 we may free ourselves from blind dogmas and
  These decayed and superannuated dogmas and
 tales of the past, not being based upon Reality,
 have ever been the cause of contention. They
 have been causative of the laying waste of Man-
"These blind dogmas have made sons inimical to,
 their fathers, and caused them to shun their
 Reconciliation is at hand. But, as long as the
 nations will not abstain from these blind dogmas
 it is impossible.
 It is very difficult for the Sun, to penetrate the
 cloatids of superstition and dogma. Therefore, if
 we dispel these clouds, we shall have the'efficient
 rays of the Sun of Reality.
" One of the Teachings of BahAVIIAh 1-S that a
 Universal Language should be established-so that
 everyone may study two languages: One his
 native, and one auxiliary. Then, all people will
 be enabled to associate amicably and do away with
'All enmity between Religions comes from lack
 of understanding. The Auxiliary language will
 serve to sweep away misunderstanding. This was

 proclaimed 50 years ago by BabAVIJAh. He laid
 down this law in the Holy Books.
"Another Teaching of BahA'u'llih is: There
 must be a Universal Court of Justice, so that all
 International disputes may be arbitrated by the
 Parliament of Man.
  BahAVIIAh 50 years ago, in the Book of Aq-
 das, commanded the people to establish a Universal
 Court of Arbitration-, and surnmoned all nations
 to the Divine Banquet of International Peace.
" For this the whole Human Race must be con-
 sulted through their representatives, whose con-
 clusions when ratified by the people of every
 (Now rriore than 60 years - ago).

 country, will latterly be signed by their King, or
 President if the Country is Republic.
" These representatives will gather together in a
 place accepted by all the people. That place will
 be under the protection of Humanity, and no
 doubt of God.
 Then, all the disputes between nations Will be
 referred to that Court for Arbitration.
" But, if one rise in rebellion not desiring to
 follow this Council, then all the individuals of the
 World will rise up against that nation.
" There ' is no doubt when this Council is brought
 into -being the Peace of the World of Humanity
 will be established." -
Referring, as requested, to the Hague Confer-
 en'Ce 'Abdu'l-Bahft said: "The Hague Conference
 is good but insufhricient. Its sphere of discussion
 is narrow. It -is not representative of the elec-
 torate of the World.
 The members of this Conference were obliged
 to follow the inclinations of the Governments
 which supported them, and could not deviate one
 hair's breadth from their instructions. Had they
 been free and untrammelled you would have real-
 ized What could have been accomplished."
"'The Council outlined by BahA'u'lla'h will be
 the last resort. It is confirmed by God : And under
 the protection of God. Rest assured this Inter-
 national Court of Arbitration will come into
 existence--for it is the demand of the time. Wie
 can positively say the nature of the time demands
 it. 31
cc in the -closed Century the demand -was for
 Freedom. Whoever tried to quell it failed."-. ;
   Likewise,-- the International Court of Arbitra-
 tion- is requisite to this Age. It is impossible for
 any       to postpone it, and the - World of
 Humanity will assuredly rest in the cradle of
 Peace.    This is one of the bounties of this Cycle.
 Its miracles are multitudinous. Its discoveries are
 wonderful. "                          .
"'Therefore, let us all arise to serve Mankind,
 and bring International Peace into being-spend-
 ing all our endeavours to that end. Let us go to the
 -utmost sacrifice: 20,000 Bahá'ís have given up life
 itself for this end : That the Divine commands
 may be realized throughout the Globe. So that
 all the children of men may live in the utmost

" it is my hope that ere long we may enjoy these
 blessings. "

    RILE inviting consideration and investi-
 gation for the Bahh'i Revelation which
 calls confficting armies to marshal them-
 selves into lines with the main purpose of Religion,
 namely, to create Harmony in the world, and to
 establish on earth the Most Great Peace; one
 would always repeat the assurance of the exalted
 place ascribed to Christ, by the Bahh'i community.
 For the Aim, and the Voice, and the gpen of
 Bahk'u'Uh and 'Abdu'l"BahA have been clear in
 showing that Christ is enthroned in every heart.
 In the Light of Oneness, Bahá'ís accept all the
 Prophets and Manifestations of God. 'Therefore,
 no JeW9 no Muslim, or Buddhist, or those of -other
 Religions, can become a Bahh'i without accepting
 Christ. It would be well if Missionaries would
 assure themselves of this, for their own comfort.
 And may God bless them with this understanding.
 For it is high time that the peoples of different
 Religions left off proselytising each other, merely
 in the partial interest of Truth : when by a different
 outlook all can see it together, more fully grevealcd,
 in the Teachings of Bahh'u'llAh. ForTruth being
 One, and indivisible, Religion was never sent into
 the world to create confusion, or to justify the
 abuse of intelligence, but to establish it.
  One of the noble Christians of Cairo, M.
 -Gabriel de Sassy, made the following statement in
  eech he delivered before an assembly of learned
 a~ -SP,
 men-in-P-arii, during the Exposition of--1-901
 When the Balihis wish to make a convert to
 their-Religion, they endeavour from the very first
 to confirm him in his own Religion, thus egnabling
 him to become cognizant g of the principal proofs
 whereby the Divine Religions are demonstrated,
 and to distinguish a Prophet from an impostor.g
 Consequently, the Old Testament of the Bahá'ís
 consists of all the Heavenly Books revealed through
 the former Prophets, while their New Testament
 comprises the Tablets of Bahh'u'llih, which in fact
 reconcile these books and contain the interpreta-
 tion and explanation of them 1 9 g? *
The Fifth Principle-of Bahh'u'llkh points out:
Religion must be in accord with Science and

 Reason. And Solomon says: " Above all thy
 getting, get understanding."
Bahi'u'llAh invites the peoples of all Religions
 to be fair, to investigate, and to recognise from
 their own Scriptures, that the Founders of Reli-
 gionY honour each other. Why, then, dare their
 followers slay each other? Let them give their
 answer to the God Who created them, and to the
 Prophets who come to the world, in His Name.-
 * " BaháU Proofs." Abul Fazl. pp. 7 0, 71.

 xT was necessary, as we have seen, to have free-
 dom from religious superstition, in order
 to attain individual resurrection. This has
 come to countless millions through the Teachings
 ~of Jesus, as a necessary, precedent to the realisation
 of Universal Harmony, and the conscious Unity
 of Mankind, w ch, comes to us through Bahh'-
 u'llAh. It was this Universal consciousness which
 Jesus yearned for, when He prayed: " That they
 all may be One, as Thou Father art in Me,
 and I in Thee, that they also may be One in US. 9 2
 He also taught His disciples to pray for Unity,
 when He taught them, " Our Father."
The Lord's Prayer was the Key-note to Unity,
 which Jesus gave.
BahA'u'.IlAh re-echoes, re-iterates, and gives
 Volume to the Harmonv it contains: " Consort
 with the peoples of all Religions with fragrance.
 Follow that which tends to Harmony," will be His
 Bugle Call, through the coming centuries.' And
 following it, will alone save Humanity from the
 calamities which threaten it To-Day. ,
The Principles of BahA'u'lla'h are Divine Guid-
 anee meeting the peculiar needs of this Age. And
 there will be no unity between individuals, or
 Nations; no social, political, industrial, or reli-
 gious Unity, however much we talk about it,
 unless these Principles of Unity are put into prac-
 tice; because they are the Principles of Righteous-
 noss, of 'Truth, of Justice and Generosity. The
 ('spirit within" every. individual who studies them,
 will testify to this.
Unify is the natural sequence of gall preceding
 Revelation and attainment. Its Principles will
 triumph, over all opposition. It is evident there
 has been great attainment, in all spheres. Great
 Manifestation of Human Power. Man ought
 therefore now, to brace himself up with Faith, to
 match all this Power, which has been manifested,
 and garner in all the blessings, which may accrue
 to Humanity, through a wise directionof it.
Unity holds out the fruitful Basket - of
     ~ kind, which can soothe And heal
 Fragrances to Man
 a suffering world. Its riches are unfathomable:

 Even as the riches of Man's inheritance on Earth,
 and in the Heavens of Understanding, are count-
In this Day, Unity is the test of Righteousness.
 Because only practice of the Principles of Right-
 eousness make it possible. Otherwise, it is im-
The Aim of all the Prophets throughout the
 Mosaic and Christian Dispensations of the Spirit,
 points to Unity. And it should be the greatest
 joy in life, for the Friends of God and Humanity

 to assist these H eavenly Hosts, in spreading a
 knowledge of the Principles whichm'ake it possible
The Teachings of BahA'u'llkh Who was known
 as "The Father of the Poor," are fraught with
 such Blessing, that they offer interest upon inter-
 est, and Glory upon Glory, for all. They summon
 all, to that for which they are created~to become
 the conscious children of the Most Glorious.
 Therefore a knowledge of them is of the utmost
 importance. For they give that very Guidance
 for To-Day, which many, in religious, political,
 social, and - industrial circles, are seeking, and
 which, in its fullness, they cannot find elsewhere.
     cc 006%kNE Day telleth another," ~andh " a thou-
sand years in Thy sight are but as yes-
terday. " 91
 To-day is the Day of all Days.
 It gatherg up the Meaning of Days.
 Each Day fuller than the Last must be.
 And this Last overflows with the effulgence
 Of all the Days of God which have been.
For BahA'u'llfth opens the sealed Books of
 Prophecy in all Religions, revealing the Harmony
 of the Divine Plan in them all, and declares to the
 world with the Pen of Power, that in this Day is
 the Scripture of them all fulfilled.
Surely it is the Holy Spirit which reminds us
 of the Day, when Jesus, standing in the Syna-
 gogue, opened the Book of Isaiah, and'reading,
 said: " This Day, is this Scripture fulfilled in your
 cars"-for another fulfillment has taken place.
Should one not be eager to'understand, when
 coming in touch with some beautiful spiritual
 power and on hearing that the Sun of Truth hagq
 again arisen with great brilliance to enlighten the
 world, be willingly open to conviction concerning
 a New Spiritual Dispensation?
Did not Jesus Himself foretell it, when He
 spoke of One who should come " in the Spirit of

 Truth, to guide us into all Truth " ? Then surely,
 all who are interested in what He said should ask
 themselves after full investigation, whether
 Bahi'u'llAh is not that One. This is His claim.
 And the Scriptures of Religion known by-differ-ent
 Names, testify to the truth of it. The least anyone
 c~n do is to investigate in the light of the Scripture
 they believe in, and consider well its meanmig,
 hbefore dismissing the matter. And if it be found
 that BahA'u'll-a'h fulfils other Scriptures as well :
 surely that should increase and universalize interest
 iD the Revelation of Truth which He brings? It
 is eminently satisfactory, in that it is all-compre-
 hending. That of course is the secret of its power
 to unite.
When first told that the BahA'i Faith has power
 to unite the people of all Religions, many say :
 " Impossible!" And their amazement at such a
 proposition shows how far they are astray from the
 true meaning of -Religion. For it always has been
 difficult to accept the idea that some nations should
 be left out of the Divine Plan; we should not
 think this right. Some have repudiated Religion
 altogether because of the superstition of those who
 would. be satisfied if their own race and nation
 could be saved, whatever might happen to the
 others. But BahA'u'HAh tells us that " Justice
 enables us to see things with our own eyes, and
 not by the eyes of any in the world. " It is also
 recorded that the Faith of Abraham impelled Him
 to exclaim: " Surely the God of all the Earth,
 I must do right 1 " Here we have the
                                    Spirit which
 God had placed within Abrahamvoicing itself -
 And such faith and such voicing of it, would
 gladden the heart of any earthly father. Why
 should we not have confidence that it delights the
 Heavenly Father?
Bahá"u'llAh, by declaring the Oneness of Man-
 kind and the Oneness of Religion, does not con-
 tradict the Faith of Abraham, but substantiates
 it. 'The "Signs of -the Times," which should
 accompany His appearance have been all around us
 on every side. We have already noticed, that in
 His Day, Jesus rebuked as hypocrites those who
 did not understand the "Si ns of their own times,"

 and therefore denied Him.
BahAVIIAh has certainly made the Teachings of
 Jesus, in this, and in other respects, especially
 clear, and surely there is to-day universal need for
 the Guidance of the Sun of Truth. It is difficult
 to imagine the state of mind of those who have not
 found the Teachings of BahA'u'Uhh in this time
 of calamities; for are they not just what Jesus said
 would take place at the time when another should
 come in the same Spirit, to give further Guidance
 than He could give at the time He left this earth?
It is clear that the BahAi Revelation is the
 natural and spiritual sequence, due at this time, in
 furtherance of the Teachings which Jesus gave; fgor
 it makes sayings of His intelligible, which have
 hiffierto seemed obscure; and it is certainly in
 accord with the Divine utterances of Jesus.

 There are those to-day who are asking constantly,
 Where does all the modern Teaching place
 Jesus? Much of it does not take Him into
 account, but it will be found that -the Ba'hi'i Teach-
 ing does. For it takes of that which He gave,
 ",shows It, to us," and confirms us in it. And
 not only does it confirm our Faith in Jesus : but
 the Bahh'i Revelation introduces us to all God's
 Messengers, even to those of other Names, not
 acknowledged in the Hebrew, or Christian Reli-
 gion, and thus brings to our remembrance the
 saying of Jesus, when His disciples complained
 that others were casting out devils who were not
 with them: " Rebuke them not, for those who
 are not against us, are on our side." Surely that
 answer holds good to-day!
Christians cannot deny that Muhammad has on
 His own ground, dealt more ably with the liquor
 traffic than they in some countries have yet done.
 For there are many members of different Churches
 -who hold shares in brewery companies, and think
 it quite right to do so. There is not unanimity in
 this matter amongst Christians, but amongst
 Muslims there is. Drunkenness is allied with
 other vices, and we cannot have heaven on earth,
 unless all agree to banish them all. The day is
 fast vanishing, in which it was considered by some
 manly to conserve practices contrary to the highest
 good of the Human Family.
Universal Religion which stands for Reality,
 must be allied to Science and Reason, and when
 *See John, Chap. xvi., Vers. 13-15.
 No al,
 this becomes generally known-there will be no
 atheists. Muhammad (though it is the last thing
 on earth which many Christians suppose) honoured
 Christ, and Abraham, and Moses. This fact is
 made known to the world through the Teachings
 of Bahh'u'116h.
Those who are enveloped in prejudice must in-
 evitably spendtheir lives in trying to escape the
 truth about many things. It is however a little
 tragic when large numbers take their friends to
 be enemies, and slay each other. To eliminate
 the pain of'such misunderstanding, it is much
 better to have a mind ready to'investigate Reality.
 Nobody can discover anything while locked up in
 boxes of mental prejudice.

