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[with editing and end notes by Barbara Sims] Bahá'í Publishing Trust Osaka, Japan 1977 the beloved Guardian Shoghi Effendi whose guidance inspired the writing of this history |
CONTENTS FOREWORD ............................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 2 CHAP. I BEGINNING OF THE BAHÁ'Í FAITH AMONG JAPANESE ............... 4 First Japanese Bahá'ís Abdu'l-Bahá's Meeting with Japanese Bahá'í Travelers Pass through Japan CHAP. II BAHÁ'ÍS FROM HONOLULU GO TO JAPAN ......................... 7 George Jacob Augur M.D. Preparation for Work in Japan Toward Japan Arrival in Italy Voyage to Japan CHAP. III THE BAHÁ'Í CAUSE IN JAPAN ................................ 12 Arrival in Japan Establishing the First Bahá'í Meeting First Meeting with Japanese Esperantists First Japanese Bahá'í in Japan First Naw-Rúz in Japan First Celebration of May Twenty-third First Letter from Japan to Abdu'l-Bahá Martha Root in Japan Dr. and Mrs. Augur Arrive in Tokyo In Hiroshima Return to Tokyo Contribution to the Mashriqu'l-Adhkár Meeting Daiun Inouye Vasily Eroshenko Tokujiro Torii President Naruse and the Japan Women's College A Bahá'í Home in Tokyo Ichi Kamichika Tablets From Abdul-Bahá Reach Japan First Young Woman Bahá'í of the Far East November Twelfth Celebration in Tokyo Bahá'ís of Japan Stand Alone Akira Torii Last Visit of Dr. and Mrs. Augur to Japan CHAP. IV THE BAHÁ'Í CAUSE IN JAPAN 1919-1923 ...................... 30 Tablets Received from Abdul-Bahá Voyage to Japan Arrival in Japan The Day of the Covenant A Fire A New Bahá'í Home in Tokyo First Girls' Bahá'í Meeting in Japan Japanese Girls Receive Tablets The Star of the East Seven Tablets to Japanese Christmas Tree Party Messages From Abdul-Bahá Second Year of the Star of the East The Ascension of Abdu'l-Bahá Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablets to Japan New Era in the Cause1922 Martha Root's Second Visit to Japan Esperantists of Nagoya, Kyoto, Kobe and Tokyo The Great Earthquake Interval 1923-1928 CHAP. V THE BAHÁ'Í MESSAGE TAKEN FROM JAPAN TO CHINA .............. 55 Meeting the Editor of the Canton Times Chinese Students Visit Japan Letters from Chinese Students In China with Martha Root in 1923 With Martha Root in Shanghai in 1930 Miss Fung-Ling Liu Visits Tokyo Professor R.F. Piper Meets Shanghai Bahá'ís Dr. Yun-Siang Tsao CHAP. VI THE BAHÁ'Í MESSAGE REACHES KOREA THROUGH JAPAN ........... 64 Oh Sang Sun Doors Open to Korea Arrival in Seoul Last Tablets from Abdu'l-Bahá Second Visit in Seoul CHAP. VII THE BAHÁ'Í CAUSE IN JAPAN 1928-1933 ...................... 70 Return to Japan Dr. R. Masujima All Japanese Religions Conference Messages From Shoghi Effendi Martha Root's Third Visit to Japan Keith Ransom-Kehler in Japan Visits in Japanese Homes First Bahá'í Assembly of Japan Visit to Hokkaido Esslemont Book Translated Into Japanese Return to Honolulu Letters From Japan CHAP. VIII THE BAHÁ'Í CAUSE IN JAPAN 1935-1937 ..................... 89 Return to Japan In the Torii Home in Kyoto A New Home in Tokyo Japan-American Student Conference Esslemont Book in Japanese Braille November 26, 1936 Visit to Yanai In the Torii Home CHAP. IX FROM JAPAN TO PALESTINE .................................. 98 Leaving Tokyo The Voyage Arrival at Port Said Arrival in Haifa A Japanese Scroll Visit to Jerusalem Visit to Bahjí Words of Shoghi Effendi Martha Root's Fourth Visit to Japan ILLUSTRATIONS Christmas Party .............................................. 11 Early Group .................................................. 29 Bahá'í Girls ................................................. 36 Miss Alexander and Miss Root ................................. 63 In Korea; Miss Root and the Toriis ........................... 69 Miss Alexander and Mrs. Maxwell .............................. 88 Miss Alexander with Two Esperanto Groups .................... 105 AFTERWORD .......................................................... 105 APPENDIX References in Bahá'í Literature to Japan .................... 106 EDITORIAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES by Barbara Sims ............................................. 108