It has never been the Messengers of God, but
 their disciples, who in their inistaken zeal, are
 ready to " eat God up " by engendering prejudice
 and enmity.
BahA'u'llAh comes to put an end to religious
 strife, proving from the Sacred Scriptures of all
 Religions that God's Messengers have, in every
 instance, been bent upon the same Purpose of
 creating Unity in the world. So we see that the
 very essence of that which they all give is in accord
 with the all-embracing Unity, revealed in ~ these
 Latter Days through the BahA'i Teachings. They
 afford abundant satisfaction in awakening a true
 knowledge of the Divine origin of every individual
 (a mattcr which theology has largely left to the
 perception of Mystics)-and this should silence

 the question-" Divine,, or not divine?"-which
 has been the bolle-i Of contention between
 Unitarians and Trinitarians, for centuries. One
 party Practically denying their own divinity, and
 the other denying the Divinity of Christ! What-
 ever have         imagined divinity to beP
 Mrs. Eddy, thanks be to herl settled that matter
 for C-hristian Scientists, by claiming Divinity for
 all God's children, dismissing ' all arguments to' the
 contrary-as emanations of " mortal mind."
All mean conceptions of the nature of Man have
 arisen through clinging to remnants of Truth, and
 trying to make them cover erroneous ideas; each
 adhering to that which takes his fancy most, and
 with it veiling the Divine beneficent Whole.
BabAVIIAh gives,rich assurance of divine birth-
 right, through the power of the Holy Spirit,
 .for every individual - and so delivers us from
 mere self-satisfaction, by enlightening all concern-
 ing the Oneness -of the Human Family. Such
 unaniniitv of the universal consciousness, must, it
 is suggested, be the At-Onement of those Great
 Ones, who have laboured with such divine passion,
 even pouring out their precious life blood on
 crosses, that perchance by such unquestionable
 sincerity some might believe in their -Mission to
 establish universal Love and Harmony; and if it
 were possible, to convince the world of their Love,
 which is one with God's Love for Mankind. Mgan-
 kind has indeed been lost to reason and common
 sense, in supposing that God- wanted His own
 beloved Son crucified-in order, that He might, be
 enabled to forgive sinners! From such error and
 gross superstition, 0 our Heavenly Father deliver
 us 1 No simple child could or would have invented
 such an idea. It is enough to alienate the whole
 world from Religion; and it is quite enough to
 account for the lovable straightforwardness of some
 truthful children, who, have been known to say
 they " loved Jesus Christ, but hated God!
To love a lovable personality is perfectly natural
 and reasonable, but to ignore example and fall
 flat on one's face in worship, is not desired. Jesus
 did not want to be enthroned as a God, or to be
 called ` Lord, Lord," though the manifestation
 of His Divine qualities proved Him to be Lord
 of Mankind, or,, in other words, made God, in
 Man., Manifest. To worship Him, He clearly

 said, did not qualify anyone for the Kingdom of
 Heaven-but to do the Will of the Father, did.
 This is in accordance with His own Words, and
 with the Words of all Divine Messengers. They
 come, always, to seek Man's understanding.
 And, coming divinely, to speak to that which
 is divine, though dormant, in Alan; usually Man
 has slain them. This time however, though-
 Martyrs have testified their Faith by joyfully giv-
 ing up their lives to prove it, God's Manifestation
 has not been slain. Many sufferings were heaped
 upon Him; but Ile overcame all difficulties; -doing
 the great work committed to Him, radiantly.
Through the clouds of moral, mental, and

 spiritual darkness, BahAVIIAh came with bril-
 liance, sufficient to illumine the Path of Mankind.,
 for centuries and to' such a degree, that finally,
 " Every eye shall see Him," by seeing the pur-
 pose of His appearance, its relation to Prophecy,
 and to the happiness of Mankind-although His
 Ascension has taken place. For the Divine Wis-
 dom contained in His Sacred Writings is sufficient
 to rejuvenate and transfom-i the world.
It is indeed pathetic to find, as we do to-day,
 large numbers of earnest souls assembled to con-
 firm themselves in the supposition that Jesus will
 appear in the phenomenal "clouds " and gather
 His own to Himself that way. Great patience
 is needed to dispel such error, for so intense is
 their belief, that they are horrified at the sug-
 gestion that they have mistaken the meaning of
 the prophetic writings . In the Light of the
 Sun of Truth however, such superstition cannot
 long prevail. -That the Kingdom of God should
 come, on Earth, is a Divine decree, and it is
 reasonable that the children of God should welcome
The following extracts from the Supreme Pen
 of Bahá"u'llAh bear witness to the Oneness of
 Human and Divine relationship.
 I haave placed within thee, a spirit from Me,
 that thou mightest be My Lover: Why hast
 thou forsaken Me, and sought to love
I have created thee rich : Why hast thou
made thyself Poor? Noble have I made thee
'Why hast thou degraded thyself? g ~' Of the
Essence of Knowledge have I manifested,
thee :_ Why seaTchest thou for another than
Me? Turn thy sight unto thyself, that thou
mayest find Me, standing within thee Power-
full Mighty, Supreme!"
My Eternity is My Creation. I have created
It for thee: Therefore make It the Garment
of thy temple. My Oneness is My Design.
I have designed it forlthee : Therefore clothe'
thyself with it. Thus mayest thou be a star,
of My Omnipresence for ever.

Thou art My Possession! And My Posses-
sion shall never be destroyed. Why dost thou
fear destruction? Thou art My Light, and
My Light shall never become extinct? Why
dost thou dread extinction? Thou art Mgy
. (Bahá) and My Glory shall not be
veiled : Thou art My Garment, and My
Garment shall never be outworn. Therefore
abide in thy love to Me, that thou mayest find
Me in the Highest Horizon!"
I have created thee sublime! But thou hast
degraded thyself : therefore ascend to that for
which thou wast created."
     Hidden Words." BahAVIIAh.)

 1111,11111111 011
 What generous love in a Creator! How refresh-
 ing after the mere " Thou God see-est me," which
 has so often been used to terrify the children of
 men, and has left no encouragement for the indi-
 vidual consciousness to rise to a state of Oneness
 with. the Heavenly Father.
We read, " God sent not His Son into the world
 to condemn the world, but that the world through
 Him, might have life. " And always One with
 the Father, Jesus Himself said - " I came not into
 the world to condemn the world, but that ye might
 have life, and have it more abundantly; and to the
 end that he that believeth on Me, might have Life
 Everlasting. "
How beautifully these words of Jesus accord
 with those of Bahh'u'llhh when He speaks to the
 individual for God:
" I have placed within thee, -a spirit from Me,
 that thou mightest be My Lover!"
And how much more satisfying it is to know
 that our Creator is seeking our individual under-
 standing, in order that we may be both lovers and
 helpers !
This opens out a new vista, and suggests bound-
 less possibilities for the children of men. No
 wonder that with His penetrating Sight
 BahPuIlAh has made Courtesy the Cardinal Virtue
 for this New Age. And how the world needs it!
 There could, of course, be no Kingdom of Heaven,
 without it.
 I mmll,ullIfili
N the Generosity of the Bahh'! Dispensation
    Bahk'u'llAh has made sure provision for the
    social life of the Bahi'i Community. For,
This is the Hour of the Unity of the sons of men,
And the drawing together of all classes.
            -BahA was in London,
in ign, when 'Abdu'l
 He gave the following discourse at a Unity Meet-

 held at the home of Miss Marion Jack and
 -the writer. Tihe International Races Congress,
 in which BahAis had taken special interest, many
 coming from other lands to take part in it in 1910,
 made that Unity Meeting specially interesting and
 representative, since a number had remained in
 the hope that 'Abdu'l-BahA would come to
 London, and on September 22nd, 1911,- the hope
 and expectation was rewarded by the following
 discourse :
 Friends and-11andmaidens of the Merciful!
    God is all Glorious!
 I It is a cold and miserable day but as I was
 anxious to see you I came here. For a man who
 has love, effort is rest. He will travel any distance
 to visit his friends.
 I Thank God I see you spiritually at rest. I give
 you this message from God: that ye may ever turn
 toward Him.
Praise God that you are near Him! The un-
 worthy things of this world have not deterred you

 from, seeking the world of the Spirigt. While in
 harmony with the world you care not for, the
 things which _perish. Your desire is for thatwhich
 never dies, and the Kingdom lies I
 hope that the Teaching of God will spread through-
 out the world, and will cause all to be united.,
In the time of Jesus Christ there was an out-
 pouring of Light'from East to West which
 brought the people under a Heavenly Banner, and
 illumined them with Divine insight.
 I Western lands, have been kindled by the Light
 of Christ., I pray earnestly that the Light in this
 advanced Age will so illumine the world that all
 may rally under the Banner of Unity and receive
 Spiritual education.
Then those problems which cause aifference
 among the peoples of the earth will be seen no
 more, for verily they are not. You are all waves
 of one sea,, mirrors of one reflection.
To-day the countries of Europe are at rest;
 Education is widespread. The light of liberty is
 the light of the West, and the intention of govern-
 ment is to work for truth and justice in Western
 countries. But ever the Light of spirituality
 shines out from the East. In this Age that Light
 has become dimmed; Religion has become a matter
 of form and ceremony and the desire for God's
 Love has been lost.
In every Age of great spiritual darkness, a Light
 is kindled in the East. So once again the Light
 of the Teachings of God has come to you. Even
 as education and progress travel -from West to
 East, so does the Spiritual fire travel from East to
I hope that the people of the West may be
 illumined by the Light of God, that the Kingdom
 may come to them, that they May find eternal,
 Life, that the Spirit of God may spread like a fire
 among- them, that they may be baptised with the
 water of Life and may find a new birth.
This is my desire. I hope byAhe will of God
 11-le will cause vou to receive it, and will make you
In the same way that you have education and
 material progress, so may the Light of God be
 your portion.
God keep all 'of you in safety.
     ( I" 'Abdu'l-Bahd in London," P. 39.)


    N examindtion of the records will show,
that those 'IvVho have been fitted and ap-
pointed by God to inaugurate the
Spiritual Spring Times of the world, have always
been fully conscious of their Mission. They can
say, as Jesus said: " My Father worketh until
now, and I work.7 Because of necessity., they
are conscious that the Father worketh through
them, and that the work is His.
It would be difficult to imagine the beauty of the
 physical Spring Times, without the physical sun.
 And it would be more difficult to imagine the state
 of the world, if the Spiritual Sun of Truth, had
 never, in times of " gross darkness," burst forth
 from the Heavens of Enlightenment on the mind
 and spirit of Mankind: with re-creative ener-
 gies, and with such Power, that fulfilling Pro-
 phecy, It has " Made all things New," and in Its
 own mysterious way, set the seal of its Power on
 Chronological calculations.
There is no mystery in the fact that such epoch-
 making Events, have been marked by the appear-
 ance of Di-vrine Manifestations; it is history.
 Only the future is enveloped in mystery-the
 present is as clear as noon-day, for those who will
 see with the eye of the Spirit. And it would be~
 foolish to deny the re-creative power of the Spirit.
 to mark the present epoch even more convinc-
 ingly, because of its gathered volumes: and verv
 difficult to imagine it, unrelated to Prophecy!
                                 NEED OF PERSONAL
 xN both ancient and modern metaphysics,
 Divine Principle is recognised to be the
 origin, foundation, and truth of individual
 being. And this immaculate conception renders
 valuable service to Humanity. For it sets each
 one up with a noble outlook in life, in contradis-
 tinction to the "born in sin, " and "miserable
 worm,31P notio]aS, which have been a ridiculous
 travesty of 'Truth, and have oppressed- Mankind,
 through long and weary centuries; and we are
 grateful for this charter of freedom from ideas
 which have hindered individual- resurrection.
However, though freedom has its merits, we
 need, and the world needs, whether the world will

 have them or no (and it is not in the -nature of
 things that They could come, if we did noth need
 Them)-those great Personal Manifestations, NV-ho
 come rcvealging, and declaring from the Dawning
 Place of Coryiniand-Gods Will for the Era de-
 noted by their appearance. So, because we need
 them, they have always appeared, as History and
 Chronology show, at the inauguration of a New
 Era. And, as in the Past., some accepted, and
 some rejected their Guidance, so it is To-day.

 But, nevertheless' 3a the Guidance so greatly needed,
 is evident to usin the Revelation of Bahh'u'llhh.
'Without some unifying, and revivifying
 Spiritual Power, mere individual freedom is apt to
 breed chaos. In looking around, what do we see?
 Shameless,, supercilious egotism, at war with itself
 and its offspring-abounding chaos.
Contrary winds in the mefital atmosphere create
 whirlwinds, and a Guiding Spirit is necessary, to
 lead all into the channels of blessing which Unity
 affords. And what the world needs in this respect,
 is precisely what is always sent for its illumination.
 If Humanity fails to see this, it must be lookingi
 in the wrong direction, or is afraid to acknowledge
 It, because of a tendency to cling to Guidance
 given in the Past.
We know it -would have been far far better for
 the world, if it had listened to God's Prophets in
 their own Day and Time, instead of waiting for
 centuries after it has stoned them before affording
 recogn(ition; for such procrastination engenders
 a disposition to stone the New Ones.
We know that Light is always Light, in what-
 ever Age it appears: and individuals are so con-
 stituted, that " the Spirit which God has placed
 within them," enables them to see it. If this were
 not so, life would be a very unfair thing to them.
 HE Sun of Truth is the Word of God. It
     illumines the Path to the Most Great
 The Reality of the, Divine Religions is One.
 All the Prophets are united in their Message, and
 unshaken. They are like the Sun; in different
 seasons they ascend from different points on the
 horizon. Therefore, every ancient Prophet gave
 the glad tidings of the future, and everv future has
 accepted the past.
" Religions are like the branches of one Tree.
 One branch is high, one is low, and one in the
 centre ; yet all draw their life from one stem. -One
 branch bears fruit and others are not laden 8o
 abundantly. All the Prophets are Lights, they
 only differ in degree; they shine like heavenly
 bodies, each having their appointed place and time
 of ascension. Some are like lamps, some are like
 the moon, some like distant stars, and a few are

 like the Sun, shining from one end of the earth
 to the other. All have the same Light to give,
 yet they are different in degree. If we accept the
 Light in one, we must accept it in all."
   (" 'Abdu'l-Bahá' in London," pp. 1.7, 57.)
" If men followed the Holy Counsels and Teach-
 ings of the Prophets; if Divine Light shone in the

 hearts and men were really religious,, we should
 soon see Peace on earth and the Kingdom of God
 among men. The Laws 'of God may be likened
 unto the soul and material progress unto the body.
 If the body was not animated by the soul, it would
 cease to exist." Talks of 'Abdu'l-BahA, given
 in Paris," p. 98.)
 " The Word of God is the storehouse of all good,
 all power, and all wisdom-. The illiterate fishers
 a -nd savage Arabs were thereby enabled to solve
 such problems as were puzzles to eminent sages.
 It awakens within us. that brilliant intuition which
 makes us independent of all tuition, and endows
 us with an all-embracing power of understanding-
 Mgany a soul in the ark of philosophy, after fruit-
 less struggles has been - drowned in the sea of con-
 flicting theories of cause and effect, while those on
 board the craft of simplicity have reached the shoren
 of the Universal Cause by the help of favourable
 winds blowing from the point of Divine Know-
" When man is associated with that transcend-
 ent Power emanating from the Word of God, the
 tree of his existence becomes so well rooted in the
 soil of assurance that it remains firm amid the
 violent hurricanes of scepticism and doubt which
 attempt his destruction.
" For this association of the part with the whole
 endows him with the Whole, and this unison
 of the particular with the Universal makes him all
 in all." ('Abdu'l-BahA Ahbbas.)
        -b Bahá'ís all over g the
 HIS Feast,is kept ly
world, to celebrate that most auspicious
Event in the world's History: BahA'u'-
 11hh's Declaration of Himself as the Expected One,
 Whom the BAb had Proclaimed'
It was in the Garden of Ri4vhn, outside Bagdad,
 towards the end of April, 1863, that BabA'ull]Ah
 Declared Himself to be that One for Whom the
 people of all Ages, in accordance with the Prophe-
 cies of the Hebrew, Christian, Moammadan, and
 other great Religions, have waited-the Hope of
 Israel- and the Desire of all Nations.
Therefore, this Feast is kept during the last
 twelve days of April by BahAls in commemoration
 of the time when, being Exiled and driven from

 place to place under despotic Governments, be-
 cause HisTeaching was gaming such hold on the
 people wherever He went, Bahá"u'llAh was about
 to be taken from Bagdad to Adrianople.
This Holy Feast was kept in London, at the
 home of the writer, on April 24th, 1920, on which
 occasion the following Tablet was received from
 'Abdu'l-Bahá' to be read to the Friends assembled:
" 0 Friends and Handmaidens of God!
" To-day is the Day in which the Sun of Reality
 has dawned from the Horizon of existence. Its
 Daybreak is clear, and its Sunshine is bright with
 such Power that obscuring clouds are dissipated.

" With the utmost brilliance It is luminous, and
 shining from the horizon of the world. This is that
 which causes created beings new exaltation.
" Consider y6, how much in this Cycle, Science
  and Art are extended.
  How strange Arts, and New things have
  appeared 1
  How the power of Thought has increased 1
  And strange inventions have become ap-
" This Cycle contains in itself, the Wisdom of a
 hundred Cycles: and if you gather the Wisdom
 of this one, the results will be seen to be far greater
 than the results of a hundred Cycles before it.
 For instance, if you collect the books, which were
 compiled in former Cycles, and all the books and
 epistles which are compiled in -this: Those of this
 Cycle are more than double those of past Ages.
 Consider Ye the brilliance of the Sun. And re-
 flect upon the effect which the brilliance of the
 Sun of Truth has made upon the Human Creation.
" But a thousand times alas ! That eyes are
 blind, and ears deaf, and the minds and hearts are
 neglectful of this great Bounty!
"Then strive Ye -with heart and soul, that sleepy
 ones may become awake! The blind have sight,
 and the dead ones become alive I "
    Upon Ye, be BahA el Abha!
    (Signed) 'ABDU'L-BAiA ABBAS.
 * Translated by Lotfullah S. Hakim-
    T was the custom of 'Abdu'l-BahA to give out
to the guests who met . around His hospit-
able Table both spiritual and material food,
serving the latter to His guests with His own hands.
From all parts of the world, from all religions
and races, and for many years they met around
His Table of Oneness in the utmost joy and har-
mony. Now, through the countless Tablets and
Talks which were given by Him, for them to give
again to the world, all may receive of the Spiritual
Bounty which makes the whole world One.
Speaking one day at Table on the childhood of
 BahAVIIAh, He said :
" In the childhood of the blessed Beauty*

 his father realised the remarkable powers
 latent inhis boy, and used to treat him with the
 utmost consideration and respect. - For his other
 children he had but little regard, all his attention
 being devoted to the Blessed Perfection. The signs
 of majesty and greatness were apparent in him
 from childhood. One day when he was quite a little
 child he happened to walk near his father and
 mother who were sitting together. His father re-
 marked :
" ' This son of ours is peerless and unequalled,

 ao   i kj
 and is not to be compared with any other children,
 not in- any way.'
 " The mother said    'He is just a little lacking
 in height--a trifle short.'          I
" The father replied: 'What does that matter?
 He is perfect in every way. If his height is not
 great it is only that his brain is nearer his heart.'
"From childhood he had an extraordinary power
 of attraction which was felt by all. Everybody
 loved Him, and people were -so fond of Him that
 they always crowded around Him. He was ex-
 ceedingly generous, and a lover of outdoor
 life. Most of His time was spent in the garden
 or the fields. He was very fond- of talking with
"Another incident occurred when he was seven
 years old--just entering His eighth year. It was
 customary in those days of autocratic government,
 just as in the Middle Ages, for the Shah to make a
 demand on any person, when he wanted money,
 for a sum (it might be 256,000). He would tor-
 ment the person until it'was paid. Ile Shah
 several times cut 'Pieces of the ear off those un-
 fortunate victims. Every time the Shah became
 angry he would cut a piece off. Even one of the-
 Viziers of Persia had pieces of his ear cut off.
"One day the Shah said again, 'Cut his ear!'
 The Vizier cried: ' Wait; this is not grass that
 grows again when it is cut. Nothing will be left
 of my ear.'
"Once the Shah made such a demand on the
 father of Bahh'uUh. He said after that a second
 demand was made and also paid. Then a third
 demand was made, this time much larger than he
 could possibly pay. On such occasions the Shah
 sent collectors to the house who took possession and
 sold the furniture, etc. ~1 by auction. A thing worth
 ten pounds would often be sold for one pound.
 The collectors came and pressed Mirza Abbas
 (Bahá"u'llAh's father) for payment. The Blessed
 Beauty, then a boy of seven years, said I will
 see this matter through.'
"The Shah was away at the time at a place ten

 days journey on horseback from Tihrhn. The
 weather was cold and there had been a heavy snow-
 fall. The father did not wish him to go, but
 BahAVIIAh said, ' I will go,' and the boy of seven
 went. He saw the Prime Minister and talked with
 him. The Prime Minister took him to the Shah.
 ITe talked to the Shah as though he were a man of
 thirty or forty and did not leave him tmtil the Shah
 had written a-firman (decree) granting His request.
 The ground was covered with snow. A man called
 Assodullah Bagi, a private servant, rode with the
 Blessed Beauty to Tihrhn, keeping the child in
 front of him on a special saddle used for children,
 and they rode the ten-days' trip in two-and-a-half
 (lays, for His faffier was in distress. And at that
 time there was no telegraph.
" On arrival he turned the collectors out of the
"All the Ministers and people of the court would

III i~w ..................Not
 surround the Blessed Beauty. The childre were
 very fond of Him. When he was only thirteen. or
 fourteen Ile became known for His learhing. He
 conversed on many subjects, 'and solved many
 problems. In large gatherings He would di&-
 cuss matters with the Ulama (leading Mullahs),
 and would explain intricate religious questions.
 Some questions pertaining to the Muhammadan-
 Religion had never been clearly explained which
 were expounded by Bahá"u'lla.
   When He was twenty-two ycar~ old g his father
 died, and the Government wished Him to succeed
 to His father's office, as was customary in Persia.
 BahAVIIAh did not accept -the offer. Then the
 Prime Minister said: 'Leave him to himself. He
 ivill not descend to such a position. It is impos-
 sible that He demean Himself thus. I cannot
 understand Him; he has some greater purpose in
 view. Ile has other thoughts; leave Him I
*Table talk at Haifa, Dec. 16th, 1919, translated by Lotfullah
        S. Hakim,
    0 the three wise men of the East who came
to worship Him, to Mary His mother,
and a few others, the birth of Jesus was
the greatest event in history up to that time. To
the majority it was a matter of insignificance.
Now, we all know that it had the greatest spiritual
Every age has its Prophets and Seers, and every
 New Era has been denoted by the appearance of a
 Divine Teacher who utters prophetic warnings
 to the rulers of the earth. And though not de-
 sired by them, He is in reality the " Desire of
 Nations," and brings Divine Laws to lift oppres-
 sion from the heart of Mankind. To-day, the
 Bounty given through Bahá"u'llAh is great, because
 the need which calls for it never was greater. And
 we are better equipped to make it known to the
 world than ever before.
Quite naturally, the greatest Event in our own
 time is the appearance of the Spiritual 'Teacher
 who was promised by Jesus in whom the world be-
 lieves, but Who was lifted up on the Cross of Re-

 jection in His Day. Many are still expecting the
 Promised One to " lead them into all Truth,"
 without knowing that He has come and gone

 22  aa%~- 11111                      ming a g 1- 11,1111
 "like a thief in the night," as was prophesied of
 Him. But it is not too late for ' every eye to see
 Him," in spirit and in truth. For we, now, see
 Jesus, - though His chosen friends slept around
 Him in His darkest hour.
"The Root of all Knowledge is the Knowledge
 of God: Glory be to Him! And this Knowledge
 is impossible, save through His Manifestations."
" Above, the -din of many voices Bahi'u'llkh re-
 veals the Will of God for this Age. Wherefore
 when He appeared, the foundations of the world
 trembled. The learned ones were bewildered, and
 wise men confounded, save those who came near
 unto Thee, and took from the Vine of Favour,
 The pure Wine of Thy Inspiration, and drank in
 Thy Name, saying:
 Praise be unto Thee, 0 Desire of Nations!
 Praise be unto Thee, 0 Beloved of the hearts
 of yearning!
Had the Message of Bahh'u'llAh been heeded by
 the rulers of the earth, the world would have been
 spared the agonies it has since experienced. And
 prosperity would have reached a greater height
 the world over than it has yet dreamed of, or than
 it can now hope for, for a long time to come. .
In the Name of God, BahA'u'llAh sent Tablets
 to the Czar, to the Pope, to the Emperor of Ger-
 many, to Napoleon the Third, to the Shah of Per-
 sia, to. Queen Victoria, and others, urging all
 monarchs to prepare for Peace.
" Upon reading the Tablef sent to her, Queen
 Victoria said: ' If this is of God, it will stand.' "
"The Czar sent one of his nobility to investigate
 the source of the Tablet received by him, and this
 messenger returned with such impressive accounts
 of his mission that the Czar became stirred with
 visions o g f the 'Most Great Peace.' "
" BahA'u'llAh revealed in a Tablet to the King
 in Berlin the following concerning his rule: '0
 banks of the river Rhine! We have seen ye
 drenched in gore, because the swords of retribu-
 tion were drawn against ye: and ye shall have
 another trouble. And we hear the lamentations
 of Berlin, though it be io-day in manifest glory."
 ~ " He revealed to a prominent Turk (named

 Rais) the following Tablet: ' The Land of Mystery
 (Adrianople) and what is beside it will be changed,
 and shall pass out of the hands of Turkey, and com-
 motions shall appear, and lamentations arise, and
 trouble become manifest on all sides."
"He also uttered the following judgment upon
 Turkey (personified in Constantinople): '0 Point!
 wh,ich liest between two seas; the throne of in-
 justice hath been fixed in thee. . . . Thou shalt
 perish-and -those people that are within thee shall
 lament. "
" The messengers who conveyed the Tablet to
 Egypt were made prisoners and sent into exile and
 the Tablet i '(Ynored. "
" BahA'u'lla'b predicted the downfall of the Khe-
 dive (Ismail Pasha), and that these messengers, in

 a short while, would be released,. and would stand
 in the presence of their beloved Master."
 General Gordon soon after, in his political
 campaign in Egypt, released those men and gave
 them permission to return home, and the events
 connected with the downfall of the Khedive at that
 time are the property of history."
 Napoleon received the Tablet addressed to him
 with scorn and threw it away, saying: ' If he is
 God$ I am two gods.' Bahh'u'llAh addressed a
 second Tablet to him containing the following:
    Because of what thou hast done, affairs shall be
 changed in thy kingdom, and thy Empire shall
 depart from thine hands as a punishment for thy
 actions. Then shalt thou find thyself in manifest
 loss, and commotion shall seize the people there,
 unless thou arisest to assist in this matter, and-,
 followest the Spirit in this straight way. Thy glory
 hath made thee proud. By My Life, verily, it
 shall not endure, but shall pass away, unless thou
 takest hold of this firm Rope. We have seen
 humiliation hastening after thee while thou art of
 those that sleep."
" That Tablet is sufficient proof. It was re-
 vealed when Napoleon was so powerful that he
 said: 'On this globe I am the one God.', In
 such a time was this Tablet written. The world
 knows the downfall of Napoleon Ill., of his exile,
 and his death."
" Bahi'u'lla'h sent a Tablet to the Shah of Per-
 sia at a later period (from Acre). A youth bore it,
 travelling on foot to Tibrin, and gave it to the
 Shah as the latter rode through the streets. He
 gave it, not as a petition, but as a command s ent
 to him, saying: 'A Command-from one-whose
 authority is higher than yours.' The. Shah learned
 the contents and authorship of the letter. but the
 young messenger Badi (the Wonderful) was
 branded to death with red-hot bricks! When the
 executioners were lifting these with iron tongues to
 p ut them on his body, he declared that he wel-
           seized them with his own
           to- his bosom. This youth,
 knowing that his life would be sacrificed, had
 sought the privilege of being the bearer of this
 Tablet from his Beloved."
11 Tihra'n, BahA'u'llhh blessed, and promised
 that justice should reign therein."
 comed. this martyrdom,

 hands, and applied them
 *"The Revelation of Bahá'V11a'h-"    Isabeila D. Brithingham
  Bahá''IPulblishingSociet__ JfC  9.A~

  TABLET by Bahh'u'llAb to the Persian
Zoroastrian - Bahá'ís. Revealed in
the purest old Persian language,
 without an Arabic word in it.
" Glory is due unto God ' the Discoverer., Who,
 through'one shower of the ocean of His Generosity,
 expanded the firmament of existence, begemmed
 it with the stars of knowledge, and summoned the
 people to the most high court of perception and
  This shower, which is the Primal Word of the
 Almighty', is sometimes called ' the Water of Life,
 for it quickens the dead souls in the desert of ignor-
 ance with the spring of intelligence. Sometimes
 it is called the First Emanation which appears from
 the Sun of Wisdom, and when it began to shine,
 the first movement became manifest and known,
 then phenomena stepped into the arena of exist-
 ence and these appearances were through the
 generosity of the Incomparable, the Wise One.
" He is the Knower, the Giver! He is sancti-
 fied and holy above every statement and attribute!
 'The seen and the unseen fail to attain the measure
 of His understanding. The world of being and
 whatever has issued from it bears witness to this
" Therefore it has bee b-me known that the first
 bestowal of the Almighty, is the Word. The re-
 ceiver and the acceptor of it is the understanding.
 It is the First Instructor in the University of Ex-
 istence and it is the Primal Emanation -of God.
 Whatever has happened is through the reflection
 of its Light and whatever is manifested is the ap-
 pearance of its Wisdom. All the names originate
 in His Name, and the beginnings and endings of
 all affairs are in His Hand.
" Your letter came to this Captive of the world
 in this prison. It brought happiness and increased
 friendship; it renewed the remembrance of former
 times. Thanks belong'to the Possessor of the
 universe, 'Who permitted us to meet in the land
 of Persia. - We met, we conversed, and we
 listened. It is hoped that no forgetfulness shall
 follow that meeting, that the revolving of the
 wheel of time shall not take away'its remembrance

 from the heart, and that the plants ofh love shall
 grow out of that which is sown and become green,
 verdant, and imperishable."
"h You have asked regarding the heavenly Books.
 The pulse of the universe is in the hand of the skil-
 ful Physician. He diagnoses the illness and wisely
 prescribes the remedy. Every day has its own
 secret and every tongue a melody. The illness of
 to-day has one cure, and that of to-morrow
 another. Look ye upon this day; consider and

 discuss its needs. One -sees that existence is
 afflicted with innuh-iefable diseases compelling it
 to lie on the bed of suffering. Men who are in-.
 toxicated with the wine of self-contemplation pre-
 vent the wise Physician from reaching it. Thus
 have they made the world and themselves to suffer.
 They know not the ailment nor recognise the cure '
 They take the wrong for the right, the crooked for
 the straight, the enemy for the friend."
 Hearken ye to the melody of this Prisoner!,
 Stand up and proclaim. Perchance those who are
 asleep may awaken g! Say, 0 ye dead ones! The
 generous Hand of the Almighty is passing round
 the Water of Eternal Life. h Hasten ye, and
 drink! Whosoever shall become alive in this day,
 shall never die, and whosoever dies in this day can
 never find Life. 9.9
" Ye have written regarding the language:
 Both Persian and Arabic are good, for that which
 one desires to gain from language is to attain to
 the meaning of the speaker and this can be accom-
 plished in both. As in this day the Sun of Wis-
 dom has appeared and shone from the horizon of
 Persia, the more you respect that language the
 better it is."
" 0 Friend! When the Primal Word ap-
 peared in these latter days a number of the
 heavenly souls heard the Melody of the Beloved
 and hastened toward it, while others, finding tha,+
 the deeds of some did not correspond Nvith their
 words, were prevented from the Splendours of the
 Sun of Knowledge."
" Say, 0 ye sons of earth! The Pure God pro-
 claims that which in this glorious day shall purify
 ye from the stains of desire and enable ye to attain
 to tranquillity in My straight path, and My mami-
 fest road. To be severed from attachment means
 to be separated from those things which occasion
 loss and lessen the grandeur of man. If the people
 of the world should attain to the Heavenly Utter-
 ances they would never be prevented from the
 ocean of Divine Generosity."
" The Heaven of Righteousness has no star,
 and never shall have one, brighter than this. The
 first Utterance of the-Wise One is this: 0 ye sons

 of earth! Turn from the night of foreignness and
 turn to the Sun of Unity. This is that which shall
 benefit the people more than aught else."
" 0 Friend! The tree of the Word has no
 better Blossom and the Ocean of Wisdom shall
 -never have a brighter Pearl than this: 0 ye sons of
 intelligence! . The thin eyelid prevents the eye
 from seeing the world and what isg cogntained there-
 in. Then think of the result when the curtain of
 greed covers the heart."
" Say, 0 People! The darkness of greed and
 envy obscures the light of the soul as the cloud pre-
 vents the penetration of the sun's rays.
" Should one listen with the ear of intelligence to
 this Utterance, he shall spread the wings of free-

 dom and soar with great joy towards the Heaven of
 Understanding. " ,
" When the world was environed with darkness,
 the Sea of Generosity was set in motion and Divine
 Illumination appeared so that the deeds were dis-
 closed. This is the same Illumination which ' is
 promised in the heavenly books. Should the Al-
 mighty desire the hearts of the people in the world,
 He will purify and sanctify them with the power
 of the Word, and will pour forth the Light of the
 Sun of Unity upon the souls to regenerate the
 world. "
." 0 People! The word must be demonstrated
 by the deed, for the righteous witness of the word
 is action. The formerwithout the latter shall not
 allay the thirst of the needy nor open the doors of
 sight to the blind."
" The Heavenly Wise One proclaimeth: A
 harsh word is like a sword, but gentle speech is like
 unto milk. The children of the world agttain to
 knowledge and better themselves through this.
 The tongue of Wisdom says: Whosoever possesses
 gMe not has nothing. Pass by whatever exists in
 this world and find Me. I am the Sun of Percep-
 tion and the Ocean of Science. I revive the
 withered ones and quicken the dead. I am that
 Light which illumines the path of Insight. I am
 the Falcon of the Hand of the Almighty; I bear
 healing in my wings and teach the knowledge of
 soaring to the Heaven of Truth."
" The Peerless Beloved says; The way of free-
 dom is opened! Hasten ye! The fountain of
 knowledge is gushing! Drink ye! Say, 0
 Friends! The Tabernacle of Oneness is raised;
 look not upon each other with the eye of strange-
 ness. Ye are all the fruits of One Tree, and the
 leaves of one Branch. Truly, I say, whatever
 lessens ignorance and increases knowledge, that
 has been, is, and shall be accepted by the Creator."
 Say, 0 people! Walk ye 'Lmder the shade of
 the Tree of Righteousness; enter ye under the pro-
 tection of the Tent of Unity. Say, 0 thou Posses-
 sorofSight! The past is the mirror of the future;
 look and perceive. Perchance, after the acquire-
 ment of knowledge, ye may know the friend and
 attain to his good pleasure. To-day the best fruit
 of the tree of Science and Knowledge is that which
 benefits mankind and improves his condition." -
 " Say the tongue is the witness of My Truth;

 do not pollute it with untruthfulness. The spirit
 is I the treasury of My mystery do not deliver it
 into the hand of greed. It is hoped that in this
 D b awn the universe shall become illumined with the
 rays of the Sun of Understanding and Knowledge,
 so that we may attain to the good pleasure of the
 Beloved and drink from the Ocean of Divine
 0 Friend! As there were few ears to hear,
 so for some time the Pen hath been silent in its own
 chamber and to such a degree that silence has pre-
 ceded utterance. Say, 0 People! Words are
 revealed according to capacity, so that the begin-

 ners may make progress. The milk must be given
 according to the measure, so. that the childhood of
 the world may enter into the realm of grandeur
 and be established in the Court of Unity."
" 0 Friend! We have seen the pure ground
 and cast the seed of knowledge. Now it depends
 upon the rays of the Sun whether it is burned up
 or is caused to grow. Say to-day through the
 greatness of the Peerless Wise One, The Sun of
 Knowledge has appeared from behind the veil of
 the Spirit and all the birds of the meadow of one-
 ness are intoxicated with the wine of Understand-
 ing and are commemorating the Name of the Be-
 loved. Happy is the one who finds this and
 becomes immortal."
(Translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, Chicago,
 Ill., Sept. 8th, 1909, and taken from " BahA'i
 News," 1910-1911.-" Star of the West," Vol. I.)
There are few persons - now living who saw
 BahA'u'llhh. Professor Edward G. Browne,
 famous for his knowledge of the Orient, describing
 his visit (Wednesday, April 15th, 1890) as the
 culminating event of his journey, says:
 No need to ask in whose presence I stood, as
 I bowed myself before One who is the object of a
 devotion and love which kings might envy and
 emperors sigh for in vain. A mild dignified voice
 bade me be seated, and then continued: ' Praise
 be to God that thou hast attained! . . . . Thou
 bast come to see a prisoner and an exile. . .
 We desire the good of the world and the happiness
 of the nations: yet they deem -Us a stirrer-up of
 strife 'and sedition worthy of banishment. . . .
 That all nations should become one in faith and
 all mgen brothers; that the bonds -of affection and
 unity between the sons of men should be strength-
 ened: that diversity of,Religion should cease, and
 difference of race be annulled-what harm is there
 in this? . . . . Yet so it shall be : these fruitless
 strifes, these ruinous wars 'h shall pass away, and the
 1;4 MOST GREAT PEACE " shall come. . . .
 Do you not in Europe need this also? Is not this
 that which Christ foretold? . . . . Yet do we -see.
 your kingsand rulers lavishing their treasures more
 freely on means for the destruction of the human
 race than on that which would conduce to the
 happiness of mankind. . - These strifes and

 this bloodshed and discord must cease and all men
 be as one kindred and family. . . . Let no man
 glory in this, that he loves his country; let him
 rathef glory in this, that he loves his kind.
Two years after this visit of Professor Browne
 which he describes in the Introduction to " A
 Traveller's Narrative ~9 (Cambridge: 1891),
 BahAVIIAh passed to a higher plane, and many
 years before His ascension He appointed His eldest
 son, " The Greatest Branch "-'Abdu'l-BahA
 Abbas, as " the Centre of the Covenant " and the
 only Commentator of His Divine Teachings.

    HE hordes of darkness have always imag-
ined they could extinguish the Light of
the World, by killing the Lamp Bearers,
but even a slight glance at History should make
plain the futility of such a course. Yet, alas! it
is not plain, to many, who should be pointing it
We know that although the body of Jesus was
 crucified, He-has proved the Resurrection of His
 Spirit which no man can kill. And so it is again,
 in the Present-Day Visitation of the Spirit. The
 evidences given later are sufficient to show this,
 though they deal only with the Martyrdoms
 which occurred during a few years; but if given in
 full, from the time of the Declaration of the BAb,
 until now, they would fill volumes.
It is, however, suggested by a Persian friend,
 that it would be in place to corroborate BahA'i
 statistics by the recorded impressions of one who
 was not a BahA'i, but a Christian Missionary.
     Five Years in a Persian Town,
 Yezd," the Rev. Napier Malcolm, C.M.S., al-
 though he found BahA'i Martyrdoms too revolting
 re - co , rd, iye~ e-taft-         -too horrible for
-gi  d   Is of one
 repetition here, and in his endeavour to analyse
 the difficulties in which he found himself, -could not
 help recording his general impression of others;
 and he acknowledges there were signs that Persia
 might become wholly Bahh'i, and that such an idea
 is h not confined to Missionary circles.
In the Western Hemisphere, we had flattered
 ourselves that the world had -seen the last of re-
 ligious martyrdoms, but if one only glances afthe
 index to Mr. Malcolm's book., it will be readily
 seen that although he tried hard- to restrain it,
 his mind reverted again and again to the BahA'i
 Faith, because he was puzzled by the Power which
 strengthened weak mortals to testify of It in Mar-
The index to " Five YeaA in a Persian Town
 shows t hat -the pages on which the BahA'1 Faith
 and -its martyrs are mentioned, far outnumber the
 indexed particulars on other matters.
The reality of Mr. Malcolm's Christian Spirit
 is evident throughout in his endeavours and per-

 severance in the town of Yezd; for he seems to
 have,lcft no stone untumed in his heroic efforts to
 make Christian converts. And looking on (through
 his own story) from the outside, what with the
 racial, religious, political, industrial and social
 difficulties which surrounded him, these, increased
 by language difficulties, made it well nigh impos-
 sible for him to cope with his situation.
Without the key, how can one unlock the doors
 which mystify the mind! Does not prejudice

 (even though unconscious, when born of preferen-
 tial habit) bolt the doorsof understanding? There-
 fore, BahAVIIA'h has decreed " the abolition of
 racial, religious, political, indusitrial, and social
 Mr. Malcolgm records onlv one instance of con-
 verting a BahA'i -to eiiig-istianity . a 9 nd'ibuswoves
 thai"a though be tried so hard to find it, he no;
 Che                                the
 Yr-uth~ of -the mat-ter w~uld have revealed the fact,
 that no BahA'l can be converted to accept Christ.
 For all BahAis accept Christ! The difference be-
 tween himself and his supposed convert would be
 that Bahá'ís recognise the Christ Spirit inaill God's
 Messengers. It is the Spirit of the Eternal Crea-
 tive " I ANT." Therefore IT must, as declared
 ky the Prophets, Manifest Itself when necessary
 and natural, in the Order of Time.
Unlike those of less Catholic Faith, Bahá'ís are
 forbidden to proselytise. We recognise that
 Truth is One, for God does not speak once ognly
 to the world! And speaking more than once,
 does not congtradiet Himself.
 1010 1110 IN Al I I I
Tghe great purpose of the Revelation- of BaUV
 HAh is to unite all the races-:.,and religlons~of the
 world in perfect harmony.
Warfare must be Abolished,- and inUrnaiional
 -,difficulties are to be settled by a Council of Arbi-
It iss commanded that everyone. should practise
 some trade, art, or profession. , Work done in a
 faithful spirit of service 'is accepted- as an act -of
  and begging are strictly forbidden,
 a nd work must be provided for all.
There is to be no priesthood -apart from the
Ile, practice of Asceticism, living the hermit,
 life or-in secluded communities is discouraged.
Monogamy is enjoined.
Education for all, boys and girls equally, is com-
 manded as a religious duty-the childless should
 educate a child.

The equality of men and women is asserted.
A universal language as a means of international
 communication is -to be formed.
Gambling, the use of alcoholic liquors as a bever-
 age, the taking of opium, cruelty to animals and
 slavery are forbidden.
.Some portion of one's income must be devoted
 to charity. The administration of charitable
 funds, the provision for widows and for the sick
 and disabled, the education and care. of orphans,
 will be arranged and managed by elected
 Councils.*(Compiled by F. J. Rosenberg.)

 I I                                'Aa - &K~
 QUES'TIONED on kindness to animals,
 'Abdu'l-BahA said: -
 0 Ye Friends of God!
The foundation of the Kingdom of God is laid
 on justice, fairness, mercy, sympathy and kind-
 ness to every ~oul. Then strive Ye, with heart
 and soul to practise love and kindness to the world
 of humanity at large, except to those souls who
 are selfish and insincere. It is not advisable to
 show sympathy to a person who is a tyrant, a
 traitor or a thief, because kindness encourages him
 to become worse and does not awaken him. The
 more kindness you show to a liar the more he is
 apt to lie, for he thinks that you know not while
 you do know and extreme kindness keeps you from
 revealing your knowledge.
Then 0 Ye Friends of God! Ye must not only
 have kind and merciful feelings for mankind, but
 you should also exercise the utmost kindness to
 every living creature. The physical sensibilities
 and instincts are common to animal and man.
 Man is, however, negligent of this reality and
 imagines that sensibilify is peculiar to mankind;
 therefore he practises cruelty to animals. In
 reality, what difference is there in physical sensa-
 tions? Sensibility is the same whether you harm
 man or animal : : there is no difference. Nay
 rather, cruelty to the animal is more painful
 because man has a tongue and he sighs, complains
 and groans when he receives an injury, and com-
 plains to the Government, and is protected from
 cruelty. But the'poor am*mal cannot speak, it
 can neither show its suffering, nor is it able to
 appeal to the Government. If it is harmed a -thou-
 sand times by man, it is not able to defend itself
 in words, nor can it seek justice, or retaliate.
 Therefore one must be very considerate towards
 animals, and show greater kindness to them than
 to man.
Educatethe ehildren in their infancy in such a
 way that they may become exceedingly kind and
 merciful to the animals. If an animal is sick,
 they should endeavour to cure it. If it is hungry,

 they should feed it. If it is thirsty, they should
 satisfy its thirst. If it is tired, they should give
 it rest. Man is generally sinful and the animal is
 innocent: Unquestionably one must be more kind
 -and merciful to the innocent. The harmful
 animals, such as the bloodthirsty wolf, the poison-
 ous snake and other injurious animals are excepted,
 because mercy towards these is cruelty to man and
 other animals. For instance, if you show kind-
 ness to a wolf, this becomes a tyranny to the sheep,
 for it may destroy a whole flock of sheep. If you
 give an opportunity to a mad dog it may be the
 cause of the destruction of a thousand animals and
 man. Therefore sympathy to the ferocious animal
 is cruelty to the peaceful animal, so ferocious
 animals should be done away with.
 To the blessed animals, however, the utmost

 kindness should be exercised: the more, th~ 11 better
 it will ~, be. gthis sympathy and kindn~sgs is one
 of the ftmdarnental principles of the Divine King_
  You should pay great attention to this question.
    Upon Ye be the Glory of Abha 1.
Translated by Azizullah S. Bah~dur, No-vember
 12th, 1920. Haifa, Palestine.
9,4%,pHE forcible way in which Bahi'u'llih
     has stated the necessity of cleanly
     virtues and the eloquent manner in
     which he has derrionstrated. their properties and
     benefits, has never before been equalled in the
     heavenly books of other Religions. - . . h . 19
 In regard to cleanliness, notwithstanding the
 manifest advancement of some refined nations, it
 is evident that this praiseworthy quality is still im-
 perfect among the masses."
" In books of the Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians
 and Hindoos, although the laws of cleanliness and
 ordinances concerning clean and unclean things
 are minutely recorded, yet there are very few who
 are really cleanly. There are many who pretend
 and affect cleanliness and purity by shunning those
 outside their Religion and abstaining from touch-
 ing certain animals, who appear in the most impure
 clothing and bodies. Even carrying at times the
 artificial idea of cleanliness to the extremes of
 melancholy. Stories and romances illustrating
 this subject furnish extraordinary records of a kind
 of acquired insanity which is amazing to people of
 intelligence. "

" Although the American and European
 Christians, more- particularly the inhabitants of
 Holland, France, England and Germany, are far
 more advanced than other nations in the cleanliness
 of their persons, clothing, residences, roads and
 streets,, yet they do not deem it necessary to
 cleanse the soil of impurities, unless they cause
 visible dirt. In the New Testament no -command
 is definitely given to avoid that which is filthy and
 impure. Consequently, one who has a concep-
 tion of real cleanliness would not hesitate to con-
 clude that perfect cleanliness as a practice is in its
 infancy, even amongst the most refined nations
 of the world, awaiting the time when God the
 Exalted, sball bring it to the highest pitch of per-
 fection. "
" Now, in order to show forth the abundant and
 perfect benefits of God in this Dispensation, to
 protect people from the melancholic imaginations
 current among some nations and deliver more than
 one half of the population of the earth from an
 acquired insanity, the Blessed Perfection has pro-
 nounced all things clean. At the same time He
 has emphatically commanded all to avoid every-
 thing filthy and to cleanse dresses, bodies, and
 household furniture., etc., from every pollution.
 He has revealed these ordinances in the book of
 Aqdas and numerous Tablets, so that real cleanli-
 ness and perfect purity, which are high attributes
 of heavenly souls, may shine forth throughout all
 regions , and reach the highest zenith of perfection
 among all nations."
 ~~ " Thus it is revealed in the book of Aqdas:
" Cleanse every impure thing with a water
 which will not change by the ' three ' (colour,
 taste, smell,)-beware not to use a water which is
 infected by stagnant air or by any other thing.
 Be the essence of cleanliness among Mankind."
" This is that which your Master, the Mighty,
 the Wise, has desired for you. Thus, God hath
 removed the , decree of uncleanliness, from all
 things, and from other nations, as a gift from God.
 Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Beneficent.
 ~ All things are being submerged in the
 Sea of pureness. . . . This is through My
 Favour, which surrounds all the creatures., so that
 they may consort with all religions, and deliver the

 Cause of your Lord the Clement. Verily, this is
 the Crown of all deeds, were ye of those who
 know! Likewise forsake foul tanks in the houses
 and be of those whog are pure. Verily, we have
 desired. to see you the manifestations of Paradise
 on earth, so that there may emanate from you
 that whereat the hearts of near ones may rejoice."
11 It is necessary to explai n these points, so that
 the inhabitants of America,, and Europe, who
 owing to the universal spread of civilization during
 the last century, eRjoy all the benefits of cleanli-
 ness, neatness, and protection from fatal epidemic
 diseases resulting from uncleanliness may become

 cognisant of the disasters of the Orient, and be in-
 .formed of the reason why these ordinances have
 been revealed. For except one is informed of the
 foulness of the baths of Persia, the putrid tanks
 of their houses and mosques, the impurity of the
 drinking water of Bokara andTartary : and under-
 stands how cleanliness and neatness are neglected
 by those two great nations, it is impossible to
 realise the Bounty of God the Exalted, Who has
 revealed such ordinances; or to thoroughly under-
 stand the necessity of these laws. For it is cus-
 tomary with the Persian people to have but one
 public bath for every district which contains from
 one thousand to fifteen hundred houses, and their
 means of bathing and cleanliness is confined to this
 one bath. It consists of two houses, built of stone,
 brick and cement: one for disrobing, the other'
 containing the hot bath, for bathing and cleansing
 their bodies. They are frequently shaved and dye
 their hair in the same place. Then washing them-
 selves with soap, they take a final plunge into the
 same reservoir, the water of which is the foulest
 and most impure thing imaginable; and then leave
 the bath. Stich are the baths used by fiftymillions
 of Shi'ites who inhabit Persia, Turkestan, and
 India. The reservoirs of Bokara and Tartary
 which contain the drinking water of the inbabi-
 tants, are also used for bathing and cleansing, like
 the Persian baths.
        In these countries a pond is
 built at different places in every town and village
 and surrounded with mulberry trees, etc. In
 -these ponds the inhabitants perform their ablu
 tions-9 while at tgbe same time they wash their feet,
 and handkerchiefs therein.The decaying leaves
 of the surrounding trees fall into the g m, (this same
 water is used by the inhabitants for drinking and
 cooking.) It is called ' pure water' by the law
 so the inhabitants believe it allowable to use.
 Therefore many of the inhabitants of Bokara are
 afflicted with ' Filiaria medinensis,' and the
 people of Kookand with goitre.When men of
 discernment ponder over the facts here briefly indi
 cated, they will be able to realise the Mercy of God
 in instituting ordinances, for the preservation of a
 community numbering over three hundred mil
 lions.For it is impossible to change by the com
 pulsion of kings or advice of *wise men, certain
 rooted practices of a people who believe these prac

 tices to be commanded by their religion. These
 customs and habits can only be removed by new
 laws instituted by manifestations of the Command
 of God.For instance the traditional customs of
 the Jews, extracted from the book of Meshna, and
 which are not enacted in the original Bible, could
 not be changed by the power of any mighty king
 or philosopher. This is the case with the corrupt
          s and Magians. 'To sum
 practices of the Hindoo
 up; a number of moral ordinances which secure
 the perfecting of human virtues have been revealed
 from the Supreme Pen, but to explain their bene-
 fits i,-, not possible in the limits of a short treatise."
 " As human minds are discordant, and as it is

 usually impossible for men of sound minds to agree
 upon that which. will secure the protection and
 development of peoples, therefore God the
 Exalted, has assigned the enactment of such laws
 to the Manifestations of His Own Command.
 These Holy Souls, through their divine perception,
 enact rules and regulations by which the support
 and progress of society is accomplished and ad-
 vanced for about one thousand years. Then, in
 accordance with the law of progression and decline,
 which is one of the essential decrees of the world of
 Nature, the same Divine Spirit will be manifested
 in another Manifestation Who renews these laws
 and regulations.
-The life and sustained vitality of nations can
 only be assured by appreciating this great gift.
 Mere faith in religion, without observing its laws
 and ordinances, can by no means secure our salva-
 tion and emancipation. Even love for God with-
 out compliance with His laws and Commandments,
 which form the corner -stone of all religious ordin-
 ances, will be considered as mere imagination and
 sheer pride. From it is also understood that any
 nation which ignores and disobeys these holy laws,
 refusing to acknowledge the Dawning-place there-
 of, is a dead nation and will be finally extinguished
 and destroyed; even though it may have prevailed
 over the dominions of East and West, and be
 honoured by brilliant learning, glorious influence
 and powerful armies. This in~ made clear by re-
 flecting upon the rise and fall of the Pharaohs of
 Egypt, the Pagan Coesars of Rome -and Keyanian
 kings of Persia, the Yemen Princes of Ancient
 Arabia, and the kings and descendants of Gengiz-
 Khan the 'Mongol-
 'But whatever nation acknowledg . es the Holy
 Manifestation and obeys the Holy Law, will be-
 come a living nation, and enjoy victory, Perman-
 ence, influence, and fanie; even though it may
 seem at the beginning., weak, oppressed, and few
 in number. This point was vividly illustrated in
 the Israelites at the appearance of Moses; in the
 Christians at the Advent of Christ; and in the
 Arabs at theRise of M4ammad."
The passages above quoted are taken from
BahA'i Proofs," written by Abul Fazl, an able
 exponent of the BahA'! Teachings, honoured for his

 learning and his saintly devotion io the Religion of
 God, and are given here in order that the reader
 may benefit by his able instruction and seek fur-
 tber confirmation in the reasons he gives for accept-
 ing the Manifestation of God, in our own Day.
Abul Fazl submits for the consideration of his
 readers that " greater laws concerning every point
 or subject referring to the preservation of society
 and the perfecting of human virtues could not be
 found, than the Divine Commands from the
 Supreme Pen of the Blessed Perfection,
 (*,See " Bahá"I Proofs."              Abul Fazl. Cliapter on His Holiness

     T& -L
     u d be recognised that Christians wil
 naturally feel anxious about some social solutions.
 And particularly that concerning marriage. In
 that matter Christians have been ahead of Muslims.
 In the matter of strong drink they are behind;
 and the problems relating to family life are not
 merely concerned with marriage. Therefore,
 Divine Wisdom solves difficulties from more than
 one point of view, as we shall find in the laws and
 regulations given through Bahh'u'llhh in the
 KitAbu'l-Aqdas (Book of Laws).
It is not at all certain that the great multitudes
 who pray for the Kingdom of God to come on
 earth, are really expecting it to come through the
 perfecting of human virtues. In other Religions,
 besides the Christian, what the individual believes.,
 or confesses verbally, has too often been taken to
 certify salvation.
But in this day, BahAVIIAh says:
 Decorate vourselves with the garment of'
 deeds; whosoever attains God's good pleasure by
 deeds is of the people of BahA, and he will be
 spoken of before the Throne. Assist ye the King
 of Creation, first by deeds, then by Wisdom and
 utterances. Thus ye have been commanded in
 most of the Holy Tablets from the Presence of
 the Clement One.
" Decorate your heads with the crown of trust-
 worthiness and faithfulness; your hearts with the
 robe of piety, your tongues with pure truthfulness,
 and your temples with the mantles of courtesy."
 God shall hoist the Standard of His, sove-
 reignty over every city, and the traces of those who
 have denied thie Day of His Coming shall be
 destroyed. Be thou straightforward before God
 at every instant, then praise Him by the morn and
 " The Bahh'i Temple at I-shq-hbhd has nine
 avenues, nine gardens, and nine fountains. SO it
 is nine on nine,, all nines. It is like a beautiful

 bouquet. Imagine an edifice of this beauty in the
 centre of the city, very lofty, surrounded by gar-
 dens with variegated flowers, and nine avenue - s in-
 terlacing nine gardens, nine pools -and nine foiin----
 tains, and think how delightful it must be! That is
 the way it shgould be. It is maichless, most beauti-
 ful! Such is the design."
" TheTemple of Ishq-AbAd is unique in that it is
 the first Temple of the kind that has been erected.
 Many such temples shall be constructed in the
 future, but this one will ever enjoy this unique
 privilege. When its accessories are completed and
 its full machinery starts running, when the melody
 of instrumental and vocal music arises and bursts
 upon the air with its joyous trends, when the
 prayers and supplications addressed at dawn and at
 sunrise ascend to the Throne of the Almighty, then
 will the effect of the Ma-sbriqu'l-Adbkhr be evident
 and manifest."

 Temples are symbols of the reality and divinity
 of God, the Collective Centre. Consider how,
 within a Temple, every race and people- are seen
 and represented-all in the presence of the Lord,
 covenantina toaether in a covenant of love and
 fellowship, aH offering the same melody, prayer
 and supplications to God. It is evident that the
 church is A collective centre for Mankind. For
 this reason there have been churches and temples
 in all the Divine Religions. . But the real Col-
 lective Centres are the Manifestations of God, of
 whom the church or Temple is a symbol and ex-
 pression. That is to say, The Manifestation of
 God is the real divine Temple and Collective
 Centre, of which the church is but a symbol."
 It is proved that the Manifestationsh of God-
 the great Mouth-pieces of God-are the Collective
 Centres of God. - The gprophets of God are these
 Collective Centres; for they are the real shepherds.
 Tghe real shepherd unites the scattered sheep, as
 they have done in the past.; The Collective Centre
 has ever appeared from the Orient. His Holiness
 Abraham was a Collective Centre and He appeared
 in the East. His Holiness Moses was a Collective
 Centre and He appeared in the East. His Holi-
 ness Jesus Christ was a Collective Centre and He
 appeared in the East. His Holiness Muhammad
 was a Collective Centre appearing among the
 nomadic tribes of the Arabian peninsula."
    - " To-day, His Holiness BahA'u'llAh is the Col-
 ,lective Centre for all Humanity, and He has come
 from the East."
                               THE MASHRIQU~L-ADHKAR
                                ASKHABAD, RUSSIA.
                              FOUNDATION STONE LAID
                               NOVEMBER 12th, 1902.

 AM Alpha! and Omega! "' The Begin-
     ning, and the Ending, saith. the- Lord.
     Therefore in His Sight all things which
 appear are seen from the Beginning. The Ije-
 sign is His. That Eternal " I " which to Phari-
 sees, Sadducees, and Greeks, was but " foolish-
 ness when the Christ, said: " Before Abraham
 was, I AM," is the Cause of all appearances in theh
 visible world,' and of 'the Manifestation, and
 Return, of the Spirit incarnate.*
When it has been pointed out that egotism
 is rampant through the inability of worldly
 servitors to see God's Point of Guidance;
 and this because of the disposition to which we all
 are prone, to see self only-it has not been inten-
 ded that any should belittle, or abase themselves,
 either in the sight of God, or Man, but that all
 should rise to that for which they were created.
 Through the Power of His Holy Spirit, we can
 rise to the embrace of God, Our Father, Who
 ever waits to embrace His own. The Martyrs
 all knew this, and a more adequate study of the
 History of the BahA'i Cause will make it quite
 clear: For in this Latter Day Movement to pro-
 mote Harmony in the worldh-Martvrs have taken
 a prominent part, in furtherance of it.
* "By 'Return,' is Yneant the Return of the Manifestation
 of the Sacred Reality." See " BahA'i Proofs." Abul Fazl. P. 155.

 . Only a note can here be given indicative of the
 connection This Day has with those other Days
 of God, without which., This Day could not be.
 A " Thousand years," in God's Sight, are but as
 yesterday. " One Day telleth another, and the
 firmament showeth His handiwork." So sang
 David,, and so we sing. But if everybody who
 sings it understood it, there would be no need of
 martyrs to prove it.
In This Day, the BAb, or Gate, was born in
 Shirhz, Persia, 1819, A.D. He prepared the way
 for, and Announced "Him Whom God would
 Manifest." As John the Baptist prepared the
 way for Jesus: So the BAb prepared the way for
 BahAVIIA'h. Six years after the BAb had declared
 His Mission, He was shot for His Faith, at Tabriz;
 1850. His earthly father was a merchant of wool-
 len goods.
" Bahh'u'IlAh was born in TihrAn,, Nov. 1817,
 A.D. As a child He was distinguished for re-
 markable sagacity and -spiritual discernment, al-
 though He was not taught by anybody-. Appar-
 ently, He had acquired the elements of Persian
 reading and writing from His father and other near
 kinsmen. In His youth, His father, who was one
 of the ministers of State, died, and the -charge of
 his brothers and sisters, who were all younger than
 Himself, fell upon Him. He did not care to enter
 any of the Government services, but provided sus-
 tenance for the whole family through the manage-
 ment of His inherited lands and pronerties. When
 the BAb appeared in Shigraz, Bahi'u'llhh, Who was
 about twenty-seven years of age, publicly accepted
 His Claim, and endeavoured to the utmost, to. pro-
 mote the word of the BAb, both in TihrAn and
 Mazanderan, especially among the religious doctors
 at Noori, so that thegrenown I of His knowledge and
 the power of His reasoning raised an excitement
 among the leading men of those districts. By this,
 many were led to embrace the Religion, and others
 were stirred to jealousy and insolence."
 After He had resided and travelled in the dif-
 ferent districts of Mazanderan, He returned to
 TihrAn, where He continued to spread the prin-
 ciples of the religion and spiritual teachings,
 supporting and encouraging the BAbis, until the
 attempt against the life of Nasiri'd-din ShAh
 happened. The substance of this great event is as

 A young man of Tabriz, Muhammed Sadek by
 name, who was a servant of one of the prominent
 BAbis, g and devotedly attached to his master, be-
 came oppressed and bereft of reason on account of
 the martyrdom of the latter. Having made up his
 mind to blood revenge, he divulged his secret to
 one of his confidential friends whom he knew to be
 one of the staunch believers of the BAb. These
 two went to Tihrhn, concealing their intention
 from all their friends, and even from the BAbis.
 As the ShAh went out of the city, sojourning
 among his country resorts at -Shamiran, they
 directed their steps toward the village of Niavaran.

 On Sunday, 15th August, 1852 (12~O A.H.)?
 they were in the vicinity qf the village, near thg
 Royal Palace, with the intention of carrying out
 their plot. When th Shih went out to ride,
 Muhanime4 Sadek adv4nced, and fired a pistol sh ot
 at him. The shot missed itis mark, as the horw
 bolted, and the ShAh being much agitated, fell off
 his horse and fainted. The attendants rushe4
 forth, picked up the Shib, and slew Muhammed
 Sadek on the Spot. As he was killed instantly, he
 could pot be questioned as to what led him to com-
 mit this abominable act, a d as to -who had been
 his associate. But as he had been a servant of one
 of the prominent Bibis, that community was un-
 justly accused of the deed, and notwithstanding
 they knew nothing whatever of this plot, they were
 arrested and fell victims to the wrath of tho
 revengeful _ShAh. Eighty of them were seized in
 Tihra'n, and given up separately to a different
 class of people to be executed. The adirninistra-
 tors deemed it advisable to have each one of these
 victims murdered by one sect4on of the citizens,
 and thus show hatred and eninit between the dif-
 _YJ -
 ferent classes of Shi'ites and the BAbis. By this
 m,eans: they sought to prevent the spread of the
 13Ab'.s Religion. Consequently they distributed
 the helpless B4bi ' s to various parties of people; one
 to the book-keepers, one to the soldiers, one to thq
 learned doctors, one to the merchants., carpenters,
 Wacksmit si drapc~s;                  the shoe-makers, cob-
 bliprs i ce merchants, ~tc.Each one of thew
  , ri
 classes slew its victim as they chose o e w re
 cut lengthwise alive; some were blown from
 mortars, and some chopped ~R pieces, The JK4djar
 youths of Astrabad, in order t . try the strength of
 their arms, cut their unfortunate ca iives i tQ
                                                 P      I T1
 halves with their swords. Among them, one who
 died in an incredibly horrible manne, , was S*yn
 Mgxi-~Chan, the son of Yava-Khan of Tabriz, Who
 was a most devoted follower of the BAb. Wh n
 the order was issued for execution, they first
 stripped him, and made holes in his body with
 knives. In these holes they placed lighted wax
 candles, put a halter through his nose and paraded

 him around the markets Of Tilirin. Whep 4
 candle burned down to his flesh and was consumed
 they would put another in its place. Bystanders
 were watching the scene and following in great
 crowds; while he was silent and patient, not evincT
 ing the least trace of agitphttion; nor did he *oan
 or plead for mercy, which is the natural tendency
 of man under such circumstances, Way, he exr
 pressed great joy and cheerfulness, with a shinin
 face, while singing and chanting verses of yearrL~
 ing, so that the hard hearts of the bystanders werle
 4ected with emotion, and all the inhabitants of
 TihrAn, both old and yolin      nished.
               g, were asto
 Finally, after this torture, they cut him in half
 lengthwise, and hung the two parts on either side
 of the old city gate of Abdul-Azim.
 It is sai,
     h d that when the matter waxed so friszht-
 fpl, the Iman Joma (chief leader of prayer) of

 Tihrin, conferred with the ShAh and blamed him
 for these outrages., Some'state -that one- of the
 foreign Ambassadors warned the ShAh that should
 afi ther BAbi, victim show forth such st adfastness
no                          e
 at the time of his execution, half the people would
 embrace BAbism, after Which checking the matter
 would be extremely difficult. The ShAh therefore
 prohibited the taking of any action against the
 BAbis without investigation; but since that time,
 the justice awarded to these devoted people has
 been similar to that given by the Council of the
 Inquisition to the heretics of Rome. In fact a
 man's acknowledgement of Ba'bism before the
 Government was considered as confessing the
 greatest crime, which should be punished with
 death, no matter how high a character., or what
 qualifications of virtue and sanctity he possessed.
 Very often the finding of a BAbi Book in a person'~j
 possession, his conversing or dealing with the
 Ba'bis, or pleading for one, accused of BAbism,
 would be considered as a'crime -by the clergy.
 Many a time if they fougnd in the pocket of an
 accused one a torn piece of 'paper bearing the
 words: ' Allah'u'Abha! ' C God is Glorious'),
 or the name of Beha or BAb , they needed no fur-
 ther witness to prove his infidelity..
" One of the men arrested and imprisoned was
 the blessed person of BabAVIIAh. He was in the
 village of Afelia, one of the surrounding districts
 of TihrAn. When the report.of the attempt
 upon the ShWs life came to Him, He, knowing
 that the prominent Ba'bis had, no connection with
 the matterY roac-forth:with perfect comp - osu re to
 Nivavaran, where he Was imprisoned, and chained
 for about four months in the gaol of TihrAn'.
 After strict examination and enquiry, it wasg finally
 proven that He had no connection whatever with
 the criminals, and that He knew nothing of the
 matter. 'The -ShAh therefore- ordered that He
 should depart to. Irak Arabi, and abide in the holy
 sanctuaries of the Shi'ite Imams (Kerbela, Nejef,
 and Bagdad), which are places of exile for the men
 of distinction of Persia. Accordingly in the year
 1269 A.H. (1852 A.D.) he departed to Irak,
 escorted by some of the' delegates of the Persian
 Government, and took up his residence at Bag-
 dad.    Bahd'i Proofs." Abul Fazl. Trans-

 lated by Ali Kuli Khan.)
Among the earlier Martyrs was Qurratu'l-'Ayn,
 named by Bahá"u'llhh, Tahira, the Pure One.
 Her spirit had for some time sought the Coming
 One with such longing, that being well acquainted
 with Digvine Prophecy she at once recognised the
 Ba'b, through His Teachings, and set out to meet
 Him. But religious hatred and persecution Was
 at that time rife in Persia, and having been driven
 from place to place, He was then in prison, only
 to be released in Martyrdom. So she never saw
 Him. But, with the swiftness of her keen
 spiritual perception, she soon came to recogruse
 Bahá"ullilh as the One, Whom, according to the
 Declaration of the Bllb9 " God would Manifest." ,

 in the story of her search, her Ue, devotion,
 pei~seciltiong, and cruel Martyrdom, have some
the most brilliant and th 'ng episodes of any
 ardent soul in'Sacred History. For she at all
 -times rose -with rapture above every trial which
 beset her, astonishing and charming friends and
 strangers alike by her eloquence and -spiritual
 grandeur, And by the grace and beauty of her
 personality. Though she knew, by her- clear
 vision, aforetime, what would -befall her., and pre-
 paring herself in prayer and meditation, after
 bathing and robing in white, she went with
 wonderful fortitude to the end which awaited her.
 After being taken to a garden, she was strangled
 with a silken handkerchief, and while still uncon-
 sciou, thrown into a well by a hired murderer,
 who was first made drunken, lest he -should refuse
 to carry out this evil deed; as the first one ap-
 pointed lo do it, on seeing and speakling-with her
 had i6fused, at all costs to himself, for it became
 clear that death was certain for him, in any case,
 and he preferred not to befoul his soul with murder
 at the time of its nearness; for in the few minutes'
 speech he had with Qurratu'I'Ayn, he became
 convinced of the truth and sincerity of the Cause
 for which she was then giving up her life. Such
 was the power of her eloquence, that she could
 c I onvert a hired murderer, who was not under the
 influence of strong drink. Oh! look to her, and
 read of her faith and devotion, all ye who may
 be in danger of becoming that which ye would not
 I %~
    De, under the paftlysil6j, itiffietice 6f stroift drilik.
Readers will do well lb *ad the JtdUer 2Wddftb
of her life and love for the cause 6f Godi which
are being written, and those which already are
written niore fully than her6.*
 From an abbreviated account of the sortow-~
 fulevents concernib:g .. the Maftvrdoms in Yetd iknd
 IsfAhAn, in 1903," it is difficult to qti6te., g forwe
 have not known such fierce religious persecution
 in the Occident; especially in our own lifetiriae we
 have been free from persecution, though not from
 blindness, superstition, or oppression. The follow-
 ing passages show that religious hatred was so fierce
 in Persia at that time that the Government in that
 country could not cope with it.
 t " There were two pure women, who , while
 mourning for their martyred deadi were attacked

 by cruel men, who first beat and tortured them,
 and then dragged then!, still alive, out of their'
 houses, afterwhich they stabbed them and chopped
 them to pieces in the presence of the bloodthirsty
 t-rowd. When the audacity of the rabble reached
 this point, the Governor, findi - ng himself powerless
 f . 6 stand against the rioters, fled from the city- and
 retired to the citadel for self-preset Vation."
 It is reported that a balker was captured, and
 that his body was chopped to pieces with meat axeso
 and that during the time of his torture, he prayed
            0 (Ste "Go&s Heroes," LautA Clifford BArfiey, Kegan Paul.)
          t (" Bahál 1 Maittyrdoins gin Ptrsia, 1903." Baba"i Publishing
                                Society, Chicago.)

 that God would forgive his -murderers, joyfully,
 giving gilp his life in the Path of God,- rather than
 deny his Faith."
" It is reported that the number of those killed,
 up to that day, is more than one hundred and fifty
 persons within the walled city of Yezd. In the
 surrounding small villages many people were mar-
 tyred in each place. A telegram. was received in
 Tihr~n to the effect that the Governor, being
 pressed by the rioters, was compelled to blow one
 of the friends of God from the mouth of a cannon,
 and to behead another in the circle of the city'
 The mob put a woman in a sugar sack, over which
 they poured petroleum, and burned her alive.
 They tied and nailed another believer to a tree,
 poured naphtha and oil over him and burned the
 tree and the man together."
 " In a village near the city there lived Jenabe
 Sadre, Jenabe Nutamed-u-Shariah, Jenabe Nezam-
 u-Shariah, Jenabe Ziali-u-Shariah, with all their
 faiiglilies and kinsmen. They were venerable Ulla-
 mas and Seyids, and had all received titles from
 the ShAh; yet the Mullahs sanctioned the massacre
 of all these honourable and revered souls. The
 mob, excited by the clergy, attacked them with
 guns, swords, etc. Though these noble souls were
 sufficient in number to stand against them, and
 were provided with ample means of defence, yet
 in accordance with the command of the Blessed
 Perfection, Bahh'u'llhh, "Let yourselves be killed
 rather than to kill," they yielded their lives witho h ut
 resistance to the bloodthirsty, Wolves, w-ho.9 stretch-
 ing- out their claws of tyranny, killed seventeen per-
 sons with such cruelty that the pen cannot describe
 it. Among- the victims was a little child, who fell
 into a well, and being rescued, was the only sfur-
 viving soul left of those noble people.'.' 9
 The number of martyrs in that place was nine-
 teen. In thehvillage of Taft the number was
 twenty-eight. In Alanshad there were ten.' Iir
 Delbala they threw a believer, alive, into a baker's
 oven, and roasted him to death. Up to that date,
 six women have been martyred and many have
 been captured and wounded."
"In a letter from the, BahA'i Assembly at
 Mashed, Persia, dated October 19, 1909, news was
 r'eceived that ' in two villages called Hasser and
 Namag, in the Province of Khorassan, five sancti-
 fied souls were martyred, and four of our spiritual

 sisters assaulted and wounded, and the-ears of one
 of the believers cut off,. while other BahAis were
 the subjects of persecution and pillage.' "
" His Holiness Jesus Christ (may the souls of
 all creatures be his ransom!) has clearly pointed out
 the pathway to the Kingdom of God, showing
 plainly the shortest road to be that of sacriAce.
 Therefore these sanctified souls have but followed
 Christ, Who was the Dawnof Sacrificial Lights,
 and through this path have they proceeded to.the
 Kinrydom of Mvsteries. For the sake of such as
 these I-Te said
  * (" Bahá"i News," March 21st, 1910, Chicago.)

 13lessed are they whith Ate persecutCid for
 righteousness sak6,. for their's is the kingdom of
 h6avet." " Blessed are the pure I gn heart, for
 they shall gee, God." " Blessed ate ye when men
 gliall r~e'vile yoitij and gpersectite you, and speak all
 manner of evil against you falsely for My sake,
 Aejoice g! and be exceeding glad, for great is your
 reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the Pro-
 p4ets- before you."
"in the Tablet of-Aqdas, Bahi'u'llAh says:
Blessed is the sleeper who is awakened by My
   Blessed are the dead who are vivified, by my
   Blessed is the eye which is enlightened by My
Blessed is the ear which heareth My Melodies!
   Blessed is the affrighted one who hastens to the
   shelter of My Name!
   Blessed is he who hath heard of My afflictionsi
   and has arisen to assist Me among My
   Nations I
Blessed is he who is convinced by My Word!
   Blessed is he who entereth My Kingdom!
   Verily he is from Me, and upon him be My
   Mercy, My Bounty, My Favour, and My
   Benediction! "
 11is is the ransom for the blood of the Mar-
 tyrs! This is the utmost desire of the chosen ones!
 This is the eternal life of the spiritual ones-! This . is
 the pithway, of Jesus Christ! 9Mis is the way of
  Di   MAhiftstatio'God iii All t1i1itg btjth
 the     vine         ns of
 ificient, and moidern."
Many- more before these, and sihn't~6,- hAve 9filerk
 iip I their lives in this Cagu s-e' to eg stabligh Univefs-Al
Evety Day, God has tried I to get A courtL'Oug
 hearing from the World of Humanity. slid has
 therefore expressed Him"self, at tie - Beginning, of
 each Day of Generosity, or Cycle, through
 human form. in order to be known and understood
 by Mankind. I God-ekpresed Himself through the
 personality of Jesus Christ, but the world wag
 offended. It objected to natural means.
 It sought after some lesg familiar way which
 would create a' great sensation, and which
 would controvert all that is known of the

 natural and spiritual Laws of the Universe. So
 Humanity Crucified Jesus and beheaded John the
 Baptist, because it disapproved of the Way God
 spoke to it. It could not, however, kill the Sphit,
 which ascended to the Heavenly Father.
Jesus was known as the son of a carpenter,
 and in the World's view it was presump-
 tion for Him to teach the Elders. Nevertheless,
 He opened the Book, and expounded it in the-
 Synagogue, as "One having authority." As a
 child it beld his attention so coinpletely, that He
 became lost to His earthly parents. And what
 wonder, when he saw Himself in the Book, that
 He could speak " with authority, and not as the
               (Lawh-el-Aqdas," Bahá'Vilal h's Message to Christians-)

 Scribes? He was born in the wrong place to
 plewe the people of His Day. He was not im--'
 portant. enough to meet their views. He spoke'
 in the vernacular, and not in the Greek! To them
 His claim was unbearable presumption. Besides,
 how dare He announce Himself to be the Son of
 God! It was Blasphemy! Such a thing had
 never been heard of. Away with Him! And so
 has the world received God's Messengers at the
 Dawn of every New Day; His Spiritual Manifesta-
 tions come to " make all things New," but the
 world to its own hurt has rejected Them. It
 prefers to manage its own affairs without God's aid.
Yet thousands of years after they, His enemies,
 are forgotten, throughout Eternity Christ will be
 enthroned in every heart. That is God's doing,
 for His Word accomplishes that whereunto He
 bath sent It, in every Time of His Visitation.
The History of the Balia"i Dispensation is the
 History of the Present Day Visitation of the Word
 of God,- to Mankind. As He said something
 through Jesus inspiring John the Baptist to an-
 nounce Him at the Beginning of the Christian
 Era: so, to-day, He speaks through another
 Manifestation of His Power and Glory: BahA'u'-
 IlAh, Who comes by the Power of the -same Spirit
 under another Name (to protect the world from
 mere imitators-against whom Jesus warned His
 disciples before His Ascension, see Matt. ch. 24,
 vers. 5-24)-and He comes to demonstrate the
 Glory of God. The world is just as worldly and
 indifferen . t now, as'it was then; and, has not yet
 found God's Lawgiver I of the Present Day. It is
 busy quarrelling over who shall make -its laws - but
 as we have seen, they are made and given, in-
 accordance with the necessity of the Times, by
 God, and are Declared by Bah"u'llAh. And
 though the world heeds them not, they are being
 written in receptive hearts. ~ So the History -of
 This Cause is bound to be written, as Christian
 History is written, in those hearts which enthrone
BahA'u'llhh, and the BAb, Who announced Him,
 and 'Abdu'l-BahA, the Centre of His Covenant,
 like Jesus, all had earthly'birth places, just as
 Moses, Abraham, Moammad, Buddha,

 Zoroaster, ConfuciusY and we all have.
Some nineteen years elapsed, between the BAb's
 Announcement, in 1844, and the time when, with
 His followers in Exile, in the Garden of Ridva'n,
 outside Bagdad,.1863, Bahá'lu'llAh to a few of His
 disciples, declared Himself to be the Expected
 One, Whom the BAb Declared - "God would
 Manifest." 'And so great was the power of the
 Spirit in Him, that during long Exile and confine-
 ment under the Persian and Turkish Governments
 at the instigation of the Mullahs, his influence car-
 ried to distant parts of the earth, and drew many on
 long pilgrimage in search of the Divine Know-
 ledge He had to impart.
In many Sacred and. -Holy Writings, by His
 Supreme Pen, Bahh'u'llAh has made plain the Will

 of    for this Age. And an e4mi* ;4udy of
 theip will give assurance of t validitv 4 -His
               he - gi 9 119 1 ,I - T
 Claim, jt will be ~een that the Will of God,- m
 qxprpssp4 in His Principles and Preeppts, meet
 ,p need of these disastrous t-mes.
Before ascending from the 1vorld -of visibility,
 in 1892, Bah"U'Uh a             nted 'Abdu'l  i. His
 a      ppoi-I       -Bah
 *loved Son and companion in Exile. to be the
 Cvutre Of His Covenant, to establish on Earth by
 the Will of God,
                           THE CENTRE OF THE CQVFNAPiT
                               AMONGST THE NATIONS.
In a Tablet establishing the Centre,of the Co I vL.
 enant, 'Abdu'l-Bahá' Abbas, Bahi'u.'Uh reveals
 the following:~
 In His Name, Who Shines from the Horizon
 of Might
"Verily the Tongue of the Ancient gives Glad
 Tidings to those who in the world concerning
 f the Greatest Name who takqs
 the appearance o.
 His Covenant amongst the Nations.
 Verjly He is Myself: the Shining-Place of My
 Identity, the East- of My Cause, the Heaven of
 My Bounty, the Sea of Xfy Will, the Lamp of My
 G,uidance, the Path of My Justice, the Standard
 of My Law."
 The one who hath turned to Him hath tumed
 to My Face, and is illumined by the Lights of My
 Beauty, hath acknowledged My Oneness and cDn,
~med M Singleness.
"The one who hath denied I-Timhath been d*.
 prived of the Salsabil of My Love, the Kawther
 of My Favour, the Cup of My Mercy and of the
 Win                     Te
h e- through which the since . have beep
 tracted. ' f

* "This is the Branch that hath extended from
 the Power of Thy Qneness,, and from the Tree of
 Thy Unity. Thou beholdest Him, My God, gazing
 unto Thee, and holding fast to Thy Mercy.
"Thou knowest 0 My God, that I have chosen
 Him only because Thou hast chosen Him; I have
 elected Him only because Thou hast elected Him.
 Therefore assist Him by the hosts of Thy Heaven
 and Thy earth."
"Help Thou 0 God whosoever may help Him,
 strengthen whosoever may advance iowards Him,
 and re . ect whosoever may reject Him and desire
 Him not."
"0 My Lord, Thou beholdest My pen m oving
 and my limbs trembling in this moment of Revela-
 tion, I beg of Thee by My craving in Thy Love,-
 and My yearning for Declaration in Thy Com-
 mand, to ordain for Him, and His Lovers, that
 which Thou hast ordained for Thy Messengers, and
 the Trusted ones of Thy Salvation."
 t Verily., Thou art 'the Powerful and -the
'Abdu'l-Bahh, born on'the 23rd of May, 1844
 (the day the BAb made His Proclamation), has now'
 by His most arduous and self-sacrificing Labour'-of
 Love, accomplished the great work to which He
 was Divinely appointed.
 - Not only after 40 ye'ars9 exile with His father
 on account of their firm' faith to eg stablish the Most
 *(Translated by Mirza Valiolah Khan Vargba of, Tihran,
     Dec. 11th, 1918) a ~ .
 t(Compare with Zee. Ch. 6. ver.. 12. Isaiah Cb. ll.vers. 1-10.)
 Gat Peace amongst the Nations and enduring a
 lifetime of persecution, did He then travel through-,
 out the world in His advanced age. For many
 years He has also radiated Divine Counsel from
 His own Table in the Holy Land, through count-
 less Tablets, Epistles, and Talks given personally to
 Pilgrims who have journeyed from distant parts of
 the earth, in order that they might give again to
 the world, thatwhich they bad received; also, Ile
 has ever been a living example to all around Himl,
 of the kindly Wisdom, Grace, and Love which it
 was His work to impart.
After appointing His grandson, Shoghi Effendi,

 to be the Guardian of the Bahh'i Cause, on Novem-
 ber the 29th, 1921, His Spirit ascended to the
 Heavenly Father. There is,no doubt to hear the
 gl -ad Welcome :
" Well done! Thou Good and Faithful Ser-
 vant! Enter into the Rest prepared for Thee, be-'
 fore the foundations of the world."
On Tuesday, November the 29th, 1921, the
 .temple of His Holy Spirit was laid aside.
From 9.15 to I I a.m., great multitudes of many
 tongues and faiths and nations walked in the long
 funeral Procession which wended its way up
 Carmel, the Sacred Mountain, where His earthly
 garment was reverently laid to Rest, in the Tomb
 of the ffib. Eastern papers said that "All Haifa
 was present. "

"The High Commissioner of Palestine, Sir
 Herbert Samuel, the Governor of Jerusalem, the
 Governor of Phoenicia, the Chief O-fficials of the
 Government-, the Consuls of the various countries,
 resident in Haifa, the heads of the various religious
 communities, the notables of Palestine, Jews,
 Christians, Moslems, Druses, Egyptians, Greeks,
 Turks, Kurds, and a host of his American, Euro-
 pean and native friends, men, women and children,
 both of high and low degree, all, about ten thou-
 sand in number, mourning the 'Loss of their beloved
11 This impressive, triumphal procession was
 headed by a guard of honour, consisting of the
 City Constabulary Force, followed by the Boy
 Scouts of the Moslem and Christian communities
 holding aloft their banners, a company of Moslem
 choristers chanting their verses from the Quran,
 the chiefs of the Moslem community headed by
 the Mufti, a number of Christian priests, Latin,
 Greek and Anglican, all preceding the sacred
 coffin, upraised on the shoulders of his loved ones.
 Immediately behind -it came the members of his
 family, next io them walked the British High
 Commissioner, the Governor of Jerusalem, and
 the Governor of Phoenicia. After them came the
 Consuls and the notables of the land, followed by
 the vast multitude of those who reverenced. and
 loved him."
 (See " The Passing of by Lady Blomfield
   and Shoghi Effendi.)
 And so we see the fulfilling of the Prophecy :
 They shall not hurt or destroy in all My Holy
 Mountain, for the earth shall be full of the know-
 ledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
 (Isaiah, Chap. 11, vers. 9-L.".j
'Abdu'l-Bahk, the Servant of God, had accom-
 plished that wbereunto He was sent. The testi-
 mony of the Leaders and Representatives of all
 the great Religions was clear evidence of this, as
 they assembled to mourn with those who wept the
 Departure of'their Beloved, for all were one in
 their sorrow and One in Faith, and Unity.
There is growing evidence that the unifying

 Faith of the Religion of God is spreading in all
 parts of the world, through the activities of those
 Nvho, like the disciples of Jesus have no worldly
 qualification or ambition, buth, as the living fruits of
 His example are busily engaged " about their
 Father's business."
May all in the world become aware of the Great
 Day in which they live, and not remain un-
 acquainted with this further Revelation of God's
 Will, lest they wander in the " gross darkness "
 which obscures the Light of Jesus given in the
 Past, and failing to see the Point of Guidance for
 To-Day, labour in vain for that Unity without
 which,.they know, Religion does but reveal to the
 world, its shame.
If they had not forgotten, or failed to interpret

 correctly, certain things which Jesus said, they
 would not be trying to put "New Wine, into Old
 Bottles.", They would be looking for that One,
 Who in these Latter Days, is due, as the troublous
 state of the world proclaims-to come in the Spirit
 of Truth, and "Guide us into all Truth."
They would not remain apart because of His
 New Name. For they would remember thaht
 Jesus said: " Many will come in My Name with
 such power as to deceive the very elect : but believe
 them not." And also in His Revelation through
 St. John the Divine: "To him that overcometh,
                              4 WILL WRITE- UPON HIM,
                                  MY NEW NAME."
                Rev., chap. iii. ver. 12; Rev., chap. xiv. ver. I
                           Isaiah, chap. 1xii. ver. 2.
   I      a
 - Tim New Name, BahA'u'llhh, standhs for the
 Glory of God. The Jews made a mistake in re-
 jecting Christ- Christians would make a greater
 mistake in rejecting the One Whom He Pro-
 imsed should Come. The Psalmist sang: " The
 Glory of the Lord shall - he Revealed. And
 Christians sharing Israel's hope until now, sing
 glad Hallelujahs to welcome the Lord of,Hosts:
Lift up your Heads, 0 Ye Gates,
be Ye lift up, Ye Everlasting Doors;
And the King of Glory shall come in.
  Who is the King of Glory?
  The Lord of Hosts 1
  He is the King of Glory."
              Psahn 24th, 7-10.
 The Root of all Knowledge is the Knowledge
 of God. Glory be to Him! And this Know-
 ledge is impossible, save through His Manifesta-
 tions. Wherefore when He (BahAu'llAh) ap-
 peared, the Foundations of Nations trembled.
 'The learned ones were bewildered, and wise men
 confounded, save tlioise who came near unto Thee,
 0 Beloved of the hearts of yearning!
The Holy Spirit through Bahh'u'llhh summons

 the Hosts of all Religions, and addresses
 Christians: " 0 Ye Concourse of the Son! "
                           ARE YE HIDDEN FROM MY SELF,
                               BECAUSE OF MY NAME!

As God was made manifest through the Christ
 Spirit in Jesus, the Son; so also, in this Day of
 Visitation, by the power of the same Spirit, is God
 the Father made manifest through Bahi'u'IlAh.
 And in these Latter Days, He summons the
 peoples of all Religions to the Heavenly Banquet
 of Divine. Unity, to "consort with each other with
 fragrance." Addressing Christians, in the same
 spirit of love with which Jesus yearned over Jeru-
 salem, He says:
"What maketh you to doubt? Ye have called
 for your Lord the Self-Dependent, night and day,
 and when He hath come from the Heaven'of Pre-
 Existence in His Greatest Glory, Ye have not ap-
 proached Him, and were of the heedless."
"Then consider those who turned away from
 the -Spirit (Christ) when He came to them, in mani-
 fest power. How- many of the Pharisees were
 abiding in the Temples of His Name, and were
 entreating because of separation from Blim! But
 when the Gate of Union was opened and the Light
 shone forth from the Day-spring of Beauty, they
 disbelieved in God, the Exalted, the Great, and
 did not attain to His Visitation, after having been
 promised thereto in the Book of Isaiah, as well
 as in the Books of the Prophets and the Apostles.
 No one of them approached the Dayspring of
 Favour except those who were of no account
 among the people, but in wnose names all the lords
 of evident bonour boast to the present day. Re-
 inemberia the most learned doctors of His country,
 in His Age, condemned Him to be killed, whilst
 one who was a catcher of fishes believed- in Him.
 Be astonished thereat and be of those who re-
"Likewise, look at this time. How many monks
 were abiding in churches and calling for the Spirit,
 and when He came in Truth, they approached Him
 not and were of those who are afar! Blessed is
 whosoever abandoned them, and approached the
 Aim of all that is in the heavens and earth. They
 read the Gospel and confess not the Glorious Lord,
 after He has come in His. Holy, Mighty and GlGri-
 ous Kingdom."

" Do you suppose that He hath desired His Life
 after being at every instant under the swords of
 the enemy? Or that He hath desired the world
 After being imprisoned in the most ruined of cities?
 Open the doors of your minds; for, verilyY the
 Spirit standeth behind them."
                   om Him who
"What maketh you to keep afar fr
 hath come from Heaven as He came from it the
 first time? Beware lest ye contradict that which
 He saith, as the nations before you contradicted
 that which Christ said. Thus do I make known to
 you the Truth,- if you are of those that I know. . .
"Proclaim: Surely the Father hath come and
 hath fulfilled that whereunto you were promised in
 the Kingdom of God. This is the Word the Son

 veiled when He said to those around Him that at
 that -time they could not bear it; but when the
 stated time was ended and the hour arrived, the
 Word shone forth from the Horizon of the Will.
 Beware, 0 Concourse of the Son, cast it not behind
"Verily,g He, the Son beareth witness to Me,
 ,and I bear witness to Him; verily, He desired
 naught but My Person, whereunto bear witness
 all those just ones who -know. Verily
                                                  in the
 midst of afflictions we are inviting you to God the
 Lord of the Names. Say: Continue in that
 which is promised unto you in the Books of God,
 and walk not in the path of the ignorant. "
" Surely my body is imprisoned for the salvation
 of your souls; then draw nigh to the Face, and
 follow not all the obstinate proud ones. Verily,
 He hath accepted the greatest abasement for your
 honour, and ye are diverting yourselves in the
 valley of heedlessness. Verily, He is in the most
 ruined of houses for your sakes, and ye are sitting
 in palaces."
"Say: Have ye not heard the sound of the hvoice
 of Him (the BAb) who is crying in the wilderness
 of the Beyan, proclaiming to you your merciful
 Lord? Know that surely He hath come in the
 Truth, in the shadow of Demonstration, with
 Proof, and Argumerit, and the Unitarians are be-
 holding the Kingdom before their faces. Blessed
 is He who approacheth Him, and woe to all de-
 niers and doubters! "
"Say-unto the Priest that the Chief hath surely
 come. Then emerge from behind the veil, in the
 Name of thy Lord, and proclaim to the people this
 Greatest and Exalted Manifestation. Verily, the
 -Spirit of Truth hath come to guide you into all
 Truth: Verily He speaketh not unto you from
 Himself, nay, but rather from the All-Knowing
 and Wise.
"Proclaim: He is the One Whom the Son hath
 glorified, and whose Command He hath upraised.
 Aban on that which is before you, 0 people of
 -the earth, and take that which is commanded you

 by the Powerful, the Faithful: Purify your ears
 and turn your minds to hear the sweet Call which
 ha-th arisen from the direction of Sinai, the abode
 of your Most Gracious - (Abha) Lord. Verily, He
 attracts you unto a station wherein you will behold
 the Lights of the Face, which hath shone forth
 from this brilliant Seclusion."
 He who inviteth the people in My Name, he is
 of Me, and from him will appear that which will
 be beyond the power of all that is in the earth.
 Then follow the path of the Lord, and follow not
 the heedless. Blessed is the sleeper who is awak-
 ened by these Powers, and will stand up amongst
 the dead, directing himself in the path of the
 Lord; verily he is of the essence of the creatures

     WIN all
 - 77W
 before the True One, verily he is of those who
 have attained."
"Say: Verily, He hath shone from the direction
 of the Orient,'and His -Signs have appeared in the
 Occident. Think thereupon, 0 people, and be not
 like unto those who neglected the Remembrancer
 when Ile came unto them from before the Mighty,
 the Laudable."
 - "Be awakened by the Breezes of God! Verily
 they have blown in the world. Blessing to whom-
 soever hath found their fragrance and is of the
 assured. "
  "Say: The Body of the Beloved is yearning
 after the Cross, and His Head desireth the spear
 in the Path of the Merciful. Verily, the assault
 of the oppressors keepeth Him not from that which
 He desireth. Surely We have abandoned all
 things to the meeting of thy Lord, the Possessor
 of Names. Blessed are they who draw nigh to
 God, the Lord of the Day of Judgment.
The above is quoted from the "Lawh-el-Akdas"
 BahA'u'llAh's Message to Christians, which con-
 tinues as follows:-
 Blessed is the sleeper who is awakened by My
 Blessed is the dead who is quickened by My
 Blessed is the eye that is enlightened by My
 216 the seeker who sought the tent of My
  Majesty and My Greatness!
  Blessed is the affrightedone who took refuge
  under My Domes!
  Blessed is the thirsty one who hastened to'the
  Well-Spring of My Favour!
  Blessed is the hungry one who has forsaken his
  desire because of My Passion, and was pre-
  sent at the Table that descended from the
  Heaven of My grace for My elect!
  Blessed is the lowly who held to h the Rope of
  My Might, and the poor who took shelter

  under the shadow of the Canopy of My
  Blessed is the ignorant one who desired- the
  Kawther of My Knowledge, and the heed-
  less ones who held to the Rope of My Re-
  Blessed is the spirit who was stirred by My
  Breath and entered My Kingdom!
  Blessed is the soul whom the fragrance of My
  Union attracted to the Day-Spring of My
  Blessed is the ear which beard, and the eye which
  beheld and knew the Spirit of the Lord, the
  Possessor of Glory and dominion, and the
  Lord of Majesty and Might!
 Blessed are they who have attained!
  Blessed is whosoever is illurnined by the Sun of
  My Word!

 Blessed is whoso6er adorned his head with the
 wreatb:.of My Love!_
 Blessed is he who heard My grief and rose up for
 My assistance among My people!
 Blessed is he who was assured in My Word and
 stood up among the dead for My Remem-
 Blessed is he who performed My Covenant and
 was not prevented by the world from' enter-
 ing the Court of My Holiness!
 Blessed is he who cut himself off from all other
 than Me, soared - in the -ether of My Love,
 entered My Kingdom, perceived the
 dominions of My Might, drank the Kawther
 of My Favour and the Salsabil of My Grace,
 and was informed of My Command and of
 whatsoever was hidden in the Treasuries of
 My Words, and shone forth from the I-Tori-
 zon of Inner Significance -in My Com-
 memoration and My Praise! Verily, he is
 of Mine. May My Mercy, Grace, Favour
 and Glory be unto him! "
This Thank-offering is acknowledged in the in-
 terests of the BahA'i Cause, and unanimously ap-
 proved by the London Bahh'i Spiritual Assembly.
 . 1928.

'Abdu'l-Bahá in answer to questions put by
the Compiler and Others. Translated by
Laura Clifford Barney. (Kegan, Paul.)
 HIDDEN WORDS." Translations from the Per-
 sian and Arabic of Bahá'u'lláh.1/6.
 'ABDU'L-BAHA IN LONDON."           Addresses given
by 'Abdu'l-Bahá.              1/6.
(London: G. Bell & Son). -    1 3/-.
'Abdu'l-BahA.                     Translated by Johanna
(See. - E. T. Hall, 1, Norton Street, Higher
Broughton, Manchester).
  Ethel J. Rosenberg. (Burnside, Ltd.) 2d.
 " THE SPLENDOUR OF GOD." Eric' Hamniond.
  (London: John Murray.)        3/6.
 lyte Dreyfus.
 THE MODERN SOCIAL RELIGION." Horace Hol(London and Toronto: Sidgwick & Jackson.)
 Esslemont. (London: George Allen &
 Unwinj Ltd.)                   8/6.
 Myron H. Phelps. (London: Putnam &
 Son.) (Temp. O.P.)
 Browne, M.A., F.B.A., M.R.A.S., etc.
 (Cambridge University Press.)
 Thos. Kelly-Cheyne, Dr. Litt., D.D.
WHAT IS A BAHAI?   Dr. E. J. Esslemont.
(Burnside, Ltd.)                 7d.
 "THE BAHAI FAITH." G. Palgrave Simpson. 6d.

 By Lady Blomfield and Shoghi Effendi.
 (Apply 21, West Side, London, S.W.4.)
GOD's HEROES."Laura Clifford Barney.
i (London: Kegan Paul.)        12/6.
(London: Kegan Paul.)          71/6.
UNITY TRiumPHANT." Elizabeth       Herrick.
 Illustrated.(Londo n: Kegan, Paul.)
7/6.             Second Edition 3/6.

 " THE BOOK OF IGHAN." (Kitabu'l-Iqan.) 9/3.
  "TABLETSOFBAHA'U'LLAM." Comprising Tablet
  of Tarazat, Tablet- of the World, Words of
  Paraaise., Tajallayat, The Glad 'Tidings
  Tablet of Isbrakat.
 'Tablet of the Branch. Kitab-el-Ahd (The
 Will and Testament of BahAg'u'llAh), and
 Lawh-el-Aqdas (A Message to Chiistians).
 " THE SEVEN VALLEYS."             1/6.
 " SURAT-UL-HYKL."                 2/6.
  'Abdu'l-Bahá in answer to questions put by
  the Compiler and Others. 'Translated by
 Laura. Clifford Barney.       11/3.
 Myron Phelps.                 9/3.
" TABLETS OF 'ABDU'L-BAgUA. " Vols. 1. j II., and
                  10/6 each Vol.
 " DIVINE PIHLOSOPHY."                Talks of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
  delivered in Europe.,Compiled by Isobel
  Fraser-Chamberlain.            4/6.
 " DIVINE COMMON SENSE." The World's Greatest
 Prisoner to His Prison Friends. Compiled
 bv Isobel Fraser-Charriberlain.
 First Volume of American Addresses of

 'Abdu'l-Bahá, with Introduction by Howard
 McNutt.                         13/6.
 BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS I  Thornton Chase.
 Mason Reiney-                     4/6.
 " THE BAHAI PROOFS. Mirza Abul Fazl.7/6.
 MARTYRDOMS IN PERSIA. 1903."Hadji Mirza
 Hayder Ali.                         9d
 THE 13AgUlAl REVELATION." Thornton Chase. 4/6.
 IN 1899. " Margaret B. Peeke.     1/-.
                      h'.   ~7

 9 3P A
    GOD'S HEROES." Laura Clifford Barney. (Lip-
pmeott. Philadelphia.)
    BAmu: THE SPIRIT -OF THE AGE." Horace
Holly. (Brentano's.)
    THE ORIENTAL ROSE." Mary Hanford Ford.
(New York: Broadway Publishing Society.)
given by Jenabe FAzl, of Mazandaran, in
Seattle, U.S.A., in 1921.
 MENT. ' g9 Chas. Mason Remey.   2/6.
    THE DREAM OF GOD." Albert Durrant Watson.
A Poem.
IN GALILEE." Thornton Chase.,   1/9.
Alma Knobloch.                  1/6.
  Goodall.                      1/9.
Grundy'h                      1/9.
M. J. M.
 Mrs. George T. Winterburn.      1/6.
Finch and Misses Knoblocli.
S. Agnew.
 UNITY THROUGH LOVE." Howard McNutt. 1/6.
Where the Publisher's name is not mentioned
 the above books are obtainable from the Bahá'í
 Publishing Sociiety, .508, South Dearborn Street,
 Chicago, U.S.A.; or from- Burnside, Ltd., '9,
 BeaconsfieldhTerrace Road, Blythe Road, London,

sion of " Some Answered Questions." Hip-
polyte Dreyfus.
Trad. Francaise par Hippolyte Dreyfus.
(Paris: Ernest Leroux. 1909 .)
    LE EPITRE Au FILS Du Loup." Trad. Francaise
par Hippolyte Dreyfus. (Paris : Libraire
Honore Champion. 1913.)
    L'OUVRE DE BAHAOU'LLAH. ~ ' Tome Premier.
Traduction francaise par Hippolyte Dreyfus.
(Paris: Ernest Leroux. 1923.)
                 Prix 8 francs.

    STAR OF THE WEST. In English and Persian.
Now in-the 13th year. The back numbers of
this Magazine, which can be had bound in
annual volumes, contain a wealth of informa-
tion about the History and Teachings of the
Movement. Published 12 times a year by the
Publications Committee of the Bahá'í Temple
Unity-. Address: Bahá'í News Service, P.O.
Box 283, Chicago, Ill.., U.-S.A.
Issued Quarterly. Editor and -Publisher:
Ella H. Robarts, 75, Revere Street, Boston,
Mass., U.S.A.
    BMw NEWS." In English and Persian. Edited
and Published every month in the interests of
the Bahá'í Movement from India, by Mr.
Shirazi, 1059, Elphinstone Street, Camp
 SONNE DER WAHREIT." Organ of the German
Bahá'í Btind. Published monthly. Verlag
des Deutchen, Bahá'í Bundes, Stuttgart,
11olderlinstrasse, 85.
 TnE DAINN." In English, Burmese, and Per-
sian. Syed Mustapha Roumie, No. 2-13,
41st Street, Rangoon, (Burma).
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